Этническая/Фолк музыка



Maria Rita - Segundo (Brazilian Music)



[Arabian Nights] [Marrakesh Experience]
[Арабские ночи] [Вглубь Морокко]


один файл мп3 длинной в [46.7 mb]
Mне композиция понравилась. Из сборника Global Chillout.




Huun-Huur-Tu - 60 Horses in My Herd (1993)

Huun-Huur-Tu - The Orphan's Lament (1994)

Angelite & Huun-Huur-Tu - Fly Fly My Sadness(1996)

Huun-Huur-Tu & Malerija (2002) - Remix album

Huun-Huur-Tu - Spirits from Tuva (2003) - remixed

Huun-Huur-Tu - Altai Sayan Tandy-Uula (2004)




Latin dance beat - various artist - genre salsa


part1 =http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L8GWNI06
part2 =http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XQLDGS5D
part3 =http://www.megaupload.com/?d=08DT1S46

01 - Fania All Stars - Bamboleo
02 - Jose Alberto - A La Hora Que Liame Voy
03 - Chichi Peralta - Pa' Otro La'o
04 - Ray Baretto - No Me Paren La Salsa
05 - Willie Colon & Celia Cruz - Usted Abuso
06 - Cheo Feliciano - El Raton
07 - Oscar D'Leon - Lioraras
08 - Orquesta Guayacan - Torero
09 - India - Dicen Que Soy
10 - Tito Puente & His Ochestra - Oye Como Va
11 - Pablo Pueblo
12 - Azucar
13 - Cabello Viejo
14 - La Chica De Nieve
15 - El Tumbaito

качество - не известно.



Sur Sudha - Images of Nepal


Исполнитель: Sur Sudha
Диск: Images of Nepal
Год выпуска: 1998
Стиль: Этно - Ситара
Формат: mp3
Битрейт: 192 кб/с
=Кол-во композиций:
Размер: 80 Мб
Время звучания: 00:58:00

1. Raja Mati 14:25
2. Resham Firiri 5:15
3. A Fisherman's Song 9:58
4. Stutee (Prayer) 12:28
5. Nayaki Kanghada 15:57

Изумительно иллюстрированный компакт-диск представляетнам трио традиционной непальской музыки, исполняющее ее в современной форме,но делающее это очень бережно и доносящее до слушателя сам дух этой оченьдревней страны. Первые же звуки уводят вас высоко в Гималаи к облакам,струящимся звонким ручьям, седым монастырям, а затем спускают вниз, в жаркиевлажные зеленые долины, к людям, начинающим день с молитвы, работающимв поле или вытаскивающим сети с рыбой, рассказывающим вечернюю сказку своимдетям...

Музыка действительно завораживает. Прем Рана (Prem Rana)на флейте, Бижайя Вайдия (Bijaya Vaidya) на ситаре и Суренда Шрестха (SurendaShrestha) на таблах плетут паутину мелодий и ритмов с поистине восточнымкропотливым изяществом. Непальская музыка очень похожа на индийскую, итот, кто слышал классические раги в исполнении Рави Шанкара (Ravi Shankar),хорошо представляет, что это такое. (Фирма "Мелодия" выпускалав свое время его пластинки.) На европейский слух она кажется несколькооднообразной, но виноват здесь, как ни странно, восточный изощренный слух,разбивший звукоряд на гораздо большее число нот и вместо двух тональностей— мажорной и минорной — наизобретавший их целую кучу, но меньше отличающихсядруг от друга.

Мне кажется, что любители джаза должны быть более подготовленнымик таким изощрениям, ведь блюзовые тона тоже выходят за рамки классических,и, вообще, джазменам не привыкать к экспериментаторству. World music впоследнее время пользуется в мире все большей популярностью, причиной чему— частые и обширные концертные туры разнообразных исполнителей. Вот и трио"Sur Sudha", за десять лет своего существования дало более тысячи(!)концертов в самых разных странах. У себя на родине, в Гималаях, они постоянноездят из одного селения в другое, собирают образцы народной музыки — свадебной,религиозной, праздничной, траурной — и делают целые сюиты-импровизациина их основе.

