Этническая/Фолк музыка



вот упоминалось h**p://epc.buffalo.edu/sound/mp3/ethno/

а вот здесь объяснения что и кто это:


<font color="darkorange">Спец</font>
Вот еще сайтик по ирладской и кельтской музыке.
Большое спасибо авторам сайта.
Вот начало списка того что там есть :
" Исполнители Ирландской, Английской традиционной музыки

Alan Stivell: Olympia Concert
Altan -2002- The Blue Idol
Avalon: A Celtic Legend
Brobdingnagian Bards
Clannad - rare mp3 & video clip
Connie Dover / Scartaglen (recommended)
Great Big Sea -2002- "Sea Of No Cares"
In Extremo: Die Verrueckten Sind In Der Stadt [live]
Lifescapes - Celtic Bagpipes
Loreena McKennitt (recommended)... "

З.Ы. Там же есть раздел с обложками на диски...довольно неплохого качества.


<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
Arvur написал(а):
Никому mp3 группы Мельница не попадались?
Конкретно интересует альбом "Master Of The Mill"
Уважаемый, читай, пожалуйста, правила форума!
Такие посты располагаются в разделе "запросы/поиск"


<font color="darkorange">Спец</font>
Arvur, BoJIoc прав. в следущий раз пиши свои запросы в топик "Поиск музыки". Твой пост в этой теме я сотру. А что бы тебя немного порадовать держи ссылку _http://music.lib.ru/m/melxnica/ - там почти полный альбом который ты просишь.


Дабы немного загладить оплошность... вот оно

Исполнитель: Мельница "Master of the Mill"
Год: 2004
Лейбл: CD Land
Стиль: Folk-Rock


Качаем: hxxp://plintus.lcm.msu.ru/~kocmo/MotM/
(ссылка не моя, но жить должна долго)

З.Ы. на hxxp://music.lib.ru/m/melxnica/ этого альбома нет
З.Ы.Ы. огромное спасибо cyberhermit'у
Последнее редактирование модератором:


<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon

Сергей Старостин & Волковтрио.
Было солнце

Дата релиза: 1999 г.
Лэйбл: GreenWave Records
Время звучания: 67.14
Качество: mp3, 192 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo

Сразу попадаешь в совершенно отдельный мир, достаточно мрачный и даже жутковатый. Кто-кто, а эти музыканты знают, как извлекать корни из сокровищницы фольклорных мотивов и из звучания необычных современному уху инструментов.

В основе лежат русские народные песни разных регионов центральной России. Для Волков-трио и Сергея Старостина фольклор - не материал, который нужно затесать под современные нужды, - а среда бытования их собственной музыки. Внутри этого пространства они абсолютно свободны, и вместе с тем - это настоящая традиция. Потому что суть традиции - в ее непрерывности.

Запредельная космическая глубина достигается мерной пульсацией живых инструментов, а не помпезными аккордами синтезаторов. Это опыт высадки на планете Русь - не сусальной, не пряничной, - враждебной в своей герметичности, в мощи своих первобытных жизненных энергий, неспешных ритмов, просторов…

Музыканты проделывают со своими инструментами такое, что забываешь, что это сыграно, что это музыка, что это вполне современная музыка, в конце концов. Понятие времени пропадает, точнее - принципиально меняется. Слушатель попадает в другое время не в смысле эпохи - в смысле его течения.

При записи применяли массу звукоизвлекающих приспособлений от гуслей до специальной собаки. На бэк-вокал пригласили горлового певца, тувинца Кайгал-оол Ховалыга. Также на диске слышна труба крупнейшего "джаз-востоковеда" Юрия Парфенова из джаз-бас-театра Алекса Ростоцкого.


