0-DAYS EbookZ and more. Part 2

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


wrz.netz написал(а):


Выяснил, что после переименования последних архивов из arr в rar они не распаковываються.
Но ЕСЛИ НЕ переименовывать, то все работает. Использую команду "Open With" далее вибираю rar и все распаковываеться
Да, я тоже заметил это, уже собирался "пожаловаться", но нашел предложенное Вами решение. Поxоже, что ошибка в WinRAR (он почему-то считает после переименования, что это multipart archive), xотя до определенного момента это работало.


echo написал(а):
Да, я тоже заметил это, уже собирался "пожаловаться", но нашел предложенное Вами решение. Поxоже, что ошибка в WinRAR (он почему-то считает после переименования, что это multipart archive), xотя до определенного момента это работало.

А это потому, что архивация происходит при помощи самостоятельно написаной программы. Видимо, до фирменного WinRAR ей еще далеко :)


ex-Team DUMPz
wrz.netz , ты еще не нашел, как теги из описания повыкидывать? Это не смертельно, но глаза режет :)


Нашел. Например, пока при помощи другой программы :)

Проблема то том, что теги не убирать надо, а выполнять. Т.е. заменять на нормально отоброжающиеся выражения. например, для списков.

В мою "программку" вделаю пока вечером регулярные выражения, чтобы теги больше НЕ появлялись.

Я могу быстро посты "переработать". Проблема только в том, что они "не по дням". Т.е в одном посте книги из нескольких дней. нельзя ли их "рзделить" ?
Последнее редактирование модератором:



Collaboration Explained : Facilitation Skills for Software Project Leaders (Agile Software Development Series)

Product Details
Author(s): Jean Tabaka
ISBN: 0321268776
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Year: 2006
Pages: 456

Product Description

eBook: Addison.Wesley.Collaboration.Explained.Facilitation.Skills.for.Software.Project.Leaders.Jan.2006.eBook-BBL
file: 2006_0113_netz.ru_a-w.c.e.f.s.f.s.p.l.j.2.e.arr [676] KB



1227 request


Business Processes: Operational Solutions for SAP Implementation

Product Details
Author(s): Victor Portougal,David Sundaram
ISBN: 1591409799
Publisher: IRM Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 329

Product Description
Business Processes: Operational Solutions for SAP Implementation deals with enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems implementation, and also business operations/processes and information systems
to support business operations/processes. There are a large number of books treating ERP implementation,
operations management and information systems separately, but books dedicated to all three topics
applied to practical issues of ERP implementation are scarce. However, teaching ERP merely as software
does not work. Uniting these three topics in one book allows the reader to avoid the problems of teaching
separate fields and then connecting them in one complex solution, providing the opportunity to better
educate students.

eBook: IRM.Press.Business.Processes.Operational.Solutions.for.SAP.Implementation.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
file: 2005_1227_netz.ru_i-p.b.p.o.s.f.s.i.d.2.e.arr [3918] KB



Old Age

Product Details
ISBN: 0415268230
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2003
Pages: 208

Product Description
<P>In today's western societies, it is quite common for nearly a quarter of the population to be retired,
for fewer babies to be born than is required to sustain the size of the population and for life expectancy
to exceed eighty years old. This book provides an in-depth overview of the key issues arising from this
demographic change, examining the universal characteristics of aging and what makes old age unique
in the contemporary world. The author also examines issues ranging from the social construction, diversity
and identity of old age to areas of social conflict over population, pensions and the medicalization
of old age. Vincent's examination is both timely and much-needed.</P>

eBook: Old.Age.eBook-EEn
file: 2005_1227_netz.ru_o-a.e.arr [734] KB



Young People, Housing and Social Policy

Product Details
ISBN: 0415185793
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 1999
Pages: 205

Product Description
Recent years have witnessed increasing interest in policy issues relating to young people, yet have
seen scant attention paid to the issue of their housing needs. Focusing on housing and social policy issues
in contemporary Britain, this collection examines a range of government policy initiatives and offers
a bold critique of policy assumptions about "appropriate" housing for young people. Using the latest
empirical research, well-known figures in the field of housing studies discuss topics such as young
people leaving health care, youth homelessness, students in the private rented sector, young owner
occupiers, housing benefits for the under-25 age range, young single parent families, housing in rural
areas, and social housing for young people. Contributors: Isobel Anderson, Nina Biehal, Roger Burrows,
Bob Coles, Janet Ford, Anwen Jones, Nicholas Pleace, Deborah Quilgars, David Rhodes, Jenny Seavers,
Suzanne Speak, and Jim Wade.