На диске записано всего пять композиций, разных по тематике.Здесь есть обработки и народных песен, и медитативных молитвенных мелодий,и импровизаций на классические древние восточные темы. Никакой скидки на"европейское ухо" не делается — современная интерпретация отличаетсятолько меньшей строгостью и большим разнообразием приемов. Все три инструментасовершенно равнозначны. Ситар задает как бы фон, канву повествования, направляетего в нужное русло, флейта ведет тему и все они перекликаются с таблой,которая не просто отбивает такт, а исполняет сложную ритмическую мелодию,причем одновременно в высоком и низком регистрах.

Можно назвать это экзотикой и отмахнуться, как от очередногоансамбля народной музыки, а можно вслушаться и открыть притягательный иневедомый доселе мир звуков.




Ravi Shankar - Sound of the Sitar


Исполнитель: Ravi Shankar
Диск: Sound of the Sitar
Год выпуска: 2000
Стиль: Этно - Ситара
Формат: mp3
Битрейт: 320 кб/с
Кол-во композиций: 4
Размер: 94 Мб
Время звучания: 00:40:00

1. Raga Malkauns: I. Alap
2. Raga Malkauns: II. Jor
3. Tala Sawari
4. Pahari Dhun



More & More Brazilian Music









Dom Um Romao, Claudio Roditi, Alan Rubin, Jack Jeffries, Tom Malone, Sonny Fortune, Ronnie Cuber, Mauricio Smith, Lou del Gatto, Pat Dixon, Ulysses Kirksey, Dom Salvador, Ricardo Peixoto, Sivuca, Ron Carter, Juan "Tito" Russo, Steve Kroon, Julie Janeiro, Gloria Oliveira. Recorded in January & February 1976.

Notes :

Known world-round for his classic work with Sergio Mendes and Weather Report, percussionist Dom Um Romao is one of the greatest Brazilian musicians of all time -- and this compilation of 1976 recordings for Pablo has him playing in a nice raw groove! The tracks have a beautifully jazzy sound, and feature lots of great Latin players, like Claudio Roditi, Ronnie Cuber, Dom Salvador, and Mauricio Smith. The group's joined by Sivuca, who adds his usual delightful tone to a number of tracks on the album. Titles include "Spring", "Cicso Two", "Piparapara", "Tumbalele", "Escravos De Jo", and "Mistura


pass : agentdouble


Baden Powell (git)
Jorge Ferreira da Silva (fl)
Pedro dos Santos (sorongo)
Joao Batista, Stockler Pimentel (dr)
unknown bass player

BrazilOnGuitar says: Baden Powell's "A Vontade" - which means feeling very relaxed - can be seen as the true first and personal album on Elenco, which was recorded in 1963. Finally, he left behind musical conventions and the heavily orchestrated arrangements of the fifties. With Bossa Nova having highest commercial success at that time he still plays his Afro-Sambas and shows his own musical point of view.

Baden Powell plays in his preferred small combo setting, often even without a bass player. The record opens with an instrumental version of the hit Garota de Ipanema which is followed by Baden Powell's Berimbau. Some titles will be recorded only once, others he would record and perform many times. The last song, Samba Triste, comes in a slower solo version, partly sounding like an accompaniment version.


thanks : fado


Lisa Ono is one of the best Japanese interpreters of contemporary bossa nova. A singer, violonista (acoustic guitar player), and songwriter, she has had her albums released internationally. To date, she has recorded 12 albums (Catupiry, 1989; Nanã, 1990; Menina, 1991; Serenata Carioca, 1992; Namorada, 1993; Esperança, 1994; Minha Saudade, 1995; Rio Bossa, 1996; Essência, 1997; Bossa Carioca, 1998; Dream, 1999; and Pretty World, 2000) with special appearances by top artists like Tom Jobim, Sivuca, Paulo Moura, Danilo Caymmi, and Toots Thielemans. Having lived in Brazil until she was ten, she took advantage of her father's connections -- he was the owner of a concurred nightclub in the city of São Paulo and was Baden Powell's manager. Moving back to Japan, he opened the Saci Pererê nightclub, where Lisa Ono began to perform the Brazilian repertory, especially samba and bossa nova. She also founded the label Nanã, which promotes Brazilian music in Japan.



