0-DAYS EbookZ and more. Part 2

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


1. Apress.Excel.PivotTables.Recipes.A.Problem.Solution.Approach.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Apress.JDBC.Metadata.MySQL.and.Oracle.Recipes.A.Problem.Solution.Approach.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
3. For.Dummies.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Express.Edition.For.Dummies.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Holy.Macro.Books.From.VBA.to.VSTO.Is.Excels.New.Engine.Right.for.You.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
5. Idea.Group.Publishing.Measuring.Information.Systems.Delivery.Quality.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU
6. Lakeview.Research.USB.Mass.Storage.Designing.and.Programming.Devices.and.Embedded.Hosts.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
7. Packt.Publishing.Ajax.And.Php.Building.Responsive.Web.Applications.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
8. Wiley.IEEE.Computer.Society.Pr.Software.Measurement.and.Estimation.A.Practical.Approach.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU
9. Wiley.Interscience.Computer.Applications.in.Pharmaceutical.Research.and.Development.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU
10. Wrox.ASP.NET.2.0.Website.Programming.Problem.Design.Solution.May.2006.eBook-BBL


Excel Pivot Tables Recipe Book: A Problem-Solution Approach

Product Details
Author(s): Debra Dalgleish
ISBN: 1590596293
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 336

Product Description
Excel Pivot Tables Recipe Book: A Problem-Solution Approach is for anyone who uses Excel frequently.
This book follows a problem-solution format that covers the entire breadth of situations you might encounter
when working with PivotTables--from planning and creating, to formatting and extracting data, to maximizing
performance and troubleshooting. The author presents tips and techniques in this collection of recipes
that cannot be found in Excel's Help section, and she carefully explains the most confusing features
of PivotTables.
All chapters have been organized into a collection of recipes that take you step-by-step
from the problem you are experiencing to the solution you are aiming for. There's no fuss to this book,
only clear and precise information to help you assess your situation--whether common or unique--and
solve your problem. The book includes real-world examples of complex PivotTables, as well as numerous
PivotTable programming examples.

eBook:Apress.Excel.PivotTables.Recipes.A.Problem.Solution.Approach.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [iOlq2wNCwDVAdtoRTo13UTWBwvU]

file:2006_0807_wrz_a-e.p.r.a.p.s.a.m.2.e.izp [2446] KB



JDBC Metadata, MySQL, and Oracle Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Expert's Voice in Java)

Product Details
Author(s): Mahmoud Parsian
ISBN: 1590596374
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 504

Product Description
JDBC Metadata, MySQL, and Oracle Recipes is the only book that focuses on metadata or annotation-based
code recipes for JDBC API for use with Oracle and MySQL. It continues where the author's other book, JDBC
Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, leaves off.
This new edition is also a Java EE 5-compliant book,
perfect for lightweight Java database development. And it provides cut-and-paste code templates that
can be immediately customized and applied in each developer's application development.

eBook:Apress.JDBC.Metadata.MySQL.and.Oracle.Recipes.A.Problem.Solution.Approach.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [0rLh5bTxRoQhdGGbhtWTbWrK6J4]

file:2006_0807_wrz_a-j.m.m.a.o.r.a.p.s.a.m.2.e.izp [5934] KB



Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Product Details
Author(s): Robert Schneider
ISBN: 0764599275
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 408

Product Description

Delivers the know-how that novice database developers, enthusiasts, and independent software vendors
need in order to use the SSE database
Written in the typical nonintimidating For Dummies style, the book's
emphasis is on installing SSE and using it to create simple database applications with other tools in
Microsoft's Express product line
Covers how to use SQL Server Express Manager, an easy-to-use management
tool that comes with SSE, and the Application XCopy feature, which provides SSE with the ability to treat
databases like files
Addresses topics unique to SSE and not covered in standard SQL Server books, including
network and security features, migrating and connecting from Access and MSDE to SSE, and migrating from
SSE to the full-blown SQL Server database
The CD-ROM contains SQL Server Express trial version and the
Web site has the code from applications featured in the book Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary
materials are not included as part of eBook file.

eBook:For.Dummies.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Express.Edition.For.Dummies.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [dXsgtM/h1ZY3D4bX+tXWfOEyJ5Y]

file:2006_0807_wrz_f-d.m.s.s.2.e.e.f.d.j.2.e.izp [5408] KB



From VBA to VSTO: Is Excel's New Engine Right for You?

Product Details
Author(s): Dr. Gerard M. Verschuuren
ISBN: 1932802142
Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
Year: 2006
Pages: 207

Product Description
This Excel user's guide to VSTO—the new Excel Macro programming language being promoted by Microsoft—shows
how to perform the equivalent VBA actions with VSTO. The differences between the VSTO and VBA development
environments are explained, helping Excel users decide if they should embrace VSTO or seek out other

eBook:Holy.Macro.Books.From.VBA.to.VSTO.Is.Excels.New.Engine.Right.for.You.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [llH2ryrH5c63q20p3MPh/dc/njE]

file:2006_0807_wrz_h-m.b.f.v.t.v.i.e.n.e.r.f.y.a.2.e.izp [12363] KB



Measuring Information Systems Delivery Quality

Product Details
ISBN: 1591408571
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 358

Product Description
Currently, there is neither a commonly-accepted definition of information systems (IS) quality nor
a convergence of perspectives on quality approaches. The IS community has focused on the various contributions
of people, delivery processes, development philosophies and methods. Measuring Information Systems
Delivery Quality represents a spotlight on IS quality that exhibits the efforts of authors from several
countries across the globe. Despite this diversity, this book reflects the common position that improving
objective knowledge of potentially quality-enhancing methods is far more likely to assist the production
of high-quality software than experimentation with each new gadget. Measuring Information Systems
Delivery Quality provides thoughtful analysis and explains some of the contradictions and apparent
paradoxes of the many IS quality perspectives. It offers prescriptions, grounded in research findings,
syntheses of relevant, up-to-date literature, and leading IS quality practices to assist the assimilation,
measurement, and management of IS quality in order to increase the odds of producing higher quality systems.

eBook:Idea.Group.Publishing.Measuring.Information.Systems.Delivery.Quality.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU hash [wL3mb5lNxOWcYjhi9gSAdP4ZeXM]

file:2006_0807_wrz_i-g.p.m.i.s.d.q.a.2.e.izp [3322] KB



USB Mass Storage: Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts

Product Details
Author(s): Jan Axelson
ISBN: 1931448043
Publisher: Lakeview Research
Year: 2006
Pages: 287

Product Description
This developer’s guide for designers and programmers of mass-storage devices that use the Universal
Serial Bus (USB) interface provides developers with information on how to choose storage media, interface
the media to a microcontroller or other CPU, and write device firmware to access the media and perform
USB communications. Comparisons of popular storage-media options to help users choose a media type
for a project are included, and the types described cover hard drives and flash-memory cards such as
the MultiMediaCard (MMC), Secure Digital (SD) card, and CompactFlash card. Helpful tips on developing
an embedded host that can access USB mass-storage devices are also covered.

eBook:Lakeview.Research.USB.Mass.Storage.Designing.and.Programming.Devices.and.Embedded.Hosts.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [kAZuuDiGKcNv915v//NX2ExS6ms]

file:2006_0807_wrz_l-r.u.m.s.d.a.p.d.a.e.h.s.2.e.izp [1714] KB



Ajax And Php: Building Responsive Web Applications

Product Details
Author(s): Cristian Darie,Bogdan Brinzarea,Filip Cherecheş-Toşa,Mihai Bucica
ISBN: 1904811825
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 284

Product Description
AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications is the most practical and efficient resource a reader
can get to enter the exciting world of AJAX. This book will teach you how to create faster, lighter, better
web applications by using the AJAX ingredients technologies to their full potential. Assuming a basic
knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL, this book will help you understand how the heart of AJAX beats
and how the constituent technologies work together. This book is written web developers with a basic
knowledge of PHP, XML, JavaScript and MySQL. After teaching the foundations, the book will walk you through
numerous real-world case studies covering tasks you'll be likely to need for your own applications:
* Server-enabled form-validation page * Online chat collaboration tool * Customized type-ahead text
entry solution * Real-time charting using SVG * Database-enabled, editable and customizable data grid
* RSS aggregator application * A server-managed sortable list with drag&drop support using the script.aculo.us
JavaScript toolkit The appendices guide you through installing your working environment, using powerful
tools that enable debugging, improving, and profiling your code, working with XSLT and XPath. Chapter
1: AJAX and The Future Of Web Applications is an initial incursion into the world of AJAX and the vast possibilities
it opens up for web developers and companies, to offer a better experience to their users. In this chapter
you'll also build your first AJAX-enabled web page, which will give you a first look of the component technologies.
Chapter 2: Client-Side Techniques with Smarter JavaScript will guide you through the technologies
you'll use to build AJAX web clients, using JavaScript, DOM, the XMLHttpRequest object, and XML. While
not being a complete tutorial for these technologies, you'll be taken to the right track of using them
together to build a solid foundation for your future applications. Chapter 3: Server-Side Techniques
with PHP and MySQL completes the theory foundation by presenting how to create smart servers to interact
with your AJAX client. You'll learn various techniques for implementing common tasks, including handling
security and error handling problems. Chapter 4: AJAX Form Validation guides you through creating a
responsive, modern form with real-time validation based on server data. Chapter 5: AJAX Chat presents
a simple online chat that works exclusively using AJAX code, without Java applets, Flash code, or other
specialized library, as most chat applications work these days. Chapter 6: AJAX Suggest and Autocomplete
builds a Google-suggest like feature, that helps you find PHP functions, and forward you to the official
help page for the chosen function. Chapter 7: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a text-based graphics
language that can be used to draw shapes and text. (SVG is supported natively by Firefox 1.5, and requires
a SVG plugin with other browsers). In this case study you learn how to implement a realtime charting solution
with AJAX and SVG. Chapter 8: AJAX Grid teaches you how to build powerful updatable data grid. You'll learn
how to parse XML documents using XSLT to generate the looks of your grid. Chapter 9: AJAX RSS Reader uses
the SimpleXML PHP library, XML and XSLT, to build a simple RSS aggregator. Chapter 10: AJAX Drag and Drop
is a demonstration of using the script.aculo.us framework to build a simple list of elements with drag&drop
functionality. Appendix A: Configuring Your Working Environment teaches you how to install and configure
the required software: Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin.

eBook:Packt.Publishing.Ajax.And.Php.Building.Responsive.Web.Applications.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [jmUC99I5g5PAPslTQSkmX9M/k80]

file:2006_0807_wrz_p-p.a.a.p.b.r.w.a.m.2.e.izp [3291] KB



Software Measurement and Estimation: A Practical Approach (Quantitative Software Engineering Series)

