Joomla & Mambo Components




Kite Photography - October 2007 Bonus Template

This template includes 2 menus that you can choose from: our new image menu (demoed on the dark theme) and the standard suckerfish style menu (demoed on the light theme). For the first time we introduce a content style slider saving some visual space on your page. There are 2 color themes available, a dark and light version

Game Vision - October 2007 Joomla Template

Game Vision brings your gaming site to the next level of design. When it's for a clan website, gaming backgrounds or just an informational site Game Vision gives you everything you need for a successful and professional gaming site.

Creative Edge - September 2007 Joomla Template

Creative Edge takes Joomla and gives it a creative touch. This template includes 8 different color themes but it isn't just the colors that change. Each color theme is almost like a separate template in itself. The template features the S5 width slider, S5 Box and the S5 Ultimate Drop Down. This template also uses unlimited accordion modules. The accordion functionality is activated by simply adding a class suffix to a module.

User Choice - August 2007 Joomla Template

Have you ever installed a template that wasn't quite the color you wanted but you used it anyway or maybe you're looking at a template now that you wish was a different shade of blue or the color you want isn't available at all? Well with User Choice that problem is gone! You pick just two colors to change the entire appearance of the site, including typography, backgrounds, module styles, read more buttons, back buttons, everything is effected by just two colors!

Your Store - July 2007 Joomla Template

We are very proud to announce the release or Your Store Shape 5's first eCommerce template. The template was designed to work directly with the VirtueMart shopping cart. It includes some great features such as 20 module positions, 10 different color themes and S5 Effects. Most importantly, Your Store comes along with a Brand New VirtueMart Menu module based of the mootools accordion menu!

Bliss - June 2007 Joomla Template

Bliss is the main template for June 2007. This template is loaded with features and extra goodies! With an amazing 21 color styles, 66 module styles, 17 module positions, 68 typography options and so much more Bliss is really in a class all by itself.

SphereDocs - May 2007 Bonus Template

SphereDocs is the Shape 5 bonus template for May. We have included several Mootools framework items. This template was designed with a very simple layout and look so your site related content is the main focus and not a template you publish on it.

eWorld - May 2007 Joomla Template

eWorld is perfect for any website and is filled with many web 2.0 characteristics plus multiple color variations!

All packs include :

VirtueMart Accordion Menu

This VirtueMart accordion menu module will display categories up to 3 levels deep.
The menu uses the Mootools JavaScript library. Once installed the admin side of the module allows for a user to change: font colors, font sizes, background colors and border styles.
You can choose either a black or white subcategory arrow and to enable mouse click or hover to display the subcategory links.

VirtueMart Accordion Menu - Expanded

The Expanded version of the VirtueMart Accordion Menu is stripped of all Javascript and will not conflict with other Javascript libraries your template or components/modules may be using.
All categories are visible (main and sub levels).
The expanded VirtueMart accordion menu module will display categories up to 3 levels deep. Once installed the admin side of the module allows for a user to change: font colors, font sizes, background colors and border styles.

S5 Image Fader - 1.5 Version

The S5 Image Fader is a great way to display banner ads and rotate through the images on your website with a nice fade effect plus many other options. The image fader is powered by S5 Effects.
This means you will not receive any conflicts with other javascript libraries, your template, modules or components you might be using.

S5 Image Fader - 1.0.x Version

The S5 Image Fader is a great way to display banner ads and rotate through the images on your website with a nice fade effect plus many other options.
The image fader is powered by S5 Effects. This means you will not receive any conflicts with other javascript libraries, your template, modules or components you might be using.

S5 Content Accordion

The Shape 5 Content Accordion will display any or all Joomla content in an accordion style menu.
The module has many configuration options such as open/close speed, open/close background images, and many padding/margin options.
NOTE: This module is powered by S5 Effects because of this you will not receive conflicts with any other javascript library you may be using on your website

S5 Tell A Friend

Shape 5 recommends "Tell A Friend" for use on ecommerce sites but is good for any site.
This is a great way for your customers to tell their friends about your products, pages or content.
Just click the "Tell A Friend" button, a popup appears, enter a message and email address and you're done!