eBook: Young.People.Housing.and.Social.Policy.eBook-EEn
file: 2005_1227_netz.ru_y-p.h.a.s.p.e.arr [893] KB



Youth and Coping in Twelve Nations: Surveys of 18-20 Year Old Young People

Product Details
ISBN: 0415217156
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2001
Pages: 320

Product Description

eBook: Youth.and.Coping.in.Twelve.Nations.eBook-EEn
file: 2005_1227_netz.ru_y-a.c.i.t.n.e.arr [1119] KB





Внимание 1231 заливаеться заново. Все пока книги удалены.

.... Все книги перезалиты. Может новые появились:) Please update your URLs
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Поскольку все теперь делаеться быстро, можно для полноты и старые дни долить :)


Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Step By Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))

Product Details
Author(s): George Shepherd
ISBN: 0735622019
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 464

Product Description
The Web application infrastructure ASP.NET, introduced as part of version 1.0 of the Microsoft .NET
Framework, provides the thin-client counterpart to Microsoft Windows® client development.
With dramatic improvements in performance, productivity, and security features, Microsoft Visual
Studio® 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 deliver a simplified, high-performance, and powerful Web development
experience. ASP.NET 2.0 features a new set of controls and infrastructure that simplify Web-based data
access and include functionality that facilitates code reuse, visual consistency, and aesthetic appeal.
Now you can teach yourself the essentials of working with ASP.NET 2.0 in the Visual Studio environment—one
step at a time. With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises.
Whether you’re a beginning programmer or new to this version of the technology, you’ll understand
the core capabilities and fundamental techniques for ASP.NET 2.0. Each chapter puts you to work, showing
you how, when, and why to use specific features of the ASP.NET 2.0 rapid application development environment
and guiding you as you create actual components and working applications for the Web, including advanced
features such as personalization.

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.ASP.dot.NET.2.0.Step.By.Step.Aug.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.m.a.d.n.s.b.s.a.2.e.izp [6433] KB



Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))

Product Details
Author(s): Michael Halvorson
ISBN: 0735621314
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 560

Product Description
Visual Basic 2005 focuses on enabling developers to rapidly build applications, with enhancements
across its visual designers, code editor, language, and debugger that help accelerate the development
and deployment of robust, elegant applications across the Web, a business group, or an enterprise. Now
you can teach yourself the essentials of working with Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005 and the new
features of the Visual Basic language—one step at a time. With STEP BY STEP, you work at your own pace
through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises. Whether you’re a beginning programmer or new to
this specific language, you’ll understand the core capabilities and fundamental techniques
for Visual Basic 2005. Each chapter puts you to work, showing you how, when, and why to use specific features
of Visual Basic and guiding as you create actual components and working applications for Microsoft Windows®.
You’ll also explore data management and Web-based development topics.

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Visual.Basic.2005.Step.by.Step.Oct.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.m.v.b.2.s.b.s.o.2.e.izp [4158] KB



Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))

Product Details
Author(s): John Sharp
ISBN: 0735621292
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 592

Product Description
Visual C#, a feature of Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005, is a modern programming language designed
to deliver a productive environment for creating business frameworks and reusable object-oriented
components. Now you can teach yourself essential techniques with Visual C#—and start building
components and Microsoft Windows®-based applications—one step at a time. With STEP BY STEP,
you work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises. Whether you’re a beginning
programmer or new to this particular language, you’ll learn how, when, and why to use specific features
of Visual C# 2005. Each chapter puts you to work, building your knowledge of core capabilities and guiding
you as create your first C#-based applications for Windows, data management, and the Web.