Product Details
Author(s): Linda M. Laird,M. Carol Brennan
ISBN: 0471676225
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr
Year: 2006
Pages: 257

Product Description
An effective, quantitative approach for estimating and managing software projects How many people
do I need? When will the quality be good enough for commercial sale? Can this really be done in two weeks?
Rather than relying on instinct, the authors of Software Measurement and Estimation offer a new, tested
approach that includes the quantitative tools, data, and knowledge needed to make sound estimations.
The text begins with the foundations of measurement, identifies the appropriate metrics, and then focuses
on techniques and tools for estimating the effort needed to reach a given level of quality and performance
for a software project. All the factors that impact estimations are thoroughly examined, giving you
the tools needed to regularly adjust and improve your estimations to complete a project on time, within
budget, and at an expected level of quality. This text includes several features that have proven to be
successful in making the material accessible and easy to master:
Simple, straightforward style and
logical presentation and organization enables you to build a solid foundation of theory and techniques
to tackle complex estimations
Examples, provided throughout the text, illustrate how to use theory
to solve real-world problems
Projects, included in each chapter, enable you to apply your newfound
knowledge and skills
Techniques for effective communication of quantitative data help you convey
your findings and recommendations to peers and management Software Measurement and Estimation: A Practical
Approach allows practicing software engineers and managers to better estimate, manage, and effectively
communicate the plans and progress of their software projects. With its classroom-tested features,
this is an excellent textbook for advanced undergraduate-level and graduate students in computer science
and software engineering.

eBook:Wiley.IEEE.Computer.Society.Pr.Software.Measurement.and.Estimation.A.Practical.Approach.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU hash [lqcp3fSVxAfdq3+kk7j0o/7NrZE]

file:2006_0807_wrz_w-i.c.s.p.s.m.a.e.a.p.a.j.2.e.izp [5375] KB



Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Research and Development (Wiley Series in Drug Discovery and Development)

Product Details
ISBN: 0471737798
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Year: 2006
Pages: 805

Product Description
A unique, holistic approach covering all functions and phases of pharmaceutical research and development
While there are a number of texts dedicated to individual aspects of pharmaceutical research and development,
this unique contributed work takes a holistic and integrative approach to the use of computers in all
phases of drug discovery, development, and marketing. It explains how applications are used at various
stages, including bioinformatics, data mining, predicting human response to drugs, and high-throughput
screening. By providing a comprehensive view, the book offers readers a unique framework and systems
perspective from which they can devise strategies to thoroughly exploit the use of computers in their
organizations during all phases of the discovery and development process. Chapters are organized into
the following sections:
Computers in pharmaceutical research and development: a general overview

Understanding diseases: mining complex systems for knowledge
Scientific information handling
and enhancing productivity
Computers in drug discovery
Computers in preclinical development
in development decision making, economics, and market analysis
Computers in clinical development

Future applications and future development Each chapter is written by one or more leading experts in
the field and carefully edited to ensure a consistent structure and approach throughout the book. Figures
are used extensively to illustrate complex concepts and multifaceted processes. References are provided
in each chapter to enable readers to continue investigating a particular topic in depth. Finally, tables
of software resources are provided in many of the chapters. This is essential reading for IT professionals
and scientists in the pharmaceutical industry as well as researchers involved in informatics and ADMET,
drug discovery, and technology development. The book's cross-functional, all-phases approach provides
a unique opportunity for a holistic analysis and assessment of computer applications in pharmaceutics.

eBook:Wiley.Interscience.Computer.Applications.in.Pharmaceutical.Research.and.Development.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU hash [BNw5Z7AFEwkdT1uGRtLlmyTyguc]

file:2006_0807_wrz_w-i.c.a.i.p.r.a.d.j.2.e.izp [8227] KB



ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Programmer to Programmer)

Product Details
Author(s): Marco Bellinaso
ISBN: 0764584642
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 600

Product Description
ASP.NET 2.0 Programming: Problem Design Solution is aimed at describing, designing, and implementing
a site much like the ones you’re probably working on or will be soon, while taking the opportunity
to introduce and explain many of the new features that the new great ASP.NET 2.0 framework offers. Difficult
problems are addressed head-on so you'll be ready for most of the problems you’ll typically face
when writing a modern website, and have one or more solutions ready for them. Unlike many other ASP.NET
books that show examples for individual pages or features, the example in this book is an integrated end-to-end
site (written in C#). The entire book and site has been written specifically for ASP.NET 2.0, to use the
ASP.NET 2.0 features wherever they make sense. The end-result is a website which features a layout with
user-selectable themes, a membership system, a content management system for publishing and syndicating
articles and photos, polls, mailing lists, forums, an e-commerce store with support for real-time credit
card processing, homepage personalization, and localization. The book leads the reader through development
of a site with:
Account registration, personalization and theming
News and events, organized into
Opinion polls
E-commerce store with shopping cart and order management

Localization Administration of a site will be covered including:
Full online back-end administrative
section, to manage practically all data from an intuitive user interface
Site deployment In building
these site features, you'll learn these new ASP.NET 2.0 features:
Master pages
& Web parts
Membership & Profile modules
The new server-side UI controls such as
GridView, DetailsView, FormView, Wizard, MultiView, the new xxxDataSource and navigation controls,
among others.
The new compilation mode and deployment modes
The new framework for instrumenting the
site, as well as handling & logging exceptions
The new ADO.NET 2.0 features (e.g. caching with database
The new classes for easy distributed transactions Management

eBook:Wrox.ASP.NET.2.0.Website.Programming.Problem.Design.Solution.May.2006.eBook-BBL hash [yxsSXN5X++td9x5h+uRtMR3nW5s]

file:2006_0807_wrz_w-a.n.2.0.w.p.p.d.s.m.2.e.izp [17437] KB



1. Cambridge.University.Press.Performance.Analysis.of.Communications.Networks.and.Systems.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU
2. Sybex.Microsoft.Exchange.Server.2003.Advanced.Administration.May.2006.eBook-DDU


Performance Analysis of Communications Networks and Systems

Product Details
Author(s): Piet Van Mieghem
ISBN: 0521855152
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 542

Product Description
This rigorous and self-contained book describes mathematical and, in particular, stochastic methods
to assess the performance of networked systems. It consists of three parts. Part one is a review of probability
theory. Part two covers the classical theory of stochastic processes (Poisson, renewal, Markov, and
queuing theory), which are considered to be the basic building blocks for performance evaluation studies.
Part three focuses on the relatively new field of the physics of networks. This part deals with the recently
obtained insights that many very different large complex networks - such as the Internet, World Wide
Web, proteins, utility infrastructures, social networks - evolve and behave according to more general
common scaling laws. This understanding is useful when assessing the end-to-end quality of communications
services, for example, in Internet telephony, real-time video, and interacting games. Containing
problems and solutions, this book is ideal for graduate students taking courses in performance analysis.

eBook:Cambridge.University.Press.Performance.Analysis.of.Communications.Networks.and.Systems.Mar.2006.eBook-DDU hash [MxU7TW0ucRv7LNXJmsEuBJz1fL0]

file:2006_0809_wrz_c-u.p.p.a.o.c.n.a.s.m.2.e.izp [4619] KB



Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Advanced Administration

Product Details
Author(s): Jim McBee
ISBN: 0470038519
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2006
Pages: 956

Product Description
Building on the success of his Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 24seven, Jim McBee has fully updated Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 Advanced Administration for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 and Windows Server
2003 R2. Starting where documentation, training courses, and other books leave off, McBee offers targeted
instruction, practical advice, and insider tips. He covers security, connectivity, anti-spam protection,
disaster recovery, and troubleshooting using an informational and common sense approach that will
save you time, improve efficiency, and optimize your day-to-day operations. You'll find:
What you
need to know about Exchange Server 2003 data storage and security.
Real-world scenarios that focus
on practical applications.
Advice for managing interactions with Active Directory.
Updates on mobile
e-mail, including seamless Direct Push technologies, and enhancements to device security.
The latest
protections against spam, including updated Exchange Intelligent Message Filter and new support for
Sender ID e-mail authentication.
Deployment guidelines for Outlook Web Access.
Information on what
it takes to support POP3 and IMAP4 clients in the field. Part of the In the Field Results series. This series
provides seasoned systems administrators with advanced tools, knowledge, and real-world skills to
use on the job. Going beyond what the standard documentation or classroom training provides, these practical
guides address the real situations IT professionals face every day, offering streamlined solutions
to improve productivity.

eBook:Sybex.Microsoft.Exchange.Server.2003.Advanced.Administration.May.2006.eBook-DDU hash [ljeWIouXUZPDlOTYlBzb5ia0l5I]

file:2006_0809_wrz_s-m.e.s.2.a.a.m.2.e.izp [15653] KB



1. For.Dummies.Dreamweaver.8.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
2. Idea.Group.Publishing.Digital.Multimedia.Perception.and.Design.May.2006.eBook-DDU
3. Sybex.Search.Engine.Optimization.An.Hour.a.Day.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU
4. Sybex.Windows.Administration.at.the.Command.Line.for.Windows.2003.Windows.XP.and.Windows.2000.In.the.Field.Results.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU
5. Wiley.Internet.Communications.Using.SIP.Delivering.VoIP.and.Multimedia.Services.with.Session.Initiation.Protocol.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
6. Wiley.Mastering.Data.Warehouse.Aggregates.Solutions.for.Star.Schema.Performance.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
7. Wrox.Beginning.Mac.OS.X.Tiger.Dashboard.Widget.Development.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
8. Wrox.Professional.Live.Communications.Server.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU


Dreamweaver 8 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Product Details
Author(s): Sue Jenkins,Michele E. Davis,Jon A. Phillips
ISBN: 0471781428
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 840

Product Description
Nine minibooks, filling nearly 800 pages, take you beyond Dreamweaver basics, giving you the know-how
and hands-on techniques necessary to create state-of-the-art Web sites. You'll master Dreamweaver
basics, such as laying out pages, adding content to pages, and working with code; develop Web applications
and databases; make pages dynamic; and learn to use Dreamweaver with Contribute. Order your copy of this
reference to the popular software application today.

eBook:For.Dummies.Dreamweaver.8.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [1pAOC3hS8abnY1Kpqe8JyNcnzAk]

file:2006_0810_wrz_f-d.d.8.a.i.o.d.r.f.d.j.2.e.izp [11636] KB



Digital Multimedia Perception and Design

Product Details
ISBN: 1591408601
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 318

Product Description
Digital Multimedia Perception and Design provides a well-rounded synopsis of the state-of-the-art
technologies in perceptual-based multimedia design. It is the only such book on the market, uniting
cutting-edge research by some of the top people in the field and filling a gap in the existing multimedia
design literature. Digital Multimedia Perception and Design highlights how perceptual requirements
can be incorporated in the design, development and transmission of multimedia, providing readers with
a rich body of research and work done in this exciting area. This book aids all those interested in building
true end-to-end multimedia information systems, and is useful to researchers, multimedia designers,
and content and infrastructure providers.