=http://allfiles.ru/storage/210cef14f58621ba997577cea439107c/Sun_[Netz.Ru].rar (256 kbps)
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Есть фолковая музыка - украинская _http://www.ukrania.kiev.ua/ukr/songs.php
Коллектив очень таки интересный (тексты песен есть по ссылке первой)
Сами композиции


<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon


Sur Sudha
Images of Nepal

Original Release Date: March 24, 1998
Label: Domo Records
Total time: 58.42
Quality: mp3, 128 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo

The Nepalese trio Sur Sudha came together in the late 1980s for what amounts to a national-cultural mission. They set out to document the varieties of music in Nepal, and, given the remarkable contrasts in the landscape, it's no surprise that Sur Sudha's musical evocations span large distances. The musical highs and lows, though, are all kept within close reach of each other, reminding that Sur Sudha is a spare ensemble, employing only flute (Prem Rana Autari), sitar (Bijaya Vaidya), and tabla (Surendra Shrestha). The tunes here are compact, ranging from just over 5 to around 16 minutes, much in contrast to traditional Indian ragas, which can stretch to near eternity in their balance of drones and cyclic tabla rhythms. Like Indian music, these pieces feature each instrument closely entwined with the others, developing melodic units that spiral at a moderate and measured pace and featuring the sitar in a not-quite-drone role that sponges up the flute tones and wrings them back out in resonating solo segments. Listeners who enjoy standout solos as much as collective improvisations off raags (a musical scale similar to Indian ragas) will enjoy the work Sur Sudha has done to keep the band's direction balanced on an axis of expressive play. --Andrew Bartlett



Musafir - Barsaat(2002)

Кекоку-кейкооку! К нам приехал, к нам приехал... :) Цыганский табор из Раджастана.

Musafir - Barsaat(2002)
mp3 192kbit 44100Hz Stereo



Иран. Персидская музыка:
Shahram Nazeri - Sokhan-e-Tazeh
mp3 128Kbps 44100Hz Joint Stereo


Shahram Nazeri is one of Iran's most popular singers and a master of the Persian classical and Sufi repertoires. He was born to a musical Kurdish family in Kermanshah, Western Iran.Like Shajarian, his music career started with the help of his father at childhood.He joined Sufi ensembles at the age of eight. When he was eleven, he sang on Iranian television and started to study the traditional repertoire or radif. He became attracted to the mysteries of Sufism and its music and literature through the works of Mowlana Jelaladin Rumi, Sheikh Attar and others.He enjoyed the classes of the Persian music masters such as Abdullah Davami, Abdol Ali Vaziri, Jalal Zolfonoun, Mohammad Reza Shajarian and others. Since the provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdistan in western Iran are dominated with Sufism and the Dervish spinning around music, he showed great interest in this kind of traditional music, mostly accompanied by the poems of the Iranian transcendental poets like Rumi.

His teachers include some of the most important exponents of Persian music in this century - Abdollah Davami, Nourali Boroumand, and Mahmood Karimi.
His gentle voice as well as his unique style drew the attention of millions of Iranians in a very short time.He has several marvelous works such as Gol e Sad Barg (the one-hundred-leaf-flower), Yadegar e doust (the friend's memoir), Seda ye Sokhan e Eshgh (the sound of Love's Word), Shour Angiz (Joy Giver), and many others that impress any listener.He has won many prizes and has sung with the leading ensembles of Iran, Sheyda and Aref.

His performances in Europe, the Middle East, and North America have been acclaimed for their poetry and virtuosity.For sure, he is one of those at the top of Persian transcendental music.

Последнее редактирование модератором:


Daud Khan - Tribute to Afghanistan (2004)
mp3 VBR 44100Hz Stereo


The dearth of recordings of Afghan music available on the Western market does nothing to detract from the fact that this tribute by the maestro (ustad) DAUD KHAN to his homeland is an absolute masterpiece in its own right.

Ravaged by civil and geopolitical wars for over twenty years, Afghan culture, particularly the country's musical heritage, has risked complete annihilation. Ramifying into numerous genres from sung poetry (ghazals) to instrumental pieces to raga, this music is practised mainly in urban areas and has in the past had close ties with that of Pakistan and India. Many families of Afghan musicians are in fact related (either by marriage or through master-pupil filiations) with Indian families and the country's musical theory and terminology contains many Hindustani words such as raga and tala (the rhythmic cycle). It would wrong, however, to suppose that this reduces Afghanistan's musical heritage to the status of mere shadowplay. Afghan ragas are very different from their Indian counterparts especially in terms of playing style which, as on the first track of this CD privileges the quest for rhythmic emphasis.