Colem@n Hawkins -- Desafinado -- 1963 -- Impulse -- Bit 320


Personnel :

Coleman Hawkins Tenor Saxophone
Barry Galbraith Guitar
Howard Collins Guitar
Major Holley Bass
Eddie Locke Drums
Willie Rodriguez Percussion
Tommy Flanagan Claves

Notes :

One of the great albatrosses around the neck of the recording industry has been the forced recording of ill-conceived “novelty” recordings. As far back as recorded music goes, artists have been forced, cajoled, and manipulated into making recordings that some marketing genius decided would “cash in” on a fad or hot idea. Often, the music called for in these projects is completely different from what the artist usually played; more often than not, these projects turned out to be failures, artistically and financially.

It was with such an expectation that I picked up Desafinado (Subtitled - Coleman Hawkins Plays Bossa Nova & Jazz Samba.) In reaction to the immense popularity of this “new” music (samba) brought to the United States by Stan Getz and Antonio Carlos Jobim, record executives everywhere scrambled to record as many bossa nova projects as possible. In great demand were recordings by well known artists....artists like Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, and of course, Stan Getz. In the fall of 1962, it was decided that jazz legend and father of the jazz tenor saxophone, Coleman Hawkins, would record an album of bossa nova tunes.

While this marriage of artist and material would seem dubious at best, the results proved truly sublime. Hawkins had no history with the bossa nova, and had played very little in that style. While a great backing band was organized for the recording date, no rehearsals were held before the day of the actual recording. Yet, despite this lack of practice, the music produced for this album ranks not only as some of the finest samba music ever produced, but as some of best work, regardless of style, of Hawkins' long and distinguished career. Hawkins desplayed an amazing grasp of the subtle nuances of samba music, understanding just where to add or take away from the basic melodiy to put his own special stamp on these songs.

The album opens with the samba standard title, “Desafinado,” which Hawkins floats through, gliding along the melody playfully, turning and caressing it, making it his own. Throughout the album, Hawkins moves easily through the tender parts of the samba tunes, yet occasionally flashes glimpses of his trademark tenor aggresssion, never allowing the listener to gorget whose in charge. Guitar duo Barry Galbraith and Howard Collins propel and support the tunes, and even take the occasional solo such as on “O Pato (The Duck).” Pianist Tommy Flanagan gives up the ivories for the claves, and proves quite adept. Flanagan, along with percussionist Willie Rodriguez, drummer Eddie Locke and bassist Major Holly from a rhythm syndicate that would hold its own on any corner in Rio de Janeiro.

Even with the outstanding treatments of classic samba tunes like “One Note Samba” and “An Embrace To Bonfa,” the highlight of this album is definitely the seemingly out-of-place “I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover.” After an introductory groove laid down by Flanagan and Holley, Hawkins swims in carrying the familiar melody above the current, before diving down into the swirling treatment he puts on this traditional favorite. Perhaps it is only fitting for such a seemingly out of place selection to shine the brightest over this most unlikely of masterpieces.


pass : agentdouble



NOVI were the first to make a break-through in the tradition of Polish vocal groups, a tradition which goes back to the very popular singers in the thirties - The Dan Choir. It was then a great stride forward as Polish jazz vocalists had been lagging behind in comparison with our instrumental music. Elsewhere, in the world there was then consistent progress in this field. New groups were being formed - the phenomenal American Lambert-Hendricks-Ross Trio, the French Les Double Six group and many others. In modern jazz, human voices began playing the parts of instruments, giving rise to a new school of "instrumental" singing. This kind of singing calls for special qualifications. The performer must be simultaneously a vocalist, instrumentalist and jazzman capable of playing improvised parts. Now the NOVI band can do all these things. The members of the band are educated musicians who have graduated from the Warsaw Advanced Music School: Ewa Wanat - violinist; Janusz Mych - flutist; Waldemar Parzynski - sound supervisor and percussionist; their leader, Bernard Kawka - violinist. They are all real jazzmen.