S5 Map it with Google - Iframe

This module allows a user to enter their address and have it automatically map it on google to an address you specify in the administration side of the module.
NOTE: This version will only work when published to a Joomla page containing a wrapper.
The results will display inside the wrapper once the user submits.

S5 Map it with Google - No Popup

This module allows a user to enter their address and have it automatically map it on google to an address you specify in the administration side of the module.
NOTE: This version does not use a pop-up.


а по магазинам есть компонент?

Добавлено позднее:

и есть ли какиенить компоненты для интернет магазинов с закачкой прайсов из эксель?

Добавлено позднее:

надо что-то типа или под ВИАМАРТ
Последнее редактирование модератором:


кста Opposite это не Oppo на портале?
Нет, я там тоже Opposite, но все равно привет! =)



* mod_easypaypaypal(2).zip - The Easy Pay PayPal module is the most advanced paypal module available today for the Joomla CMS. It incorporates almost every feature of the "Website Payments Standard Integration Guide" specification by PayPal and makes them available as module parameters. It also contains it own CSS classes to allow for easy styling for your payment or donation button. Add background images, font changes, color etc. Choose from a wide range of button images or create your own custom buttons. The module has been designed to be easily duplicated across a site or even on a single page. Allowing you to put multiple payment items together on a single page.

* - The Ezeedragger allows you to position images around your site and then drag them to other positions.

* - Ezeeimage allows you to place and position images within module positions easily and quickly without the need to write any code.

* - Ezeelogo allows you to position your logo via a module position as opposed to hand editing CSS.It also includes a PNG fix, allowing you to use transparent PNG files.

* - The Modulehider allows a group of modules to be hidden or shown by clicking a button or bar above or below the module.

* - The Monobridge module provides an easy to use interface for the monoslideshow flash slideshow. This module DOES NOT include the slideshow itself. You will need to purchase a license for the slideshow and download it seperately from module makes installing the slideshow easy by setting up folders and paths for you automatically. It also installs a sample xml file and sample images and album. On top of this it makes most of the non xml setup features available as module parameters for you. There will be additional configuration required to upload your own images and alter the included XML file to use them.

* - The Ninja Kwik Menu will display your menu using the famous 'Kwik' effect with sliding, overlapping boxes. The Ninja Kwik supports both a horizontal and vertical layout, and has numerous layout options available. Via the uploading of additional images for alternate languages, this module can be made Joomfish compatible.

* - The Ninja Secret Panel allows you to place a hidden panel where you can display modules such as a login or contact form.The panel can be set via parameters to open via mouseover or mouse click, and to close via mouseout or clicking a close button.

* - The Ninja Eye is an adaption of Fabio Zhendi Nagao's excellent iFishEye script for mootools.This amazing mootools powered fish eye menu can display either vertically or horizontally and comes with a huge collection of over 50 different icons for you to use. You can also decide to hide certain menu items from users who aren't logged in. The Ninja Eye also comes with a PNG fix included for Internet Explorer 6.

* - Now You See Me allows you to hide or show modules depending on the access level of the viewer. It is most useful for selectively hiding modules from different users, such as hiding ads from administrators or subscribers.

* - Now You See Me - JACL allows you to hide or show modules depending on the access level of the viewer. It is most useful for selectively hiding modules from different users, such as hiding ads from administrators or subscribers. The JACL version of the Now You See Me module allows you to enter the group ids of the different access levels you wish to give access to. Giving JACL users the benefits of the Now You See Me Module.

* - The Modragulizer gives you the ability to drag and drop, and minimise / maximise the modules in a particular module position. No changes are required to the HTML of your site, though several new module positions will need to be added. Modules can currently only be dragged within the same module position.