eBook:Idea.Group.Publishing.Digital.Multimedia.Perception.and.Design.May.2006.eBook-DDU hash [VWneue8s+3wQY/4j7OWO7xru2Lk]

file:2006_0810_wrz_i-g.p.d.m.p.a.d.m.2.e.izp [6147] KB



Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day

Product Details
Author(s): Jennifer Grappone,Gradiva Couzin
ISBN: 0471787531
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2006
Pages: 336

Product Description
Influence search engine results and bring targeted traffic to your Web site with an hour a day of search
engine optimization (SEO). Drawing on years of experience as successful SEO consultants, Jennifer
Grappone and Gradiva Couzin provide detailed, practical, and often surprisingly simple techniques
for improving results. Their simple strategies include setting SEO goals, site optimization, developing
and implementing a strategy that might include both free and paid efforts, and tools for monitoring trends,
measuring the competition, and tracking results.

eBook:Sybex.Search.Engine.Optimization.An.Hour.a.Day.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU hash [9r56T5drHOPUB+wzrlsdksInxfQ]

file:2006_0810_wrz_s-s.e.o.a.h.a.d.j.2.e.izp [5125] KB



Windows Administration at the Command Line for Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000: In the Field Results

Product Details
Author(s): John Paul Mueller
ISBN: 0470010002
Publisher: Sybex
Year: 2006
Pages: 552

Product Description
The only complete reference for Windows command line utilities Instant results for time-crunched IT
professionals The last thing you want as a busy systems administrator is to click endlessly through the
Windows GUI every time you need to perform a simple task. Want a better solution? Windows Administration
at the Command Line reacquaints you with the often-overlooked utilities accessible through the command
line in Windows 2003, XP, and 2000. Locate files, check system status, secure and monitor systems, and
best of all, save time by using scripts to automate your time-consuming management tasks. This practical
book reveals all the command line utilities and puts them right at your fingertips. The only resource
on the market with the complete set of Windows command line utilities, this hands-on reference gives
you solutions that yield superior results compared to GUI-based utilities, increasing your productivity
in the field. Inside you'll find:
The complete set of all Windows command line utilities
Real world
scenarios that focus on practical applications
Information on third-party utilities and scripting
Instructions for using the .NET Framework utilities
A preview of Windows Vista utilities
including detailed instructions for using Monad and MSH
An appendix with 52 command line tricks and
techniques In the Field Results Provides seasoned systems administrators with advanced tools, knowledge,
and real-world skills to use on the job. Going beyond what the standard documentation or classroom training
provides, these practical guides address the real situations IT professionals face every day, offering
streamlined solutions to improve productivity.

eBook:Sybex.Windows.Administration.at.the.Command.Line.for.Windows.2003.Windows.XP.and.Windows.2000.In.the.Field.Results.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU hash [RU3LFIDU+4lYDCZfDWKSwzJO1SA]

file:2006_0810_wrz_s-w.a.a.t.c.l.f.w.2.w.x.a.w.2.i.t.f.r.a.2.e.izp [6164] KB



Internet Communications Using SIP: Delivering VoIP and Multimedia Services with Session Initiation Protocol (Networking Council)

Product Details
Author(s): Henry Sinnreich,Alan B. Johnston
ISBN: 0471776572
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2006
Pages: 408

Product Description
From leading WorldCom engineers--expert guidance on how to plan for SIP implementation Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) has gained tremendous market acceptance since it became an official IETF Internet communications
standard in 1999. SIP is the technology that makes it possible for multimedia communications sessions
on the Web--ones that allow voice, video, chat, interactive games, and others to run all at the same time.
Now that the deployment of real SIP networks is about to take off, two leaders of the commercial rollout
deliver complete guidance on this exciting new technology. Geared to IT and networking professionals
and decision-makers at Internet service providers (ISPs), as well as networking (NSPs) and application
(ASPs) service providers, this book helps readers sort through the available vendor offerings and services
to discover how to integrate and maximize SIP's power across their networks.

eBook:Wiley.Internet.Communications.Using.SIP.Delivering.VoIP.and.Multimedia.Services.with.Session.Initiation.Protocol.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [8y457Qw7iNXjSkThJrNH29g50zY]

file:2006_0810_wrz_w-i.c.u.s.d.v.a.m.s.w.s.i.p.j.2.e.izp [8003] KB



Mastering Data Warehouse Aggregates: Solutions for Star Schema Performance

Product Details
Author(s): Christopher Adamson
ISBN: 0471777099
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2006
Pages: 345

Product Description

This is the first book to provide in-depth coverage of star schema aggregates used in dimensional modeling-from
selection and design, to loading and usage, to specific tasks and deliverables for implementation projects

Covers the principles of aggregate schema design and the pros and cons of various types of commercial
solutions for navigating and building aggregates
Discusses how to include aggregates in data warehouse
development projects that focus on incremental development, iterative builds, and early data loads

eBook:Wiley.Mastering.Data.Warehouse.Aggregates.Solutions.for.Star.Schema.Performance.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [/1AR3BwYtMA/fDxDm1mxeo95MKA]

file:2006_0810_wrz_w-m.d.w.a.s.f.s.s.p.j.2.e.izp [3200] KB



Beginning Mac OS X Tiger Dashboard Widget Development

Product Details
Author(s): Fred Terry
ISBN: 0471778257
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 318

Product Description

Aimed at the estimated 300,000 Mac OS X developers who are interested in customizing and creating widgets
for their Dashboards, this timely book shows them how to tap into the power of Mac OS X Tiger to create and
customize Dashboard widgets
The expert author uses program examples and exercises to illustrate the
different ways to customize the Dashboard through widget development using simple authoring tools,
Internet plug-ins, and text editors
Begins with a discussion of the Dashboard concept and configuration
and progresses to coverage of advanced functionality
Covers tools, protecting code, configuration,
properties, bundles, resources, extensions, and much more

eBook:Wrox.Beginning.Mac.OS.X.Tiger.Dashboard.Widget.Development.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [4vjrZkptNWa44457CYF1ZWuID/I]

file:2006_0810_wrz_w-b.m.o.x.t.d.w.d.j.2.e.izp [6517] KB



Professional Live Communications Server

Product Details
Author(s): Joe Schurman
ISBN: 0471773212
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 302

Product Description

Live Communications Server is an emerging technology that will be an important component of Microsoft's
business solutions in the coming years; this book is the ultimate guide to LCS
The expert authors cover
audio and video conferencing and explain how to integrate VoIP and other telephone systems
Shows readers
how to secure instant messaging both within and outside of a company
Explains how LCS integrates comfortably
with products such as
Office, Exchange Server, and Active Directory, a factor that makes LCS a must-know

eBook:Wrox.Professional.Live.Communications.Server.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [ZxVImv7vy/x4UPbPwu5m7IxHN+s]

file:2006_0810_wrz_w-p.l.c.s.j.2.e.izp [7317] KB

  • Like
Реакции: Jvr


1. Idea.Group.Publishing.Cases.on.Information.Technology.Planning.Design.and.Implementation.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU
2. Idea.Group.Publishing.Optimal.Knowledge.Management.Wisdom.Management.Systems.Concepts.And.Applications.May.2006.eBook-DDU
3. Wiley.Hacking.Google.Maps.and.Google.Earth.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
4. Wiley.Interscience.Code.Design.for.Dependable.Systems.Theory.and.Practical.Applications.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU
5. Wiley.Interscience.Elements.of.Information.Theory.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU


Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation (Cases on Information Technology Series)

Product Details
ISBN: 1599044080
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 370

Product Description
Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation brings together a variety of real-life
experiences showing how other companies and organizations have successfully, or not so successfully,
planned, designed, and implemented different applications using information technology. Cases included
in this publication present a wide range of issues related to systems development, design, and analysis
of modern information systems applications without pitfalls. Professionals and educators alike will
find this collection of cases very useful for learning about challenges and solutions related to the
planning, design, and implementation of information technology applications. Cases on Information
Technology Planning, Design and Implementation provides an outstanding collection of current situations
associated with the effective utilization of IT, with lessons learned included in each case.

eBook:Idea.Group.Publishing.Cases.on.Information.Technology.Planning.Design.and.Implementation.Jun.2006.eBook-DDU hash [GQZEg66EXx1wA/QS49qZ+p7V4sc]

file:2006_0811_wrz_i-g.p.c.o.i.t.p.d.a.i.j.2.e.izp [7213] KB



Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts And Applications (N/A)

Product Details
Author(s): Robert J. Thierauf,James J. Hoctor
ISBN: 1599040166
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 286

Product Description
Managerial and information systems professionals and consultants are interested in any new system
that will help make their jobs easier as well as facilitate the needs of their customers. Optimal Knowledge
Management: Wisdom Management Systems Concepts and Applications focuses on the essentials of knowledge
management, business intelligence, and smart business systems. This publication highlights the shortcomings
of past information systems and what can be gained from implementation of the newer systems not only for
the company, but also its customers, trading partners, employees, financial institutions, as well
as other interested parties. This book takes an innovative and dramatic approach to the development
and implementation of information systems. Not only does Optimal Knowledge Management: Wisdom Management
Systems Concepts and Applications explore a holistic approach to exploring an organization's opportunities
and solving its problems, it also highlights connecting points of wisdom.

eBook:Idea.Group.Publishing.Optimal.Knowledge.Management.Wisdom.Management.Systems.Concepts.And.Applications.May.2006.eBook-DDU hash [eoYlGYar1Z39uRbwqTNpIqi26xE]

file:2006_0811_wrz_i-g.p.o.k.m.w.m.s.c.a.a.m.2.e.izp [2390] KB



Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth (ExtremeTech) (ExtremeTech)

Product Details
Author(s): Martin C. Brown
ISBN: 0471790095
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2006
Pages: 408

Product Description
This one-of-a-kind resource contains 500 pages of jaw-dropping hacks, mods, and customizations. These
include creating mashups with data from other sources such as Flickr, building a space station tracker,
hacking Maps with Firefox PiggyBank, and building a complete community site with Maps and Earth. Now
you can map out locations, get driving directions, zoom into any point on the globe, display real time
traffic, and much more.

eBook:Wiley.Hacking.Google.Maps.and.Google.Earth.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [r9b0NJMd0rlPk33pL6Qrlq6SZs8]

file:2006_0811_wrz_w-h.g.m.a.g.e.j.2.e.izp [6869] KB



Code Design for Dependable Systems: Theory and Practical Applications

Product Details
Author(s): Eiji Fujiwara
ISBN: 0471756180
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Year: 2006
Pages: 720