Their name NOVI (the new ones) has a special meaning for them. It not only suggests something new, but is made up of the initials of the English words New Original Vocal Instruments. And this is so indeed. The NOVI use their voices like instruments. They can give the monosyllables of their vocalises any sound and articulation they wish. NOVI's biography is short and brilliant. In late 1964 a young graduate of the Warsaw Conservatory, Bernard Kawka, fascinated by the music of Bill Evans, whom he had met in Scandinavia, decided to devote himself to jazz. In the Conservatory he found others who shared his enthusiasm for this music. This led to the formation of the band. They considered that the best way of expressing their jazz ideas would be to use their own voices. At first they appeared only on the radio, becoming very popular with listeners. Then they took part in the annual international festival Jazz Jamboree in Warsaw in 1965 and since that time have been appearing at similar events both at home and abroad. They sang in Switzerland where they won first prize at a jazz festival, they appeared at Bled in Yugoslavia and in many other countries. They have co-operated with leading Polish jazz musicians: Andrzej Trzaskowski, Krzysztof Komeda, Adam Matyszkowicz and others.

The NOVI called their first record "Bossa-Nova". This should not be taken literally. It reflects only the general climate of the record on which the NOVI display the whole range of their possibilities. Only in some pieces is the theme introduced in the form of a bossa-nova and then followed by standard swing improvisations, big-band riffs or swing tutti.

The group is accompanied by instrumental sets ranging from double-bass with percussion, the full section, flute, vibraphone, to a group of string instruments. The band is made up of jazz musicians: Andrzej Matyszkowicz, piano; Janusz Kozlowski, double-bass, Janusz Sidorenko, guitar and Jerzy Bartz, percussion.






Bossa piano galore -- and an excellent album that we're quite happy to see reissued! Primo Jr plays piano with bass and drums behind him -- grooving nicely in the style of the Milton Banana Trio, Sambalanco Trio, and other famous 60s Brazilian combos. Primo's style on the keys has a nicely soulful approach -- a bit deeper and bluesier than some of his contemporaries, in a way that gives the set a lot of jazzy appeal! Titles include "Arrastao", "Primavera", "Chuva", "Deus Brasileiro", "Sambossa", "Vivo Sonhando", "O Sol Nascera", and "Nana".



After 15 albums released in Japan, singing in Portuguese, Lisa Ono now sings Italian standards in a cool bossa nova style.




Paulinho Nogueira "A nova bossa é violao" (1963)


1.Bossa na praia (Pery Ribeiro-Geraldo Cunha)
2.Moca da chuva (Paulinho Nogueira-Rita Moreira)
3.Menina flor (Luiz Bonfa- Maria Helena Toledo)
4.Marcha da 4 feira de cinzas (Carlos Lyra-Vinicius de Moraes)
5.Pombinha da paz (Paulinho Nogueira)
6.Rio (Roberto Menescal-Ronaldo Boscoli)
7.Mas que nada (Jorge Ben)
8.Historinha (Paulinho Nogueira-Rita Moreira)
9.Ah! Se eu pudesse (Roberto Menescal-Ronaldo Boscoli)
10.Tempinho bom (Celso Mendes)
11.Marcha do amor sem esperanca (Walter Santos-Carlos Parana)
12.Branca de neve (Billy Blanco)
-No details about playing group on covers-

I start my complete album posting with this Paulinho Nogueira album of 1963. I have many Nogueira albums in my collection and for me this is perhaps one of his best- even not his best album.
Paulinho Nogueira is a great guitarist who unfortanetley got never to be so famous as Baden Powell,Luiz Bonfa or Neco. This nice Nogueira album reminds me a little bit to Bonfa's great albums he recorded for Odeon in the 60's. Some tracks are instrumental and some with Nogueira's pretty warm voice.My favourite one is the vocal song (Moca da chuva-Track 2)- very lovely!! But all other songs are great,too.
Sit down ,close your eyes and enjoy !!



