Книги по операц. системам, их настройке, обслуживанию


ex-Team DUMPz
Andrew Hudson, Paul Hudson
Ubuntu 7.10 Linux Unleashed

This book provides detailed information on installing, using, and administering Ubuntu. You’ll learn how to set up a workstation or a server, and you’ll find complete details on Ubuntu’s easy-to-use desktop and productivity software. Ubuntu 7.10 Linux Unleashed includes a range of coverage: From the software you need in your everyday work, such as the OpenOffice.org productivity suite, to how to configure your Linux desktop to run smoothly using multiple printers, shell scripts, and more.

Дата публ: 28.12.07
ISBN-10: 0-672-32969-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-672-32969-2
Стр: 840
Формат: PDF
Размер архива: 12,6 МБ


ex-Team DUMPz
Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran
Essential Linux Device Drivers

Publisher: Prentice Hall
Date: March 27, 2008
Print ISBN-10: 0-13-239655-6
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-13-239655-4
Pages: 744

“Probably the most wide ranging and complete Linux device driver book I’ve read.”

--Alan Cox, Linux Guru and Key Kernel Developer

“Very comprehensive and detailed, covering almost every single Linux device driver type.”

--Theodore Ts’o, First Linux Kernel Developer in North America and Chief Platform Strategist of the Linux Foundation

The Most Practical Guide to Writing Linux Device Drivers

Linux now offers an exceptionally robust environment for driver development: with today’s kernels, what once required years of development time can be accomplished in days. In this practical, example-driven book, one of the world’s most experienced Linux driver developers systematically demonstrates how to develop reliable Linux drivers for virtually any device. Essential Linux Device Drivers is for any programmer with a working knowledge of operating systems and C, including programmers who have never written drivers before. Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran focuses on the essentials, bringing together all the concepts and techniques you need, while avoiding topics that only matter in highly specialized situations. Venkateswaran begins by reviewing the Linux 2.6 kernel capabilities that are most relevant to driver developers. He introduces simple device classes; then turns to serial buses such as I2C and SPI; external buses such as PCMCIA, PCI, and USB; video, audio, block, network, and wireless device drivers; user-space drivers; and drivers for embedded Linux–one of today’s fastest growing areas of Linux development. For each, Venkateswaran explains the technology, inspects relevant kernel source files, and walks through developing a complete example.

• Addresses drivers discussed in no other book, including drivers for I2C, video, sound, PCMCIA, and different types of flash memory

• Demystifies essential kernel services and facilities, including kernel threads and helper interfaces

• Teaches polling, asynchronous notification, and I/O control

• Introduces the Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol for embedded Linux drivers

• Covers multimedia device drivers using the Linux-Video subsystem and Linux-Audio framework

• Shows how Linux implements support for wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, Infrared, WiFi, and cellular networking

• Describes the entire driver development lifecycle, through debugging and maintenance

• Includes reference appendixes covering Linux assembly, BIOS calls, and Seq files

Формат: CHM
Размер архива: 4,26 МБ


Windows 2003 Security Design (70-298), при распаковке ругается на ошибку CRC в Part3 (70-298_lk.part3.rar), перезалейте пожалуйста.


NCLP: Novell Certified Linux Professional - 4 курса (2008)


Издательство: Novell
Автор: Novell
Год: 2008
Формат: pdf
Размер: ~ 10,9 Mb
Качество: хорошее
Язык: английский

Описание: The Novell Certified Linux Professional 10 (Novell CLP 10) is for people interested in being Linux administrators. Skills demonstrated by someone holding a Novell CLP 10 certification include:
* working with the Linux shell
* administering users, groups and file permissions
* configuring the network connection
* monitoring SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
* administering system initialization
* administering virtualization with Xen
* configuring and using Samba
* creating shell scripts

Novell CLP 10 courses include:
3070 - Upgrading to Certified Linux Professional 10
3071 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals
3072 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration
3073 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration

Раздача на нашем трекере.


Встретил Руссиновича 5 (наверно не сюда, скорее в безопасность, ну да ладно)

Mark Russinovich, Alex Ionescu, "Windows® Internals: Including Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, Fifth Edition (PRO-Developer)"
Microsoft Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0735625301 | 1232 pages | PDF | 15,1 MB
See how the core components of the Windows operating system work behind the scenes guided by a team of internationally renowned internals experts. Fully updated for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, this classic guide delivers key architectural insights on system design, debugging, performance, and support along with hands-on experiments to experience Windows internal behavior firsthand. Delve inside Windows architecture and internals: Understand how the core system and management mechanisms work from the object manager to services to the registry Explore internal system data structures using tools like the kernel debugger Grasp the scheduler's priority and CPU placement algorithms Go inside the Windows security model to see how it authorizes access to data Understand how Windows manages physical and virtual memory Tour the Windows networking stack from top to bottom including APIs, protocol drivers, and network adapter drivers Troubleshoot file-system access problems and system boot problems Learn how to analyze crashes


Таненбаум Э.
Современные операционные системы.
4-е изд.

Таненбаум Э., Бос Х.
Т18 Современные операционные системы. 4-е изд. — СПб.: Питер, 2015. — 1120 с.:
ил. — (Серия «Классика computer science»).
ISBN 978-5-496-01395-6
Эндрю Таненбаум представляет новое издание своего всемирного бестселлера, необходимое для
понимания функционирования современных операционных систем. Оно существенно отличается от
предыдущего и включает в себя сведения о последних достижениях в области информационных тех-
нологий. Например, глава о Windows Vista теперь заменена подробным рассмотрением Windows 8.1
как самой актуальной версии на момент написания книги. Появился объемный раздел, посвященный
операционной системе Android. Был обновлен материал, касающийся Unix и Linux, а также RAID-
систем. Гораздо больше внимания уделено мультиядерным и многоядерным системам, важность которых
в последние несколько лет постоянно возрастает. Появилась совершенно новая глава о виртуализации
и облачных вычислениях. Добавился большой объем нового материала об использовании ошибок кода,
о вредоносных программах и соответствующих мерах защиты. В книге в ясной и увлекательной форме
приводится множество важных подробностей, которых нет ни в одном другом издании.

Название: Современные операционные системы. 4-е изд.
Автор: Таненбаум Э., Бос Х.
Издательство: Питер
Год издания: 2015
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 1120
Качество: отличное
Язык: русский
ISBN: 978-5-49807-306-4

Размер: 13,26 Мб


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