A native of Kabul but for a long time resident in Germany where he directs the Academy of Indian Music in Cologne, DAUD KHAN is a virtuoso of the robab, whose teachers have included the late maestro Ustad Muhammad Umar a superlative artist who was equally at ease in popular and classical repertoires, gifts he has evidently passed on to DAUD KHAN. A plectrum-played lute with three main strings plus others for resonance, the robab has an interesting history. Regarded as the progenitor of the Indian sarod, it has a full-bodied sound rich in subtle echoes, qualities that DAUD KHAN effortlessly exploits to transport the listener to another dreamily ecstatic dimension.

Evident too on this CD is the rigorous discipline with which DAUD KHAN has patiently forged his art, showing how only through perfect and profound mastery of the raga and other styles can one hope to reach the heights of expressive liberty that are the true measure of an artist's ability. On this front DAUD KHAN presents us with a pair of stunning instrumental reworkings of originally sung ghazals (tracks 2 and 4) on which the melodic line acquires depth and texture without losing any of the rhythmic colouring that is so much a part of the beauty and strangeness of Afghani music. Tribute to Afghanistan opens a window onto a musical universe of rare intensity, one that has until now, for obvious reasons, remained almost completely in the dark. One hopes that the discovery and appreciation of this music can help to shed new light on its martyred birthplace and as DAUD KHAN himself says, keep alive the hope of an equable and lasting peace in the region.

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Celia Cruz - Queen Of Cuban Rhythm
(The Legendary Seeco Recordings 1959-1965)


Genre: Salsa
Label: Music Club
Release Date: 11-17-2003
Ripper: 0MNi-bU$$
Lenght: 66:49 min
Size: 92,0mb
Rip Rate: 192kbps

Сборник ранних работ кубинской певицы Селии Круз (1924 - 2003), каждый трек заряжен многими тысячами вольт кубинкой энергии... При прослушивании утром оказывает противовоспалительное, хамоотталкивающее, грустеутоляющее и тонизирущее действие. Может использоваться в качестве афродизиака. :) Проверено Электроником.


Наслаждайтесь, друзья! agadou14
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<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
Шведский фолк-рок



Original Release Date: 1994
Label: Northside Records
Total time: 47.43
Quality: mp3, 128 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo

The album starts with a low growl, building into the menace that becomes "Tass'on Nainen," and you're into the world of Hedningarna, where traditional Swedish instrumentation (and the vocals of Sanna Kurki-Suonio and Tellu Paulasto) meet studio electronics. As dark as anything produced by a goth band, it's a startling record that's pushed the Nordic sound to world music's cutting edge. The fiddles distort evilly; programmed beats blend with a frame drum. While Hedningarna mine territory that other Swedish bands such as Garmarna do, the sound on this record is their own, full and wild and a studio creation that never sounds overproduced. When the guitar cuts loose at the end of "SaglaTen," it becomes obvious that this is really the new and glorious sound of folk-rock, '90s style. The guest joiking by Wimme on "Tuuli" only serves to make the album even more otherworldly, but a passport isn't required. --Chris Nickson



<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
Шведский фолк-рок



Original Release Date: May 16, 1997
Label: Northside Records
Total time: 54.30
Quality: mp3, 256 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo

On their fourth album the Swedish folk-rockers are minus the female vocalists, and return to their original trio. Anders Stake, Bjorn Tollin and Hallbus Mattsson push the far edge of "folk" using ancient instruments like bagpipes, transverse flutes, oud and drums in electronic and acoustic versions. The songs all have roots in very old Swedish tradition, but the execution is pure modernity. With guests like Wimme Saari, the famed Finnish "joiker" and Norwegian guitarist Knut Reiersrud they have forged a new sound for Scandinavia ... again. --Louis Gibson



<font color="darkorange">Спец</font>
Еще немного ирландцев...

Clannad and Enya
"Magical Ring" 1983 год


01 Theme From Harry's Game
02 Tower Hill
03 Seachran Charn tSiail
04 Passing Time
05 Coinleach Glas An Fhomhair
06 I See Red
07 Ta Me Mo Shui
08 Newgrange
09 The Fairy Queen
10 Thiys Fc'n Chysta

Качество : 192
Размер : 43 мб

Берем тут :

Пароль на распаковку : netz

Если кому интересно могу выложить остальные альбомы :) .


<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
Шотландская волынка


Fred Morrison
Broken Chanter

Original Release Date: June 11, 1995
Label: Lismo
Total time: 46.48
Quality: mp3, 256 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo