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Visual.C.Sharp.2005.Step.by.Step.Oct.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.m.v.s.2.s.b.s.o.2.e.izp [1640] KB



Microsoft Windows Registry Guide, Second Edition

Product Details
Author(s): Jerry Honeycutt
ISBN: 0735622183
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 608

Product Description
Get the in-depth information you need to modify—and seamlessly manage—the Windows registry.
Written for IT professionals and power users, this vital resource reveals little-known registry techniques,
tricks, tips, and secrets to make your job easier. Understand the inner workings of the Windows operating
system—and use the registry to get Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP to run the way you want, on a
single desktop or across the network. You’ll learn how to pinpoint registry settings and script
registry changes, deal with registry permissions, use Windows Installer, and map Tweak UI settings.
Also, find best practices for how to back up, restore, and maintain registry settings with confidence.
The CD includes 100+ registry files for customizing operating system appearance and behavior, and the
complete eBook. You’ll learn how to: <P>- Apply best practices to back up, restore, manage, and
modify the registry <P>- Customize group and system policies to manage multiple PCs and users remotely
<P>- Track down registry settings and script changes <P>- Optimize server services, including network
connections and authentication <P>- Deploy user profiles and Microsoft Office program settings <P>-
Configure security services, including Windows Firewall, templates, and service pack features <P>-
Troubleshoot the registry—resolving common problems and corruption issues

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Windows.Registry.Guide.2nd.Edition.Aug.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.m.w.r.g.2.e.a.2.e.izp [1873] KB



Programming INDIGO

Product Details
Author(s): David Pallmann
ISBN: 0735621519
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 624

Product Description

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Programming.INDIGO.Jul.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.p.i.j.2.e.izp [1631] KB



Working with Microsoft (r) Visual Studio(r) 2005 Team System

Product Details
Author(s): Richard Hundhausen
ISBN: 0735621853
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2005
Pages: 336

Product Description
Get a pragmatic overview of the new team-based system of products that bring Visual Studio development
tools to the enterprise—allowing architects, developers, testers, and project managers to collaborate
in a single, extensible development environment. With insights from the Microsoft Visual Studio product
team, early users, and the author's hands-on experience, readers will understand how to use this tightly
integrated set of lifecycle development tools to simplify cross-team communication, reduce development
complexity, accelerate productivity, and help save time and money.

eBook: Microsoft.Press.Working.with.Microsoft.Visual.Studio.2005.Team.System.Oct.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1223_wrz_m-p.w.w.m.v.s.2.t.s.o.2.e.izp [2313] KB



vladgangan написал(а):
А можно вот эти тесты? Чтобы было не сложно заливать можно и одним-двумя архивами все это на рапиду закинуть. Заранее спасибо.

.... skipped -------

---- Oracle ----


Может это немного подождать ? Для ""tests" нужно программу дополнить, а то без ИСБН никакой описания.

По Oracle есть такой пост (нашел на борде через "версию для печати")
Автор: afrland, Отправлено:23:39 11-11-2005

Oracle Cert. Kit

Actualtests.Oracle.1Z0-001.Introduction.to_Oracle.SQL.and.PL.SQL.Exam.08.19.05-BBL.rar 430 KB
ActualTests.Oracle.1Z0-023.Exam.Q.and.A.09.07.05-DDU.rar 259 KB
ActualTests.Oracle.1Z0-025.rar 321 KB
ActualTests.Oracle.1Z0-026.rar 219 KB

ActualTests.Oracle.1Z0-030.Exam.Q.and.A.10.06.05-DDU.rar 1,219 KB
Actualtests.Oracle.1Z0-101.Develop.PL.SQL.Program.Units.Exam.08.19.05-BBL.rar 259 KB
ActualTests.Oracle.1Z0-141.Exam.Q.and.A.09.01.05-DDU.rar 960 KB


ex-Team DUMPz
За книги EEn TEAM отдельное спасибо.

Я могу быстро посты "переработать". Проблема только в том, что они "не по дням". Т.е в одном посте книги из нескольких дней. нельзя ли их "разделить" ?

Тебе можно, но и щас нормально получается :)

Лишний раз не нажимай на клавишу при постах :) . Удалил дубль.


pariman написал(а):
За книги EEn TEAM отдельное спасибо.

Тебе можно, но и щас нормально получается :)

Лишний раз не нажимай на клавишу при постах :) . Удалил дубль.

Что-то я это не очень понял.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


Мне казалось, что я 1226 уже постил. Сейчас накти не смог. Вот новые ссылки.


Pro ADO.NET 2.0 (Expert's Voice)

Product Details
Author(s): Sahil Malik
ISBN: 1590595122
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2005
Pages: 584

Product Description
Purchase this book and you'll get the free, fully searchable eBook&emdash;a
$25 value! (Details are printed inside the book.) (Pro ADO.NET 2.0) stands head and shoulders
above its competition. — Thomas Wagner, wagnerblog.com

(Sahil Malik) covers stuff that real developers are confronted with over and over everday. He intentionally
focuses on problem areas and how to address them. (And) the absolute best thing about this book is it's
readability. — Bill Ryan, Bill's House O Insomnia
Pro ADO.NET 2.0 is a guide and reference for.NET developers who are looking to further their
understanding of ADO.NET 2.0. This book takes a new approach, focusing on the practical tasks
like connecting to the database, retrieving data, and working with transactions, rather than rehashing
much of the MSDN documentation. Pro ADO.NET 2.0 offers the deep and much needed practical understanding,
viewpoint, and knowledge developers are looking for. This book explains what is available in
ADO.NET by associating it with the need to solve a practical problem and better architect an application,
rather than mugging up the hundreds of classes and properties available in the framework.

eBook: Apress.Pro.ADO.NET.2.0.Sep.2005.MERRY.CHRISTMAS.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1226_wrz_a-p.a.n.s.2.m.c.e.izp [6853] KB



Pro SQL Server 2005 (Pro)

Product Details
Author(s): Thomas Rizzo,Adam Machanic,Robin Dewson,Rob Walters,Joseph Sack,Julian Skinner,Louis Davidson
ISBN: 1590594770
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2005
Pages: 704

Product Description
Purchase this book and you'll get the free, fully searchable eBook&emdash;a
$25 value! (Details are printed inside the book.) SQL Server 2005 is
a landmark release of Microsoft's powerful relational database management system for the Windows platform,
and one that will change the way you architect your data systems and develop your data-driven applications.
Pro SQL Server 2005 takes a deep look at the full range of SQL Server enhancements, and includes meaningful
and relevant examples showing how these new features work and how you can build applications effectively.
This book provides a critical examination of all of the major new functionality in SQL Server 2005,
covering topics that are essential for DBAs and developers alike, including: T-SQL programming
CLR integration and assembly programming Using SQL Server Integration Services for
data extraction, transformation, and loading The new native XML datatype and how to use it
Security enhancements and Service Broker SQL Server 2005
is a vast new release and each author provides practical, in-depth coverage of the core topics in their
specialist areas &emdash; always illustrated with realistic examples. As a result, you'll be able to
work on your own SQL Server 2005 solutions quickly and painlessly. Ultimately, this book provides you
with a starting point, a roadmap, and then the tools and knowledge to exploit this powerful new database
to its fullest extent. So, sit back, fire up your computer and your brain and get ready to learn SQL Server

eBook: Apress.Pro.SQL.Server.2005.Oct.2005.MERRY.CHRISTMAS.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1226_wrz_a-p.s.s.2.o.2.m.c.e.izp [13710] KB



Pro SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (Pro)

Product Details
Author(s): Rodney Landrum,Walter J. Voytek II
ISBN: 1590594983
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2005
Pages: 400

Product Description
SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 is the latest version of the reporting technology from Microsoft,
providing the means to design, author, render, and deploy business reports to users, customers, and
employees, via the web or the company intranet. The reporting engine is built in to the SQL Server 2005
database (and provided as a free add-on with SQL Server 2000) and the report manager is integrated with
Visual Studio 2003, providing an effective and familiar environment for all SQL Server and .NET developers.
The book was written in parallel with a migration project, moving some 200 professional healthcare
reports from various reporting architectures to SQL Server Reporting Services, and so is steeped in
the day-to-day challenges, discoveries, and successes involved in delivering a successful reporting
solution with this technology. In this book, you will find step-by-step guides, best practices, and
real code examples that cover all of the common Reporting Services tasks.

eBook: Apress.Pro.SQL.Server.2005.Reporting.Services.Oct.2005.MERRY.CHRISTMAS.eBook-BBL
file: 2005_1226_wrz_a-p.s.s.2.r.s.o.2.m.c.e.izp [17922] KB




Pro DNS and BIND (Pro)

Product Details
Author(s): Ron Aitchison
ISBN: 1590594940
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2005
Pages: 608