Product Description
Theoretical and practical tools to master matrix code design strategy and technique Error correcting
and detecting codes are essential to improving system reliability and have popularly been applied to
computer systems and communication systems. Coding theory has been studied mainly using the code generator
polynomials; hence, the codes are sometimes called polynomial codes. On the other hand, the codes designed
by parity check matrices are referred to in this book as matrix codes. This timely book focuses on the design
theory for matrix codes and their practical applications for the improvement of system reliability.
As the author effectively demonstrates, matrix codes are far more flexible than polynomial codes, as
they are capable of expressing various types of code functions. In contrast to other coding theory publications,
this one does not burden its readers with unnecessary polynomial algebra, but rather focuses on the essentials
needed to understand and take full advantage of matrix code constructions and designs. Readers are presented
with a full array of theoretical and practical tools to master the fine points of matrix code design strategy
and technique:
Code designs are presented in relation to practical applications, such as high-speed
semiconductor memories, mass memories of disks and tapes, logic circuits and systems, data entry systems,
and distributed storage systems
New classes of matrix codes, such as error locating codes, spotty byte
error control codes, and unequal error control codes, are introduced along with their applications

A new parallel decoding algorithm of the burst error control codes is demonstrated In addition to the
treatment of matrix codes, the author provides readers with a general overview of the latest developments
and advances in the field of code design. Examples, figures, and exercises are fully provided in each
chapter to illustrate concepts and engage the reader in designing actual code and solving real problems.
The matrix codes presented with practical parameter settings will be very useful for practicing engineers
and researchers. References lead to additional material so readers can explore advanced topics in depth.
Engineers, researchers, and designers involved in dependable system design and code design research
will find the unique focus and perspective of this practical guide and reference helpful in finding solutions
to many key industry problems. It also can serve as a coursebook for graduate and advanced undergraduate

eBook:Wiley.Interscience.Code.Design.for.Dependable.Systems.Theory.and.Practical.Applications.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [Il7SeMXZDZ7dEkivhUM74akvZ7A]

file:2006_0811_wrz_w-i.c.d.f.d.s.t.a.p.a.j.2.e.izp [4666] KB



Elements of Information Theory (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)

Product Details
Author(s): Thomas M. Cover,Joy A. Thomas
ISBN: 0471241954
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Year: 2006
Pages: 748

Product Description
Elements of Information Theory, Second Edition, covers the standard topics of information theory,
such as entropy, data compression, channel capacity, rate distortion, multi-user theory and hypothesis
testing. It presents applications to communications, statistics, complexity theory, and investment.
Chapters 1-9 cover the asymptotic equipartition property, data compression and channel capacity culminating
in the capacity of the Gaussian channel. Chapters 10-17 include rate distortion, the method of types,
Kolmogorov complexity, network information theory, universal source coding and portfolio theory.
The first edition of this book is the most successful book on Information Theory on the market today. Adoptions
have remained strong since the book's publication in 1991.

eBook:Wiley.Interscience.Elements.of.Information.Theory.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [comu8CLB8BVVzoo61H/V7/h28RA]

file:2006_0811_wrz_w-i.e.o.i.t.j.2.e.izp [4041] KB



1. Chaos.and.Fractals.New.Frontiers.of.Science.Second.Edition.eBook-EEn
2. Credit.Repair.6th.ed.eBook-EEn
3. Determinants.and.Their.Applications.in.Mathematical.Physics.eBook-EEn
4. Nanoculture.Implications.of.the.New.Technoscience.eBook-EEn
5. Reflections.on.a.Mountain.Lake.A.Western.Nun.Talks.on.Practical.Buddhism.eBook-EEn
6. The.Case.of.the.Minimum.Wage.Competeting.Policy.Models.eBook-EEn
7. The.Laplace.Transform.Theory.and.Applications.eBook-EEn
8. Understanding.Stocks.eBook-EEn
9. Voice.of.Reason.Why.the.Left.and.Right.Are.Wrong.eBook-EEn
10. What.The.IRS.Doesnt.Want.You.To.Know.9th.Edition.eBook-EEn


Chaos and Fractals

Product Details
Author(s): Heinz-Otto Peitgen,Hartmut Jürgens,Dietmar Saupe
ISBN: 0387202293
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2004
Pages: 864

Product Description
The fourteen chapters of this book cover the central ideas and concepts of chaos and fractals as well as
many related topics including: the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, cellular automata, L-systems, percolation
and strange attractors. This new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout. The appendices of
the original edition were taken out since more recent publications cover this material in more depth.
Instead of the focused computer programs in BASIC, the authors provide 10 interactive JAVA-applets
for this second edition.

eBook:Chaos.and.Fractals.New.Frontiers.of.Science.Second.Edition.eBook-EEn hash [T6T/1G7i5coNtujsj5e1F+szeug]

file:2006_0812_wrz_c-a.f.n.f.o.s.s.e.e.izp [53298] KB



Credit Repair (Credit Repair)

Product Details
Author(s): Robin Leonard,Deanne Loonin,Kathleen Michon
ISBN: 0873378423
Publisher: NOLO
Year: 2002
Pages: 250

Product Description
Perhaps you've had problems with credit. Or perhaps you haven't, but your credit report says you did anyway,
nearly 70 percent of credit reports contain errors. Either way, a less-than-flattering report can hurt
your chances of qualifying for a credit card, mortgage or any other kind of loan, it can even get in the way
of renting an apartment or finding a job. But a bad credit report can almost always be improved or corrected.
In plain English, Credit Repair shows you how to fix your credit situation quickly, easily and legally.
Learn how to: *avoid overspending *establish a realistic budget *get out of debt now *build a financial
cushion *read and understand your credit report *get mistakes on your credit report fixed *protect your
social security number *avoid credit discrimination *get positive information added to your credit
report *negotiate with creditors This edition of Credit Repair provides new information about your
liability when your credit card is used without your permission, and how to close a credit card account
properly. It also includes sample credit reports and lists of agencies and organizations to turn to for
additional help.

eBook:Credit.Repair.6th.ed.eBook-EEn hash [STq5U24ZupDruYYwkU6KfOQlw7I]

file:2006_0812_wrz_c-r.6.e.e.izp [16820] KB



Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics (Applied Mathematical Sciences)

Product Details
Author(s): Robert Vein,P. Dale
ISBN: 0387985581
Publisher: Springer
Year: 1998
Pages: 396

Product Description
A unique and detailed account of all important relations in the analytic theory of determinants, from
the classical work of Laplace, Cauchy and Jacobi to the latest 20th century developments. The first five
chapters are purely mathematical in nature and make extensive use of the column vector notation and scaled
cofactors. They contain a number of important relations involving derivatives which prove beyond a
doubt that the theory of determinants has emerged from the confines of classical algebra into the brighter
world of analysis. Chapter 6 is devoted to the verifications of the known determinantal solutions of
several nonlinear equations which arise in three branches of mathematical physics, namely lattice,
soliton and relativity theory. The solutions are verified by applying theorems established in earlier
chapters, and the book ends with an extensive bibliography and index. Several contributions have never
been published before. Indispensable for mathematicians, physicists and engineers wishing to become
acquainted with this topic.

eBook:Determinants.and.Their.Applications.in.Mathematical.Physics.eBook-EEn hash [PAcDvujv4D7QfBqbIonC2ybTctE]

file:2006_0812_wrz_d-a.t.a.i.m.p.e.izp [15139] KB




Product Details
Author(s): N.Katherine Hayles
ISBN: 1841501131
Publisher: Intellect, Ltd (UK)
Year: 2004
Pages: 224

Product Description

eBook:Nanoculture.Implications.of.the.New.Technoscience.eBook-EEn hash [AMfIy/ZBbqqGscZp7v3Z600F448]

file:2006_0812_wrz_n-i.o.t.n.t.e.izp [5045] KB



Product Details

Product Description

eBook:Reflections.on.a.Mountain.Lake.A.Western.Nun.Talks.on.Practical.Buddhism.eBook-EEn hash [SrKYCf2XgW7ExlXMUGQNfrSlKyI]

file:2006_0812_wrz_r-o.a.m.l.a.w.n.t.o.p.b.e.izp [14387] KB



The Case of the Minimum Wage: Competing Policy Models (Suny Series in Public Policy)

Product Details
Author(s): Oren M. Levin-Waldman
ISBN: 0791448568
Publisher: State University of New York Press
Year: 2001
Pages: 236

Product Description
Examines the historical evolution of the minimum wage, emphsizing that the nature of minimum wage arguments
has shifted over time with the decline of organized labor.

eBook:The.Case.of.the.Minimum.Wage.Competeting.Policy.Models.eBook-EEn hash [XwiSUApkL0saP54vlHKMV/258xQ]

file:2006_0812_wrz_t-c.o.t.m.w.c.p.m.e.izp [15617] KB



The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

Product Details
Author(s): Joel L. Schiff
ISBN: 0387986987
Publisher: Springer
Year: 1999
Pages: 233

Product Description
The Laplace transform is an extremely versatile technique for solving differential equations, both
ordinary and partial. It can also be used to solve difference equations. The present text, while mathematically
rigorous, is readily accessible to students of either mathematics or engineering. Even the Dirac delta
function, which is normally covered in a heuristic fashion, is given a completely justifiable treatment
in the context of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, yet at a level an undergraduate student can appreciate.
When it comes to the deepest part of the theory, the Complex Inversion Formula, a knowledge of poles, residues,
and contour integration of meromorphic functions is required. To this end, an entire chapter is devoted
to the fundamentals of complex analysis. In addition to all the theoretical considerations, there are
numerous worked examples drawn from engineering and physics.When applying the Laplace transform,
it is important to have a good understanding of the theory underlying it, rather than just a cursory knowledge
of its application. This text provides that understanding.

eBook:The.Laplace.Transform.Theory.and.Applications.eBook-EEn hash [fynjjWWGsk9HaFWQuLbV8fsTaLs]

file:2006_0812_wrz_t-l.t.t.a.a.e.izp [7938] KB



Understanding Stocks

Product Details
Author(s): Michael Sincere
ISBN: 0071409130
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2003
Pages: 180

Product Description
"Everything a novice investor needs to know about getting started in stocks While dozens of books purport
to be for the beginning investor, most ""beginner"" books assume a level of knowledge that true novices
just don't have. Understanding Stocks is targeted to the beginning investor, providing a concise yet
comprehensive overview of the stock market without subjecting readers to terms and ideas they can't
understand and frankly, will probably never use. Written in an engaging and direct style, Understanding
Stocks uses short, easy-toread chapters to provide a solid working knowledge of the stock market. Topics
include: What is a stock? How to place a trade Evaluating a stock Knowing when to sell "

eBook:Understanding.Stocks.eBook-EEn hash [k4UtEhgRVGfOA3mfX+o/R1PFrg8]

file:2006_0812_wrz_u-s.e.izp [10797] KB



Voice of Reason: Why the Left and Right Are Wrong

Product Details
Author(s): Ronn Owens
ISBN: 047148282X
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2004
Pages: 272