Пароль/Password: Blu4RR



//  ##########################################################################  \\
//  #      __  ______    _______ ___   _____ __________  _ ____  ___________ #  \\
//  #     /  |/  /   |  / ____(_)   | / ___// ____/ __ \(_) __ \/_  __/ ___/ #  \\
//  #    / /|_/ / /| | / /_  / / /| | \__ \/ /   / /_/ / / /_/ / / /  \__ \  #  \\
//  #   / /  / / ___ |/ __/ / / ___ |___/ / /___/ _, _/ / ____/ / /  ___/ /  #  \\
//  # ©/_/  /_/_/  |_/_/   /_/_/  |_/____/\____/_/ |_/_/_/     /_/  /____/   #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #                              MAFiASCRiPTS                              #  \\
//  #                            OFFICIAL RELEASE                            #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                        Copyright © Mosets 2007                         #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # NAME        : Mosets Tree                                              #  \\
//  # VERSION     : 2.0.4                                                    #  \\
//  # TYPE        : Joomla! Directory Comp.                                  #  \\
//  # SUPPLIED    : MS Supplier                                              #  \\
//  # NULLED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # TESTED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # PACKAGED    : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # LANGUAGE    : PHP/MYSQL                                                #  \\
//  # PROTECTION  : REMOVED                                                  #  \\
//  # WEBSITE     :                                           #  \\
//  # MST PRICE   : 100% FREE                                                #  \\
//  # DISTRO      : VIA MS Forum only                                        #  \\
//  # DEMO        :                                     #  \\
//  # ADDONS      : n/a                                                      #  \\
//  # XTRA NOTE   : props goes to the contributors of this project           #  \\
//  # DOCS        : check 'docs' for installation info                       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #------------------------------ DESCRiPTiON -----------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #  Mosets Tree is a directory component for Joomla!. You can use Mosets  #  \\
//  #  Tree run a complex Yahoo! style directory directly inside your Joomla #  \\
//  #  website. Mosets Tree is designed to handle any data that requires a   #  \\
//  #  directory structure such as a Business Directory, Links Directory and #  \\ 
//  #  Scripts Directory.                                                    #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # We (MST) are a professional group, always strive to pursue the         #  \\
//  # quality standard in script releasing.                  #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  # Talents Needed:                                                        #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   * Experienced nuller/coder/programmer                                #  \\
//  #   * Retail scripts supplier                                            #  \\
//  #   * Quality Assurance Testers                                          #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # Knowledge & skills in the following are helpful:                       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   * ionCube, Zend/SafeGaurd                                            #  \\
//  #   * SourceGaurdian                                                     #  \\
//  #   * Codelock, SourceCop                                                #  \\
//  #   * PHP LockIt!                                                        #  \\
//  #   * PHPShield, PHPCIPHER                                               #  \\
//  #   * PHTML Encoder, CNCrypto                                            #  \\
//  #   * Base64, gzinflate, str_rot13                                       #  \\
//  #   * TrueBug PHP Encoder                                                #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # If you fit any of the above categories, and you want to be part        #  \\
//  # of an elite team. Please feel free to contact us today if you're       #  \\
//  # looking to help support our community.                                 #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # Please keep in mind that we do this for fun only and what we are not,  #  \\
//  # is a technical services company. Therefore, we DO NOT accept any email #  \\
//  # or PM with regards to the following issues/problems :                  #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  #    * installation                          #  \\
//  #    * upgrading                          #  \\
//  #    * bug fixes                          #  \\
//  #    * missing files or manuals                    #  \\
//  #    * requesting updates or new version of software                     #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  # Your messages will be ignored and discarded without notices!        #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  ################################# NOTICE #################################  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   We (MST) hold no responsibility for ANY releases. Use at your own    #  \\
//  #       discretion. If you like this software, then please buy it.       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #  We DO NOT provide technical support for any type of issues which may  #  \\
//  #  be related to:                                                        #  \\
//  #      (e.g. installation, buggy script, upgrade, poor coding & etc).    #  \\
//  #                                 #  \\
//  #  Additionally, we DON'T condone the redistribution or the uses of our  #  \\
//  #               release for any type of commercial gain.                 #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  ##########################################################################  \\



Phill Taylor' Pro Plugins, Nulled by DGT





JJ Ario Lite

Ario Lite is highly configurable to let you easily adapt the site’s layout using the various content display options. This means you can combine suffixes for varied styles and choose a page layout per component. We’ve made intelligent modules that allow one module position to display modules as if in a table layout of 3 columns and two rows without using tables, and 6 module positions by calculating the widths based on the number of modules assigned.