Product Description
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the system created to map domain names to IP addresses, and is largely
responsible for the widespread popularity of the Internet due to the convenience it offers in calling
system resources by an easily recognizable name rather than a cryptic number. Given the critical nature
of this technology for ensuring smooth operation of Internet-based resources such as Web and mail servers,
it’s imperative that users fully understand key configuration, management and security principles.
Pro DNS and BIND guides readers through the often challenging array of features
surrounding DNS with a special focus on the World’s most diffuse DNS implementation, BIND (Berkeley
Internet Name Domain). Readers will learn not only about key DNS concepts, but also how to effectively
install, configure, deploy and manage BIND in enterprise environments.

eBook: Apress.Pro.DNS.and.BIND.Aug.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_a-p.d.a.b.a.2.e.arr [2776] KB



SQL Server 2000 Fast Answers for DBAs and Developers, Signature Edition

Product Details
Author(s): Joseph Sack
ISBN: 1590595920
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2005
Pages: 1016

Product Description
SQL Server 2000 is the leading relational database for the Windows platform. It's a full-featured,
enterprise-class database server, but its ease of use and maintenance makes it suitable whether you're
a junior, part-time, or advanced DBA or developer. SQL Server expert and author Joseph Sack covers all
SQL Server 2000 features, so you'll be able to rely on this book when you're in the field and need quick,
effective solutions. Included are hundreds of practical recipes that describe and demonstrate
the utility of a feature or function&emdash;with the minimum necessary background theory. This quick
and effective reference highlights the specifics of every SQL Server command or process. Further, this
special signature edition contains a searchable PDF of the book, making it ideal to use as both a desktop
reference, and a client-site field guide.

eBook: Apress.SQL.Server.2000.Fast.Answers.for.DBAs.and.Developers.Signature.Edition.Aug.2005.eBook-BBL
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_a-s.s.2.f.a.f.d.a.d.s.e.a.2.e.arr [9365] KB



Colonial Effects

Product Details
Author(s): Joseph A. Massad
ISBN: 023112323X
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Year: 2001
Pages: 276

Product Description
This book analyzes how modern Jordanian identity was created and defined. Massad studies two key
institutions, the law and the military, and uses them to create an original and precise analysis of the
development of Jordanian national identity in the postcolonial period.The author engages
recent scholarly debates on nationalism and richly fulfills the analytical promise of Michel Foucault's
insight that modern institutions of power have productive, not merely repressive or coercive, capacities
-- though Massad also stresses their continued repressive function.The argument is advanced
by a consideration of evidence, including images produced by state tourist agencies aimed at attracting
Western visitors, the changing and precarious position of women in the newly constructed national space,
and such practices as soccer games, music, songs, food, clothing, and shifting accents and dialects.

eBook: Colonial.Effects.The.Making.of.National.Identity.in.Jordan.eBook-EEn
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_c-e.t.m.o.n.i.i.j.e.arr [1340] KB



Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationships

Product Details
Author(s): Petter Gottschalk,Hans Solli-Saether
ISBN: null
Publisher: null
Year: null

Product Description
Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationships is a comprehensive guide on all the aspects of IT outsourcing,
and is highly commendable for practitioners, researchers, policy makers and consultants alike. This
book uses well-known theoretical perspectives and experiences learned from several business cases
to develop models and guidelines for the complex IT outsourcing process and emerging relationships.
It focuses on the important issues of strategy, structure, and management of IT outsourcing relationships
and answers the what, where, when and how to outsource and manage outsourcing contracts.

eBook: IRM.Press.Managing.Successful.IT.Outsourcing.Relationships.PDF.eBook-YYePG
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_i-p.m.s.i.o.r.p.e.arr [3009] KB



Manly States

Product Details
Author(s): Charlotte Hooper
ISBN: 0231120753
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Year: 2000
Pages: 224

Product Description
Much has been written on how masculinity shapes international relations, but little feminist scholarship
has focused on how international relations shape masculinity. Charlotte Hooper draws from feminist
theory to provide an account of the relationship between masculinity and power. She explores how the
theory and practice of international relations produces and sustains masculine identities and masculine
rivalries.This volume asserts that international politics shapes multiple masculinities
rather than one static masculinity, positing an interplay between a "hegemonic masculinity" (associated
with elite, western male power) and other subordinated, feminized masculinities (typically associated
with poor men, nonwestern men, men of color, and/or gay men). Employing feminist analyses to confront
gender-biased stereotyping in various fields of international political theory -- including academic
scholarship, journals, and popular literature like The Economist -- Hooper reconstructs the
nexus of international relations and gender politics during this age of globalization.

