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Corporate Software Project Management
by Guy W. Lecky-Thompson


Product Description
Learn to produce quality software on time and within budget!

It has long been accepted in the software industry that projects will be late, over budget, and lacking in agreed upon features due to technical or
time limitations. As more companies become involved with the development and deployment of large-scale software projects, it is necessary to define
ways to ensure that quality products are produced. Corporate Software Project Management focuses on the three main areas for efficient software
development: management, quality, and client relations. It provides a series of globally applicable methods that can enhance productivity and reduce
costs within software teams, without sacrificing quality. In addition to the management aspects, the book also deals with the technical side of
software engineering. This section of the book illustrates the decisions that need to be made when planning the implementation phase of the project.
Examples of how software can be designed to maximize code for future projects are also included. Corporate ! Software Project Management provides
managers, developers, and programmers with methods and techniques that will help them produce quality products from start to finish.

Product Details
# Paperback: 376 pages
# Publisher: Charles River Books; Bk&CD-Rom edition (January 28, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1584503858



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Na 10oi stranitse napisanno:

0528 /

Iskal eti knigi, no ksazheleniju nie nashol, pomogitie pozhaluista gdie ix naiti



Ishi v 2005-05/0527/ ... , 2005-05/0528 ... Ny neyjeli ne dogodat'sya ?? Tam je napisano,
scho sub-folders zdelani !!


by Teo Lachev

Microsoft Reporting Services in Action


Product Description
Written for developers and administrators who have been asked to add reporting features to an enterprise application, this book
explains how to author reports with Microsoft SQL server 2000 reporting services and how to integrate reporting services with Windows
forms, web- based, and OLAP applications. Lachev, who works for Hewlett- Packard, uses expressions and functions to extend reports,
embeds Visual Basic .NET code and external code in the form of .NET assemblies, discusses different ways of managing the report catalog,
and explores the role-based security model. Distributed in the US and Canada by Independent Publishers Group.

Product Details
# Publisher: Manning Publications (August 1, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1932394222



Beginning C# Game Programming
by Ron Penton


Product Description
Are you ready to try your hand at programming games using C#? "Beginning C# Game Programming" is your ideal introductory guide?
designed to jumpstart your experience with C# and DirectX 9. It includes the fundamental topics you?ll need to know and covers
additional topics that you?ll find helpful along the way. Begin with a comprehensive look at programming with C#?from the basics
of classes to advanced topics such as polymorphism and abstraction. Then it?s on to DirectX 9 as you learn how to create a basic
framework and a Direct3D device. You?ll also cover DirectSound and DirectInput. Put your newfound knowledge to the test as you
program a complete game!

Product Details
# Publisher: Muska & Lipman/Premier-Trade; 1 edition (October 22, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1592005179

Последнее редактирование модератором:


wrz.netz написал(а):

by Teo Lachev

Microsoft Reporting Services in Action
Эта книжка с дефектами, что проявляется при попытке создать закладки (bookmarks).
Можно "починить", сделав копию всеx страниц в Adobe Acrobat.


Не могбы кто подсказать, это только, для русских IP-ков, а то такая шикарная колекция, а достучаться низя :(



Classic Shell Scripting
by Arnold Robbins, Nelson H.F. Beebe


Product Description
Shell scripting skills never go out of style. It's the shell that unlocks the real potential of Unix.
Shell scripting is essential for Unix users and system administrators-a way to quickly harness and
customize the full power of any Unix system. With shell scripts, you can combine the fundamental Unix
text and file processing commands to crunch data and automate repetitive tasks. But beneath this simple
promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. Classic Shell Scripting
is written to help you reliably navigate these tricky waters.

Writing shell scripts requires more than just a knowledge of the shell language, it also requires
familiarity with the individual Unix programs: why each one is there, how to use them by themselves,
and in combination with the other programs. The authors are intimately familiar with the tips and tricks
that can be used to create excellent scripts, as well as the traps that can make your best effort a bad
shell script. With Classic Shell Scripting you'll avoid hours of wasted effort. You'll learn not only
write useful shell scripts, but how to do it properly and portably.

The ability to program and customize the shell quickly, reliably, and portably to get the best out of
any individual system is an important skill for anyone operating and maintaining Unix or Linux systems.
Classic Shell Scripting gives you everything you need to master these essential skills.