Product Description
Voice of Reason shows why both the Left and the Right are to blame for America's current problems.
Preoccupied with hating each other, liberals and conservatives are polarized by issues, suspicious
of each other, and inflexible in their beliefs. But Voice of Reason is a breath of fresh air in today's
toxic political climate. With elections coming in 2004, America needs a voice from the middle and Ronn
Owens is that voice.

eBook:Voice.of.Reason.Why.the.Left.and.Right.Are.Wrong.eBook-EEn hash [iGf9v4nVLD98CLbwIVO47YulIFY]

file:2006_0812_wrz_v-o.r.w.t.l.a.r.a.w.e.izp [1547] KB



What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know: A CPA Reveals the Tricks of the Trade (What the Irs Doesn't Want You to Know)

Product Details
Author(s): Martin S. Cpa Kaplan
ISBN: 067978358X
Publisher: Villard
Year: 2001
Pages: 576

Product Description
A behind-the scenes look at how to get along with and stay ahead of the IRS With tax laws constantly changing
and existing regulations hidden in volumes of tax code, nothing related to taxes is easy to figure out.
Businesses and individuals in every income bracket need expert advice that cuts through IRS bureaucracy.
What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know will help clear the air on this important issue. It explains the latest
IRS targets and weapons, describes how to work with the personality of the IRS to get ahead, and dispels
the biggest misconceptions taxpayers have about their returns. Readers will be introduced to the latest
tax laws and learn about their rights as a taxpayer. To help readers avoid the most common taxpayer pitfalls,
What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know also examines taxes in relation to IRAs, refunds, gifts, and inheritances,
and reveals what forms should never be filled out as well as how taxpayers are really targeted for audits.
Martin S. Kaplan (New York, NY) has been a certified public accountant for more than thirty years and is
a member of Geller, Marzano Company, CPAs.

eBook:What.The.IRS.Doesnt.Want.You.To.Know.9th.Edition.eBook-EEn hash [J0xQsUrWhR+feltdZnj5sTkxTQo]

file:2006_0812_wrz_w-t.i.d.w.y.t.k.9.e.e.izp [7568] KB



1. For.Dummies.SQL.For.Dummies.6TH.Edition.Aug.2006.eBook-DDU


SQL For Dummies (Sql for Dummies)

Product Details
Author(s): Allen G. Taylor
ISBN: 047004652X
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 432

Product Description
Many database management system (DBMS) tools run on a variety of hardware platforms. The differences
among the tools can be many, but all serious products have one thing in common: They support data access
and manipulation in SQL, the industry-standard language specifically designed to enable people to
create and manage databases. If you know SQL, you can build relational databases and get useful information
out of them. Relational database management systems are vital to many organizations. People often think
that creating and maintaining these systems are extremely complex activities – the domain
of database gurus who possess enlightenment beyond that of ordinary mortals. Well, SQL For Dummies,
5th Edition, sweeps away the database mystique. Written in easy-to-understand terms and updated with
the latest information on SQL, this handy reference shows you step-by-step how to make your database
designs a reality using SQL:2003. But you don't have to be a database newbie to find value in SQL For Dummies,
5th Edition; even if you have some experience designing and creating databases, you may discover a few
things you didn't know about. Here's just a sampling of some of the things you'll find covered in SQL For
Dummies, 5th Edition:
Exploring relational database and SQL fundamentals
Building and maintaining
a simple database structure
Building a multiple relational database
Manipulating database data

Examining SQL nuts and bolts: values, expressions, operators, and queries
Providing database security
and protecting your data
Exploring ODBC and JDBC, and using SQL with XML
Moving beyond the basics: cursors,
persistent stored modules, and error-handling
Top Ten lists on common SQL mistakes and retrieval tips
Plain and simply, databases are the best tools ever invented for keeping track of the things you care about.
After you understand databases and can use SQL to make them do your bidding, you wield tremendous power.
SQL For Dummies, 5th Edition, can get you well on your way to harnessing the power of databases.

eBook:For.Dummies.SQL.For.Dummies.6TH.Edition.Aug.2006.eBook-DDU hash [ueiVTryr59elpLruUUMlC8S7ehM]

file:2006_0813_wrz_f-d.s.f.d.6.e.a.2.e.izp [3240] KB


1. Self.Test.Microsoft.70-526.Visual.Basic.Practice.Test.v4.0-RBS
2. Self.Test.Microsoft.70-528.Visual.Basic.Practice.Test.v4.0.2-RBS
3. Self.Test.Microsoft.70-528.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0.2-RBS
4. Self.Test.Microsoft.70-529.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0-RBS
5. Self.Test.Microsoft.70-536.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0.1-RBS

eBook:Self.Test.Microsoft.70-526.Visual.Basic.Practice.Test.v4.0-RBS hash [412oGDsix92fa/2u5G3KMlqzSeA]

file:2006_0813_wrz_sel-tes.mic.70.526.vis.bas.pra.tes.v4.0.rbs.izp [11788] KB


eBook:Self.Test.Microsoft.70-528.Visual.Basic.Practice.Test.v4.0.2-RBS hash [fDFg8Szq+1cfV60AWjSBP6Er/ec]

file:2006_0813_wrz_sel-tes.mic.70.528.vis.bas.pra.tes.v4.0.2.rbs.izp [12058] KB


eBook:Self.Test.Microsoft.70-528.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0.2-RBS hash [DQ5lHxyDCoUbTUTs+gnRR5+QUYk]

file:2006_0813_wrz_sel-tes.mic.70.528.vis.c.sha.pra.tes.v4.0.2.rbs.izp [12052] KB


eBook:Self.Test.Microsoft.70-529.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0-RBS hash [FAaBGO07gWeM3tOIsI6vEIttEJE]

file:2006_0813_wrz_sel-tes.mic.70.529.vis.c.sha.pra.tes.v4.0.rbs.izp [11918] KB


eBook:Self.Test.Microsoft.70-536.Visual.C.Sharp.Practice.Test.v4.0.1-RBS hash [J2OdWDHprN9sxB5YjqM5mYdpHSs]

file:2006_0813_wrz_sel-tes.mic.70.536.vis.c.sha.pra.tes.v4.0.1.rbs.izp [12174] KB



1. Apress.Beginning.Ubuntu.Linux.From.Novice.to.Professional.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Cisco.Press.IPsec.Virtual.Private.Network.Fundamentals.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
3. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Algorithms.and.Networking.for.Computer.Games.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
4. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Broadband.Optical.Access.Networks.and.Fiber.to.the.Home.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
5. Now.Publishers.Inc.Resource.Allocation.and.Cross.Layer.Control.in.Wireless.Networks.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU
6. Packt.Publishing.Understanding.TCP.IP.A.Clear.And.Comprehensive.Guide.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
7. Wrox.CSS.Instant.Results.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
8. Wrox.Professional.Web.APIs.with.PHP.eBay.Google.Paypal.Amazon.FedEx.plus.Web.Feeds.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL


Beginning Ubuntu Linux: From Novice to Professional

Product Details
Author(s): Keir Thomas
ISBN: 1590596277
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 608

Product Description
Beginning Ubuntu Linux: From Novice to Professional is the best-selling guide to the hottest new Linux
distribution. Within its 600 in-depth pages, you'll learn how to become a pro-level Linux user.
book starts by introducing you to the world of Linux. Then it outlines Ubuntu installation in illustrated
steps, after which you'll learn how to configure every piece of everyday tech hardware such as your Internet
connection, printers, 3D graphics cards, Bluetooth devices, and much more. Then you'll learn fun tasks
such as listening to audio CDs and MP3s, watching movies, performing office tasks, and even image editing.

Additionally, there's a series of comprehensive tutorials on Linux internals and the command-line
prompt--essential for any Linux expert--and the book includes special sections on optimization, security,
and system maintenance.
The book comes with a CD containing the complete Linux distribution. All you
need to do is insert the CD and follow the instructions in the book to install this distribution.

eBook:Apress.Beginning.Ubuntu.Linux.From.Novice.to.Professional.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [Ux2EZsUSdOJ2xCJheQxrd1RoxYY]

file:2006_0814_wrz_a-b.u.l.f.n.t.p.m.2.e.izp [20629] KB



IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals

Product Details
Author(s): James Henry Carmouche
ISBN: 1587052075
Publisher: Cisco Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 480

Product Description
An introduction to designing and configuring Cisco IPsec VPNs Understand the basics of the IPsec protocol
and learn implementation best practices Study up-to-date IPsec design, incorporating current Cisco
innovations in the security and VPN marketplace Learn how to avoid common pitfalls related to IPsec deployment
Reinforce theory with case studies, configuration examples showing how IPsec maps to real-world solutions
IPsec Virtual Private Network Fundamentals provides a basic working knowledge of IPsec on
various Cisco routing and switching platforms. It provides the foundation necessary to understand
the different components of Cisco IPsec implementation and how it can be successfully implemented in
a variety of network topologies and markets (service provider, enterprise, financial, government).
This book views IPsec as an emerging requirement in most major vertical markets, explaining the need
for increased information authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation for secure transmission
of confidential data. The book is written using a layered approach, starting with basic explanations
of why IPsec was developed and the types of organizations relying on IPsec to secure data transmissions.
It then outlines the basic IPsec/ISAKMP fundamentals that were developed to meet demand for secure data
transmission. The book covers the design and implementation of IPsec VPN architectures using an array
of Cisco products, starting with basic concepts and proceeding to more advanced topics including high
availability solutions and public key infrastructure (PKI). Sample topology diagrams and configuration
examples are provided in each chapter to reinforce the fundamentals expressed in text and to assist readers
in translating concepts into practical deployment scenarios. Additionally, comprehensive case studies
are incorporated throughout to map topics to real-world solutions.

eBook:Cisco.Press.IPsec.Virtual.Private.Network.Fundamentals.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [sIso+kOYrJ7z+ITbvl/OYuYITxw]

file:2006_0814_wrz_c-p.i.v.p.n.f.j.2.e.izp [18977] KB



Algorithms and Networking for Computer Games

Product Details
Author(s): Jouni Smed,Harri Hakonen
ISBN: 0470018127
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 286

Product Description

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Algorithms.and.Networking.for.Computer.Games.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [hMjt9zVPFEBcPcWueDrIZxovwYc]

file:2006_0814_wrz_j-w.a.s.a.a.n.f.c.g.j.2.e.izp [1374] KB



Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-Home: Systems Technologies and Deployment Strategies

Product Details
ISBN: 0470094788
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 334

Product Description
Broadband Optical Access and Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) will provide the ultimate broadband service
capabilities. Compared with the currently well-deployed broadband access technologies of ADSL (Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line) and Cable Modems, optical broadband access with Fiber-to-the-User’s
home will cater for much higher speed access for new services. Broadband Optical Access Networks and
Fiber-to-the-Home presents a comprehensive technical overview of key technologies and deployment
strategies for optical broadband access networks and emerging new broadband services. The authors
discuss network design considerations, new services, deployment trends and operational experiences,
while explaining the current situation and providing insights into future broadband access technologies
and services. Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-Home:
Offers a comprehensive,
up-to-date introduction to new developments in broadband access network technologies and services.