Wilson das Neves | Samba Tropi | 1970

1. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
2. Essa Moca...Ta Diferente
3. Sarro
4. Venus
5. Repouso
6. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head
7. Cloud Nine
8. Feira
9. Evil Ways
10. Moeda, Reza E Cor
11. Bebete Vao Bora
12. Come Together

Luiz Bonfa & Antonio Carlos Jobim | Black Orpheus |1958


This impressionistic score from Marcel Camus's 1958 cinematic retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus was most Americans' introduction to the Brazilian musical style called bossa nova. As it became a nationwide craze that featured both Brazilian samba and U.S. cool-jazz participants, the names of Black Orpheus composers Antonio Carlos Jobim and Luiz Bonfa became familiar far beyond the hi-fi set. Along with the haunting theme song, "Manha de Carnaval," and several Jobim compositions are the vibrant street sounds of the pre-Lenten festival Carnaval, which provides the backdrop to the tragic love story of Orpheus and Eurydice. The score is awash with percussive samba rhythms and the laughter and chanting of the annual festival melee. This is a great disc to play when the day needs a parade. --Lois Maffeo

1. Generique
2. A Felicidade
3. Frevo Listen
4. O Nosso Amor
5. O Nosso Amor
6. Manha De Carnaval
7. Scene Du Lever Du Soleil
8. Manha De Carnaval
9. Scenes De La Macumba
10. O Nosso Amor
11. Manha De Carnaval
12. Samba De Orfeo
13. Batterie De Cappela
14. Bola Sete Medley: Manha De Carnaval; A Felicidade; Samba De Orfeo


Sexteto De Jazz Moderno - Bossa Nova RCA Victor BBL-1222 (c1963)

Sexteto De Jazz Moderno - Bossa Nova RCA Victor BBL-1222 (c1963)

OK... Here's a rare bossa set by Sexteto De Jazz Moderno featuring Jorginho on Alto sax, Aurino on Tenor, Fats Elpidio on Piano, José Menezes on Guitar with Ritmistas Plinio & Paulo completing the sextet.

All tracks are extended improvisations of some classic Brasilian evergreens.

01) Samba De Uma Nota Só
02) Barquinho
03) Samba Toff
04) Desafinado
05) Menina Feia
06) Lamento




Elenco (Brazil), 1967
An amazingly beautiful album, recorded by Vinicius De Moraes, Dorival Caymmi, Oscar Castro-Neves, and The Quarteto Em Cy for some sort of a special show. Castro-Neves provides some excellent bossa backing, the Quarteto girls sing chorus and over the top, Vinicius does some recitations, and Caymmi sings lead vocals. If the whole thing sound's a bit heavy-handed, it's not -- and instead is an amazing batch of heavenly bossa-tinged tracks, with all the intelligence and imagination of the best titles on the Elenco label. The whole thing's extremely lively, and has an other-worldly sound that matches Vinicius' classic Afro Sambas LP with Baden Powell.



<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
Lameer написал(а):
А мне наоборот: megaupload.com - подходит, а Rapidshare.de - админы перекрыли и не пускают

Я за megaupload.com или еще какой другой(не очень известный сервак.
Lameer, давай не будем превращать данную тему в обсуждение файлообменников...


Мельница: "Проект Археология. Лучшее 2002-2004 (2005)"


сайт группы : _melnitsa.net
Линк на скачку: _http://rapidshare.de/files/9384507/Melniza_-_Archeology_project.7z.html
Пароль : нет
Размер архива : 22208 KB [22 Mb]
Архиватор : 7-zip

1. Ольга
2. Богиня Иштар
3. Сэр Джон Бэксворд
+ другие (3 песни)

Если не сложно, кликаем на кнопку репутация или thanks!


<font color="gray"><b>Почетный форумчанин</b></fon
oLLe написал(а):
огромное спасибо за музыку и работу.
есть просьба: если вдруг есть такие стили (бразильские) pagode и axe - то выложи пожалуйста!
oLLe, для выражения благодарности есть репутация автора поста и кнопка "THANKS". Просьбы надо направлять в личку...



When Jazz meets Brazil
Audio CD (August 9, 2001)

1 Brazilian Sugar 05:28
2 Latin Flute 04:14
3 Beauty And The Beast 05:03
4 Tereza My Love 04:20
5 Voce E Eu 02:44
6 Falsa Bahiana 05:02
7 Creek (Arroio) 06:04
8 Samba De Uma Nota So 02:19
9 Nothing Will Be As It Was 04:42
10 Zazueira 03:40
11 Aparecida 05:56
12 Luz 04:07
13 Nem Um Talvez 04:04
14 Jungle Book 07:22