Product Details
# Publisher: O'Reilly; 1 edition (February 1, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0596005954


Cisco Security Agent
Cisco Security Agent
by Chad Sullivan


Product Description
Prevent security breaches by protecting endpoint systems with Cisco Security Agent (CSA), the Cisco
host Intrusion Prevention System

* Learn the basics of endpoint security and why it is so important in today's security landscape
* Protect endpoint systems from hackers, viruses, and worms with host intrusion prevention security
* Prevent "Day-Zero" attacks with the first book on CSA deployment

Endpoint systems, being the point of execution for the malicious code, is where the most effective
counter-intrusion mechanisms should be placed. Cisco Security Agent (CSA) is an important part of
the network security puzzle that can help organizations secure their end systems. Its many capabilities
include preventing "Day Zero" worm attacks, end system virus attacks, and Trojan horses; acting as a
distributed firewall; performing an operating system lockdown; and performing application control.
With the vast array of features, capabilities, and complexities associated with CSA, users need expert
guidance to help them implement and maintain this important new security device and use it to maximum
effect. This book presents a detailed explanation of CSA, illustrating the use of the product in a step-by-step

Cisco Security Agent presents a complete view of host intrusion prevention with CSA, including basic concepts,
installations, tuning, and monitoring and maintenance. Part I discusses the need for end point security. Part II
helps readers understand CSA building blocks. Part III delves into the primary concern of new customers, that being
installation. Part IV covers monitoring and reporting issues. Part V covers CSA analysis features. Part VI
discusses creating policies and CSA project implementation plans. Maintenance is covered in Part VII.

Product Details
# Publisher: Cisco Press (June 9, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1587052059




XML Security
by Blake Dournaee


Product Description
Use this book as both an XML primer and to get up to speed on XML-related security issues. Written by the experts at
RSA Security, Inc., you’ll get inside tips on how to prevent denial of service attacks, and how to implement security
measures to keep your XML programs protected.

Product Details
# Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (February 6, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0072193999



2D Object Detection and Recognition: Models, Algorithms, and Networks
by Yali Amit


Product Description
Two important subproblems of computer vision are the detection and recognition of 2D objects in gray-level images.
This book discusses the construction and training of models, computational approaches to efficient implementation,
and parallel implementations in biologically plausible neural network architectures. The approach is based on statistical
modeling and estimation, with an emphasis on simplicity, transparency, and computational efficiency.

Product Details
# Publisher: The MIT Press (November 1, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0262011948



А можно просьбу ?

Можно рядом с MIT.Press.2D.Object.Detection.and.Recognition.eBook-TLFeBOOK покласть ещё MIT.Press.The.Handbook.of.Brain.Theory.and.Neural.Networks.eBook-TLFeBOOK и
John.Wiley.and.Sons.Arithmetic.and.Logic.in.Computer.Systems.eBook-TLFeBOOK ?
Они у TLF в один день зарелизились.
БОЛЬШОЕ спасибо за выкладывание всего этого добра. Книги в большинстве своём рульные и актуальные.



The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks
by Michael A. Arbib (Editor)


Product Description
n hundreds of articles by experts from around the world, and in overviews and "road maps" prepared by the editor,
The Handbook of Brain
Theory and Neural Networks charts the immense progress made in recent years in many specific areas related to great questions: How does
the brain work? How can we build intelligent machines?

While many books discuss limited aspects of one subfield or another of brain theory and neural networks, the Handbook covers the entire sweep
of topics--from detailed models of single neurons, analyses of a wide variety of biological neural networks, and connectionist studies of
psychology and language, to mathematical analyses of a variety of abstract neural networks, and technological applications of adaptive, artificial
neural networks.

Expository material makes the book accessible to readers with varied backgrounds while still offering a clear view of the recent, specialized
research on specific topics.

Product Details
# Publisher: The MIT Press (July 31, 1998)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0262511029


Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems
by Mi Lu


Product Description
Lu (Texas A&M U.) presents algorithms for conducting addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations in digital systems.
Intending the work as a textbook for advanced students of electronic engineering or computer sciences, her main goal is to describe
the concepts behind the algorithms and to provide guidance on alternative approaches. Chapters cover such topics as high-sped adding,
sequential and parallel multiplication, sequential division, fast array dividers, floating point operations, residue number operations,
operations through logarithms, and signed-digit number operations

Product Details
# Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (January 16, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 047146945



Java: Practical Guide for Programmers
by Michael Sikora


Product Description
Java: Practical Guide for Programmers efficiently gives the experienced programmer a turbo jumpstart on the
Java language. Readers will be surprised how fast they can grasp the language essentials. My students have
been searching for this book for years!

Product Details
# Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (December 23, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1558609091



Learn JavaScript
by Chuck Easttom


Product Description
This introductory title in JavaScript targets one of the most popular programming languages
for Web development. The title has a unique approach, using building blocks so readers have
developed a complete Web site by the end of the title.

Product Details
# Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.; 1st edition (January 15, 2001)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1556228562

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