Examines the impact of research and development in photonics technologies on broadband access and
Covers ADSL, VDSL with FTTC (Fiber-to-the-Curb), Cable Modem over HFC (Hybrid-Fiber Coax) and
Gigabit Ethernet.
Discusses the roles of Broadband Wireless LAN and integrated FTTH/Wireless Broadband
Access as well as Broadband Home Networks.
Provides a global view of broadband network development,
presenting different technical and system deployment approaches and strategic considerations for
Gives insight into the worldwide broadband competition and the future of this technology.
Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-Home will be an invaluable resource for engineers
in research and development, network planners, business managers, consultants as well as analysts
and educators for a better understanding of the future of broadband in the field of telecommunications,
data communications, and broadband multimedia service industries.

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Broadband.Optical.Access.Networks.and.Fiber.to.the.Home.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [eJlD2kSTqUH+GxBYlL9i0kW72zY]

file:2006_0814_wrz_j-w.a.s.b.o.a.n.a.f.t.t.h.s.2.e.izp [5482] KB



Resource Allocation and Cross Layer Control in Wireless Networks (Foundations and Trends in Networking, V. 1, No. 1)

Product Details
Author(s): Leonidas Georgiadis,Mike Neely,Leandros Tassiulas
ISBN: 1933019263
Publisher: Now Publishers Inc
Year: 2006
Pages: 160

Product Description
Resource Allocation and Cross Layer Control in Wireless Networks presents abstract models that capture
the cross layer interaction from the physical to transport layer in wireless network architectures
including cellular, ad-hoc and sensor networks as well as hybrid wireless-wireline. The emphasis in
the presentation is on describing the models and the algorithms with application examples that illustrate
the range of possible applications. Representative cases are analyzed in full detail to illustrate
the applicability of the analysis techniques, while in other cases the results are described without
proofs and references to the literature are provided.

eBook:Now.Publishers.Inc.Resource.Allocation.and.Cross.Layer.Control.in.Wireless.Networks.Apr.2006.eBook-DDU hash [nbM733xJaivhOWsey6mmm9rUN9E]

file:2006_0814_wrz_n-p.i.r.a.a.c.l.c.i.w.n.a.2.e.izp [1160] KB



CSS Instant Results (Programmer to Programmer)

Product Details
Author(s): Richard York
ISBN: 047175126X
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 408

Product Description
CSS Instant Results helps you quickly master and implement the diverse web applications CSS enables
for web designers. The book is centered around ten ready-to-use projects with all the code for all the
projects included on the books CD-ROM - that you can use immediately. CSS Instant Results dives into working
code so you can learn it rapidly. The book and code projects are written for web developers and designers
who are looking to learn how to use CSS for better, faster design and markup. Some previous JavaScript
use is helpful. Each of the 10 project features step-by-step set-up instructions with a description
of each project that enables you to understand and then modify it so you can reuse it in different situations.
The code has been tested with several browsers including Mozilla Firefox 1.0, Opera 8, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6 for Windows, and Safari 1.3 for Mac OS X. The 10 projects covered in the book with complete source-code
on the CD are:
Tab-based navigation
Multi-column layouts
Dynamic dropdown menus
A different approach
to the dropdown menu
Web-based slideshow
Custom borders and rounded corners
Applying CSS to a webmail
Styling input forms
User interface for a web-based file viewer
Styling a web-based calendar

eBook:Wrox.CSS.Instant.Results.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [c27DEi6WJykkEZ1G6h4SaOyqQxE]

file:2006_0814_wrz_w-c.i.r.a.2.e.izp [7839] KB



Professional Web APIs with PHP: eBay, Google, Paypal, Amazon, FedEx plus Web Feeds

Product Details
Author(s): Paul Reinheimer,Chris Shiflett
ISBN: 0764589547
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 384

Product Description

Offers hands-on tips and numerous code examples that show Web developers how to leverage content and
feeds from today's top Web sites-including Google, eBay, PayPal, Amazon, Yahoo!, and FedEx
APIs (Application Program Interfaces) in general and uses real-world examples that show how to produce
and document them
Explains how to use the popular scripting language PHP to create APIs that interact
with unrelated applications over the Web
Examples take readers through each stage of the API process,
from basic test implementations to integration with existing sites

eBook:Wrox.Professional.Web.APIs.with.PHP.eBay.Google.Paypal.Amazon.FedEx.plus.Web.Feeds.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [75zrnNIzaFj0hmsenVpRcyy4MlU]

file:2006_0814_wrz_w-p.w.a.w.p.e.g.p.a.f.p.w.f.j.2.e.izp [3825] KB



1. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Communication.Systems.for.the.Mobile.Information.Society.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
2. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Grid.Networks.Enabling.Grids.with.Advanced.Communication.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
3. John.Wiley.and.Sons.UMTS.Performance.Measurement.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL
4. John.Wiley.and.Sons.Wireless.Communications.over.MIMO.Channels.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL


Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society

Product Details
Author(s): Martin Sauter
ISBN: 0470026766
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 382

Product Description
Many wireless systems like GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Bluetooth, WLAN or WiMAX offer possibilities to keep people
connected while on the move. In this flood of technology and claims that one single resource will serve
all our needs, this book seeks to enable readers to examine and understand each technology, and how to
utilise several different systems for the best results. Communication Systems for the Mobile Information
Society not only contains a technical description of the different wireless systems available today,
but also explains the thoughts that are behind the different mechanisms and implementations; not only
the 'how' but also the 'why' is in focus. Thus the advantages and also limitations of each technology become
Provides readers with a solid introduction to major global wireless standards and compares
the different wireless technologies and their applications
Describes the different systems based
on the standards, their practical implementation and the design assumptions that were made
The performance
and capacity of each system in practice is analyzed and explained, accompanied with practical tips on
how to discover the functionality of different networks by the readers themselves
Questions at the
end of each chapter and answers on the accompanying website make this book ideal for self study or as course
Illustrated with many realistic examples of how mobile people can stay in touch with other
people, the Internet and their corporate intranet This book is an essential resource for telecommunication
engineers, professionals and computer science and electrical engineering students who want to get
a thorough end-to-end understanding of the different technical concepts of the systems on the market

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Communication.Systems.for.the.Mobile.Information.Society.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [HNU3LbotXWy3eAnHs/KC8wFF6y0]

file:2006_0815_wrz_j-w.a.s.c.s.f.t.m.i.s.s.2.e.izp [2269] KB



Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced Communication Technology

Product Details
ISBN: 0470017481
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 372

Product Description
A book that bridges the gap between the communities of network and Grid experts. Grid Networks describes
the convergence of advanced networking technologies and Grid technologies, with special focus on their
symbiotic relationship and the resulting new opportunities. Grid technology is applicable to many
implementations, Computational Grids, Data Grids, Service Grids, and Instrumentation Grids. The
authors cover a breadth of topics including recent research, featuring both theoretical concepts and
empirical results. Beginning with an overview of Grid technologies, an analysis of distinguishing
use cases and architectural attributes, and emerging standards. Travostino et al. discuss new directions
in multiple networking technologies that are enabling enhanced capabilities for Grids. An appendix
also provides an overview of experimental research test-beds and prototype implementations. These
topics will enable network experts to design networks to best match Grid requirements, while Grid experts
will learn how to effectively utilize network resources. Grid Networks: Enabling Grids with Advanced
Communication Technology:
Bridges the gap between the communities of network and Grid experts.
new network requirements posed by the Grid, and the paradigm shifts prompted by Grid applications.

Discusses basic architectural concepts and directions related to the integration of Grid and networking
technologies, especially those that elevate network resources to first class entities within Grid
Details new directions in networking technologies for the Grid, including Network
Infrastructure & Management, Service Provisioning, High Performance Data Transport, Performance
Monitoring, Reliability, and Network-Assisted Service Frameworks.
Provides an overview of advanced
research testbeds and innovative early implementations of emerging architecture and technology.
Many communities will find this book an invaluable resource, including engineers and product managers,
research scientists within academia, industry, and government agencies, advanced students and faculty
in distributed systems courses, network and systems architects, CIOs, administrators of advanced
networks, application developers, and providers of next generation distributed services.

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Grid.Networks.Enabling.Grids.with.Advanced.Communication.Technology.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [y15b16rUS9hZMBtin0BFxAM6JmU]

file:2006_0815_wrz_j-w.a.s.g.n.e.g.w.a.c.t.s.2.e.izp [2996] KB



UMTS Performance Measurement: A Practical Guide to KPIs for the UTRAN Environment

Product Details
Author(s): Ralf Kreher
ISBN: 0470032499
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 226

Product Description
UMTS Performance Measurement is a practical guide that explains how to identify and measure the main
problems seen in today's UMTS live networks and will make performance measurement results gathered
in the UTRAN environment understandable for the reader. It provides a fundamental background for daily
work in the field or lab, covering a wide range of performance measurements that help to troubleshoot
and optimize the UTRAN environment. The content goes far beyond what has been defined by international
standard bodies like 3GPP and closes the gap between international standards and definitions of network
equipment manufacturers (NEM) and network operators. The emphasis is on definition of Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) and measurements that are not described in 3GPP standard documents, such as throughput
measurements and the success/failure analysis of all possible handover types.
Includes clear coverage
of the fundamentals of performance measurement software architecture and ways to collect and present
statistical data
Contains numerous call flow diagrams, conversion tables, protocol message examples
and sample measurement results that can be used as reference for daily work in the field or lab
measurement limitations and how tolerances provide valuable information for validation and evaluation
of measurement results
Provides an overview of how performance measurement software works as well
as information on how data streams are captured and analyzed, and how analysis results are aggregated
and presented in graphic user interfaces and reports Providing a gateway into the world of UMTS-specific
measurement scenarios and a general overview of what can be defined and measured at an in-depth technical
level, this book will appeal to those involved in network operation, planning, configuration and deployment,
as well as consulting and training companies, students, technical journalists and measurement equipment

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.UMTS.Performance.Measurement.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [hG70UZMexxGm+WLezqR7QyJryQI]

file:2006_0815_wrz_j-w.a.s.u.p.m.s.2.e.izp [3939] KB



Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels: Applications to CDMA and Multiple Antenna Systems

Product Details
Author(s): Volker Kuhn
ISBN: 0470027169
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2006
Pages: 388

Product Description
Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels: Applications to CDMA and Multiple Antenna Systems covers
both, state-of-the-art channel coding concepts and CDMA and multiple antenna systems, rarely found
in other books on the subject. Furthermore, an information theoretical analysis of CDMA and SDMA systems
illuminate ultimate limits and demonstrates the high potential of these concepts. Besides spatial
multiplexing, the use of multiple transmit antennas in order to increase the link reliability by diversity
concepts (space-time coding) is described. Another focus is the application of error control coding
in mobile radio communications Accompanying appendices include: basic derivations, tables of frequently
used channel models, chain rules for entropy and information, data processing theorem, basics of linear
algebra, Householder reflection and Givens rotation, and the LLL algorithm for lattice reduction.

eBook:John.Wiley.and.Sons.Wireless.Communications.over.MIMO.Channels.Sep.2006.eBook-BBL hash [AttnIqiw5NyzGYFc/BxQF0BgohY]

file:2006_0815_wrz_j-w.a.s.w.c.o.m.c.s.2.e.izp [3439] KB



Запрос книг

Можно вот эти книги за лить на рапиду?