eBook: Manly.States.Masculinities.International.Relations.and.Gender.Politics.eBook-EEn
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_m-s.m.i.r.a.g.p.e.arr [7665] KB



Practical Criminal Investigations in Correctional Facilities

Product Details
Author(s): William R. Bell
ISBN: 0849311942
Publisher: CRC
Year: 2002
Pages: 328

Product Description
bars, many people believe that he is no longer a threat to society. However, the felonious activities
of confined inmates reach out into society every day. These inmates run lucrative drug operations, commit
fraud, hire contract murders, and commit a multitude of criminal offenses from inside the walls of our
prisons. This book provides an in-depth resource guide to the relatively new field of corrections investigation.
Illustrating the differences between street and prison investigations, Practical Criminal Investigations
in Correctional Facilities provides a detailed list of how tos as well as numerous captivating case histories
and photographs of actual crime scenes and evidentiary items. Chapters on intelligence gathering,
undercover operations, and the use of confidential informants will aid you in the complex crimes that
sometimes even involve officers and civilians. The book also covers legal aspects such as warrants,
court preparation, and testimony to help you take a case from investigation to prosecution.Prison investigators
must be able to respond effectively to every crime imaginable, from a grizzly homicide to a complex fraud
case. Whether you're a long-time administrator or a novice criminal justice professional, Practical
Criminal Investigations in Correctional Facilities gives you sound advice on how to handle crime in
a community in which 100% of the population are convicted felons.ABOUT THE AUTHORComing from a family
whose involvement with law enforcement dates back to the Civil War, William Bell's own education and
career spans more than thirty years. Greatly influenced by his father, a retired Police Inspector, he
began with the Dearborn, Michigan, Police Department where his responsibilities included work in road
patrol, SWAT, undercover narcotics, and pattern crime. For nearly twenty years the author has been employed
by the Colorado Department of Corrections, where he ultimately gained his expertise with the Criminal
Investigation Division. He is noted for taking the investigation of prison crime into the streets.

eBook: Practical.Criminal.Investigations.in.Correctional.Facilities.eBook-EEn
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_p-c.i.i.c.f.e.arr [10761] KB



Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, Third Edition

Product Details
Author(s): Alan S. Kaufman,Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger
ISBN: 0471735531
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2005
Pages: 816

Product Description
The classic text now updated with a new interpretive approach to the WAIS ;-III Assessing Adolescent
and Adult Intelligence, the classic text from Alan Kaufman and Elizabeth Lichtenberger, has consistently
provided the most comprehensive source of information on cognitive assessment of adults and adolescents.
The newly updated Third Edition provides important enhancements and additions that highlight the latest
research and interpretive methods for the WAIS ;-III. Augmenting the traditional "sequential" and
"simultaneous" WAIS ;-III interpretive methods, the authors present a new approach derived from Cattell-Horn-Carroll
(CHC) theory. This approach combines normative assessment (performance relative to age peers) with
ipsative assessment (performance relative to the person's own mean level). Following Flanagan and
Kaufman's work to develop a similar CHC approach for the WISC ;-IV, Kaufman and Lichtenberger have applied
this system to the WAIS ;-III profile of scores along with integrating recent WAIS ;-III literature.
Four appendices present the new method in depth. In addition to a detailed description, the authors provide
a blank interpretive worksheet to help examiners make the calculations and decisions needed for applying
the additional steps of the new system, and norms tables for the new WAIS ;-III subtest combinations added
in this approach. Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence remains the premier resource for the
field, covering not only the WAIS ;-III but also the WJ III ;, the KAIT, and several brief measures of intelligence,
as well as laying out a relevant, up-to-date discussion of the discipline. The new, theory-based interpretive
approach for the WAIS ;-III makes this a vital resource for practicing psychologists, as well as a comprehensive
text for graduate students.

eBook: Wiley.Assessing.Adolescent.and.Adult.Intelligence.3Rd.Ed.PDF.eBook-YYePG
file: 2006_0114_netz.ru_w-a.a.a.a.i.3.e.p.e.arr [12128] KB

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