1. Apress.Beginning.ASP.NET.2.0.Databases.From.Novice.to.Professional.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Apress.Java.6.Platform.Revealed.Jul.2006.1000th.Release.eBook-BBL
3. Apress.Programming.Sudoku.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Cisco.Press.Comparing.Designing.and.Deploying.VPNs.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
5. Microsoft.Press.Inside.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.T-SQL.Programming.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL
6. OReilly.LPI.Linux.Certification.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL


Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases: From Novice to Professional

Product Details
Author(s): Damien Foggon
ISBN: 1590595777
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 656

Product Description
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Databases: From Novice to Professional is a comprehensive introduction to connecting
a website to many different data sources--not just databases. You'll learn how to build a relational
database, use SQL to communicate with it, and leverage both in your web applications.
You'll also learn
about the new features of ADO.NET and ASP.NET in .NET 2.0. The authors cover mission-critical issues,
such as design, transactions, error handling, optimization, and scalability. They examine SQL Server,
Jet, and MySQL databases, and highlight the differences among them.
This comprehensive resource is
packed with information about 2.0 beta improvements and building database-driven websites. You will
obtain practical solutions, learn multiple routes to achieve success, and examine a handy case study
to wrap up core content.

eBook:Apress.Beginning.ASP.NET.2.0.Databases.From.Novice.to.Professional.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [iwVR3NTtMbpEwxQUe4VnwcodkyQ]

file:2006_0817_wrz_a-b.a.n.2.0.d.f.n.t.p.m.2.e.izp [13041] KB



Java 6 Platform Revealed (Revealed)

Product Details
Author(s): John Zukowski
ISBN: 1590596609
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 240

Product Description
Be among the first to capture an early look at the libraries of Java™ SE 6, aka Mustang. While J2SE™
5.0 is just now starting to become regularly adopted, Java™ 6 Platform Revealed takes a look at the
next release of the Standard Edition platform to come from Sun.
New editions of the platform don't happen
that frequently, but when they do, there is a lot to learn about quickly. If you want to come up to speed on
the new feature set as quickly as possible, Java ™ 6 Platform Revealed will place you well ahead of
the pack. You'll find ten chapters of how to use the latest JSR implementations and library improvements
that are now a part of Mustang. You'll learn about the new scripting features of AWT and Swing -- like splash
screens, system tray access, and table sorting and filtering -- and lots more. What you won't find in Java™
6 Platform Revealed is a "getting started with Java" tutorial. Come prepared with a good working knowledge
of Java™ 5 platform for best results.
Not only will you see what's in Java's future, but you'll learn
how to actually use many of the new features of the platform quickly. Before the platform has even become
finalized you'll find yourself productive with the many new capabilities of Mustang.

eBook:Apress.Java.6.Platform.Revealed.Jul.2006.1000th.Release.eBook-BBL hash [S9izWh0AyCqiGUWeXarDbsP+obA]

file:2006_0817_wrz_a-j.6.p.r.j.2.1.r.e.izp [1633] KB



Programming Sudoku (Technology in Action)

Product Details
Author(s): Wei-Meng Lee
ISBN: 1590596625
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 232

Product Description
Sudoku is the wildly popular new puzzle game. Sudoku puzzles are 9x9 grids, and each square in the grid
consists of a 3x3 subgrid called a region. Your goal is to fill in the squares so that each column, row, and
region contains the numbers 1 through 9 exactly once. And some squares already contain numbers or symbols,
which lend clues toward the solution.
Programming Sudoku provides you with great approaches to building
and solving Sudoku and other similar puzzles. Using ingenious artificial intelligence and game theory
techniques, you'll learn how to get a computer to solve these puzzles for you.
This is a fun, intriguing
read whether you're a novice or advanced programmer. It acknowledges the.NET platform as a base, but
you'll find this book interesting whatever your programming background. The core techniques in the
book enable you to solve Sudoku on any programming platform.

eBook:Apress.Programming.Sudoku.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BHV/jWu6xxP22j1tPake9wYuKmE]

file:2006_0817_wrz_a-p.s.m.2.e.izp [4329] KB



Comparing, Designing, and Deploying VPNs

Product Details
Author(s): Mark Lewis
ISBN: 1587051796
Publisher: Cisco Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 1080

Product Description
A practical guide for comparing, designing, and deploying IPsec, MPLS Layer 3, L2TPv3, L2TPv2, AToM,
and SSL virtual private networks Explore the major VPN technologies and their applications, design,
and configurations on the Cisco IOS® Router, Cisco® ASA 5500 Series, and the Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrator
platforms Compare the various VPN protocols and technologies, learn their advantages and disadvantages,
and understand their real-world applications and methods of integration Find out how to design and implement
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPNs, including consideration of clientless operation, the Cisco SSL VPN
Client, the Cisco Secure Desktop, file and web server access, e-mail proxies, and port forwarding Learn
how to deploy scalable and secure IPsec and L2TP remote access VPN designs, including consideration
of authentication, encryption, split-tunneling, high availability, load-balancing, and NAT transparency
Master scalable IPsec site-to-site VPN design and implementation including configuration of security
protocols and policies, multiprotocol/ multicast traffic transport, NAT/PAT traversal, quality
of service (QoS), Dynamic Multipoint VPNs (DMVPNs), and public key infrastructure (PKI) Virtual private
networks (VPNs) enable organizations to connect offices or other sites over the Internet or a service
provider network and allow mobile or home-based users to enjoy the same level of productivity as those
who are in the same physical location as the central network. However, with so many flavors of VPNs available,
companies and providers are often hard pressed to identify, design, and deploy the VPN solutions that
are most appropriate for their particular network architecture and service needs. Comparing,
Designing, and Deploying VPNs
brings together the most popular VPN technologies for convenient
reference. The book examines the real-world operation, application, design, and configuration of
the following site-to-site VPNs: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol version 3 (L2TPv3)-based Layer 2 VPNs (L2VPN);
Any Transport over MPLS (AToM)-based L2VPN; MPLS Layer 3-based VPNs; and IP Security (IPsec)-based
VPNs. The book covers the same details for the following remote access VPNs: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
version 2 (L2TPv2) VPNs; L2TPv3 VPNs; IPsec-based VPNs; and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) VPNs. Through
the operation, application, and configuration details offered in each chapter, you’ll learn
how to compare and contrast the numerous types of VPN technologies, enabling you to consider all relevant
VPN deployment options and select the VPN technologies that are most appropriate for your network.
Comparing, Designing, and Deploying VPNs begins with an introduction of the types of VPNs available.
Subsequent chapters begin with an overview of the technology, followed by an examination of deployment
pros and cons that you can use to determine if the particular VPN technology is appropriate for your network.
Detailed discussion of design, deployment, and configuration make up the heart of each chapter. Appendix
A offers insight into two multipoint emulated LAN services that can be deployed over a MAN or WAN: Virtual
Private LAN Service (VPLS) and IP-only Private LAN Service (IPLS). If you are a network architect, network
engineer, network administrator, an IT manager, or CIO involved in selecting, designing, deploying,
and supporting VPNs, you’ll find Comparing, Designing, and Deploying VPNs to be an indispensable
reference. This book is part of the Cisco Press® Networking Technology Series, which offers networking
professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies,
and building successful careers.

eBook:Cisco.Press.Comparing.Designing.and.Deploying.VPNs.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [xmJXHfhfDjSlXlh3InnBHraE9/o]

file:2006_0817_wrz_c-p.c.d.a.d.v.a.2.e.izp [40993] KB



Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming (Pro-Developer)

Product Details
Author(s): Itzik Ben-gan,Dejan Sarka,Roger Wolter
ISBN: 0735621977
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 544

Product Description
This thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators delivers expert guidance
on sophisticated uses of Transact-SQL (T-SQL)—one of the most familiar and powerful programming
languages for SQL Server. Written by a T-SQL guru, this guide focuses on language features and how they
are interpreted and processed by the SQL Server execution engine. You'll get in-depth coverage of the
sophisticated uses of T-SQL, including triggers, user-defined functions, exception handling, and
more. The book explains and compares solutions to database-development problems in both SQL Server
2000 and SQL Server 2005, discussing the new T-SQL programming features added to SQL Server 2005 in detail.
Includes extensive code samples, table examples, and logic puzzles to help database developers and
administrators understand the intricacies and help promote mastery of T-SQL.

eBook:Microsoft.Press.Inside.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.T-SQL.Programming.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL hash [fvvFB5WDCJSY5hGn05e86pCHOJM]

file:2006_0817_wrz_m-p.i.m.s.s.2.t.p.j.2.e.izp [2699] KB



LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Product Details
Author(s): Steven Pritchard,Bruno Pessanha,Nicolai Langfeldt,James Stanger,Jeff Dean
ISBN: 0596005288
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2006
Pages: 961

Product Description
LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for determining what
you need to practice to pass the Linux Professional Institute exams. This book will help you determine
when you're ready to take the exams, which are technically challenging and designed to reflect the skills
that administrators need in real working environments.
As more corporations adopt Linux as the networking
backbone for their IT systems, the demand for certified technicians will become even greater. Passing
the LPI exams will broaden your career options because the LPIC is the most widely known and respected
Linux certification program in the world. Linux Journal recognized the LPI as the best Training and Certification
Program. The exams were developed by the Linux Professional Institute, an international, volunteer-driven
organization with affiliates in a dozen countries.
The core LPI exams cover two levels. Level 1 tests
a basic knowledge of Linux installation, configuration, and command-line skills. Level 2 goes into
much more depth regarding system troubleshooting and network services such as email and the Web. The
second edition of LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell is a thoroughly researched reference to these
exams. The book is divided into four parts, one for each of the LPI exams. Each part features not only a summary
of the core skills you need, but sample exercises and test questions, along with helpful hints to let you
focus your energies.
Major topics include:

GNU and Unix commands
Linux installation and package
Devices, filesystems, and kernel configuration
Text editing, processing, and printing

The X Window System
Networking fundamentals and troubleshooting
Security, including intrusion
detection, SSH, Kerberos, and more
DNS, DHCP, file sharing, and other networking infrastructure

Email, FTP, and Web services
Praise for the first edition: "Although O'Reilly's Nutshell series are
intended as 'Desktop Reference' manuals, I have to recommend this one as a good all-round read; not only
as a primer for LPI certification, but as an excellent introductory text on GNU/Linux. In all, this is
a valuable addition to O'Reilly's already packed stable of Linux titles and I look forward to more from
the author." --First Monday

eBook:OReilly.LPI.Linux.Certification.in.a.Nutshell.2nd.Edition.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [l2BTaDGktN1Df0AgjA8jpRgMcF8]

file:2006_0817_wrz_o-l.l.c.i.a.n.2.e.j.2.e.izp [2386] KB



1. Addison.Wesley.Essential.C.Sharp.2.0.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Addison.Wesley.Rubyisms.in.Rails.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
3. OReilly.Unicode.Explained.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Que.Using.Google.Spreadsheets.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL


Essential C# 2.0 (Microsoft .Net Development Series)

Product Details
Author(s): Mark Michaelis
ISBN: 0321150775
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Year: 2006
Pages: 768

Product Description

eBook:Addison.Wesley.Essential.C.Sharp.2.0.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [QWlcJ6+74LcCYoO94tSsqZBHcEI]

file:2006_0818_wrz_a-w.e.c.s.2.0.j.2.e.izp [4647] KB



Product Details

Product Description

eBook:Addison.Wesley.Rubyisms.in.Rails.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [D7qJEBJL4buQWUWV+xfWmXRBcwM]

file:2006_0818_wrz_a-w.r.i.r.j.2.e.izp [136] KB



Unicode Explained

Product Details
Author(s): Jukka Korpela
ISBN: 059610121X
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Year: 2006
Pages: 658

Product Description
Fundamentally, computers just deal with numbers. They store letters and other characters by assigning
a number for each one. There are hundreds of different encoding systems for mapping characters to numbers,
but Unicode promises a single mapping. Unicode enables a single software product or website to be targeted
across multiple platforms, languages and countries without re-engineering. It's no wonder that industry
giants like Apple, Hewlett-Packard, IBM andMicrosoft have all adopted Unicode.
Containing everything
you need to understand Unicode, this comprehensive reference from O'Reilly takes you on a detailed guide
through the complex character world. For starters, it explains how to identify and classify characters
- whether they're common, uncommon, or exotic. It then shows you how to type them, utilize their properties,
and process character data in a robust manner.
The book is broken up into three distinct parts. The first
few chapters provide you with a tutorial presentation of Unicode and character data. It gives you a firm
grasp of the terminology you need to reference various components, including character sets, fonts
and encodings, glyphs and character repertoires.
The middle section offers more detailed information
about using Unicode and other character codes. It explains the principles and methods of defining character
codes, describes some of the widely used codes, and presents code conversion techniques. It also discusses
properties of characters, collation and sorting, line breaking rules and Unicode encodings. The final
four chapters cover more advanced material, such as programming to support Unicode.
You simply can't
afford to be without the nuggets of valuable information detailed in Unicode Explained.

eBook:OReilly.Unicode.Explained.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL hash [wqD34rAMHguoClyz41/4Kwvou0Q]

file:2006_0818_wrz_o-u.e.j.2.e.izp [4137] KB


eBook:Que.Using.Google.Spreadsheets.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [4EFoYFmTfqiwsihbmo0JUIhWGls]

file:2006_0818_wrz_q-u.g.s.j.2.e.izp [1833] KB



ex-Team DUMPz
wrz.netz, в посте №697 пропущена книга Packt.Publishing.Understanding.TCP.IP.A.Clear.And.Comprehensive.Guide.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
Можно ее залить?


1. Developing.More.Curious.Minds.eBook-EEn
2. Get.Fit.with.Technology.How.to.Lose.Weight.Using.Your.PC.eBook-EEn
3. Guide.to.Popular.U.S.Government.Documents.eBook-EEn
4. How.the.Irish.Saved.Civilization.eBook-EEn
5. Naked.Intimacy.How.to.Increase.the.Openness.in.Your.Relationship.eBook-EEn
6. On.the.Teaching.of.Linear.Algebra.eBook-EEn
7. Prentice.Hall.PTR.Solaris.Performance.and.Tools.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
8. Reading.the.Vampire.Slayer.The.New.Updated.Unofficial.Guide.to.Buffy.and.Angel.eBook-EEn
9. Uncommon.Sense.Out.of.the.Box.Thinking.for.an.in.the.Box.World.eBook-EEn


Developing More Curious Minds

Product Details
Author(s): John Barell
ISBN: 0871207192
Publisher: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Deve
Year: 2003
Pages: 244

Product Description
After the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, many people questioned why no one
had anticipated the terrorists' acts, even when events and intelligence seemed to point toward them.
John Barell wonders if the attacks speak to a greater societal problem of complacency. He believes many
students have become too passive in their learning, accepting information and "facts" as presented
in textbooks, classes, and the media. Drawing on anecdotes from educators and his own life, Barell describes
practical strategies to spur students' ability and willingness to pose and answer their own questions.
Antarctica expeditions, outer space discoveries, dinosaur fossils, literature, and more help define
the importance of developing an inquisitive mind, using such practices as * Maintaining journals on
field trips, * Using questioning frames and models when reading texts, * Engaging in critical thinking
and problem-based learning, and * Integrating inquiry into curriculum development and the classroom
culture. To become habits of mind, students' daily curiosities must be nurtured and supported. Barell
draws a vivid map to guide readers to "an intelligent revolution" in which schools can become places where
educators and students imagine and work together to become active citizens in their society.

eBook:Developing.More.Curious.Minds.eBook-EEn hash [Uz1wFlp8EngPqpynd0g8bPAlCEA]

file:2006_0819_wrz_d-m.c.m.e.izp [1826] KB



Get Fit with Technology: How to Lose Weight Using Your PC

Product Details
Author(s): Jordan Gold
ISBN: 1592006159
Publisher: Course Technology PTR
Year: 2004
Pages: 312

Product Description
The Journal of the American Medical Association has found that people who use their PCs in conjunction
with weight loss programs lose three times more weight than people who don't. This book is the guide that
will lead you down the high-tech path toward health and fitness. It includes hundreds of tips and techniques
to help you lose weight, stories of those who have lost weight using their computers, and guides to the
best tools, websites and fun gadgets to help you in your quest. Discover the best sites for cooking, nutrition,
and exercising, and learn where to go to find health information and moral support. Find out what tools
are available for tracking and managing your health electronically and how these tools can help you meet
your health-related goals.

eBook:Get.Fit.with.Technology.How.to.Lose.Weight.Using.Your.PC.eBook-EEn hash [rbcqRe4GiJYKf8x4wlNAavcth0E]

file:2006_0819_wrz_g-f.w.t.h.t.l.w.u.y.p.e.izp [7395] KB


Product Description

eBook:Guide.to.Popular.U.S.Government.Documents.eBook-EEn hash [THMqfvz9dDqGW3mNoDYn63NkCL4]

file:2006_0819_wrz_g-t.p.u.s.g.d.e.izp [3363] KB



How the Irish Saved Civilization (Hinges of History)

Product Details
Author(s): Thomas Cahill
ISBN: 0385418493
Publisher: Anchor
Year: 1996
Pages: 256

Product Description
From the fall of Rome to the rise of Charlemagne--the "dark ages"--learning, scholarship, and culture
disappeared from the European continent. The great heritage of western civilization--from the Greek
and Roman classics to Jewish and Christian works--would have been utterly lost were it not for the holy
men and women of unconquered Ireland.

eBook:How.the.Irish.Saved.Civilization.eBook-EEn hash [L292VzvhcJkyXyQ566MjFg11S+E]

file:2006_0819_wrz_h-t.i.s.c.e.izp [9641] KB



Why Men Fall Out of Love: The 4 Relationship-Busters Every Woman Needs to Understand

Product Details
Author(s): Michael French
ISBN: 0345492919
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Year: 2007
Pages: 304

Product Description

eBook:Naked.Intimacy.How.to.Increase.the.Openness.in.Your.Relationship.eBook-EEn hash [lgilUUfeAaUtk0x21dOhhL1DgzI]

file:2006_0819_wrz_n-i.h.t.i.t.o.i.y.r.e.izp [11182] KB



On the Teaching of Linear Algebra (Mathematics Education Library)

Product Details
ISBN: 0792365399
Publisher: Springer
Year: 1899
Pages: 312

Product Description
This book presents the state-of-the-art research on the teaching and learning of linear algebra in the
first year of university, in an international perspective. It aims at giving to university teachers
in charge of linear algebra courses a wide range of information from works including theoretical and
experimental issues. These works try to better understand the meaning of linear algebra in an epistemological
approach, as well as the constraints and the difficulties in its teaching and learning. They also present
teaching designs with the analysis of their experimentation. However, it would be vain to expect a miraculous
way for teaching linear algebra, rather elements of reflection are given to the reader with keys for his
or her own experimentation. Through the variety of the works presented, this book also discusses theoretical
issues which are consistent for all research in maths education at tertiary level.

eBook:On.the.Teaching.of.Linear.Algebra.eBook-EEn hash [4/THGigENOLiL2Me6cHOhvFh7NE]

file:2006_0819_wrz_o-t.t.o.l.a.e.izp [19891] KB



Solaris(TM) Performance and Tools: DTrace and MDB Techniques for Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris

Product Details
Author(s): Richard McDougall,Jim Mauro,Brendan Gregg
ISBN: 0131568191
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Year: 2006
Pages: 496

Product Description

eBook:Prentice.Hall.PTR.Solaris.Performance.and.Tools.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [kw3dyZupuRhJfQylXT6Dp14JnTQ]

file:2006_0819_wrz_p-h.p.s.p.a.t.j.2.e.izp [1589] KB



Reading the Vampire Slayer: The Complete, Unofficial Guide to 'Buffy' and 'Angel' (Reading Contemporary Television)

Product Details
ISBN: 186064984X
Publisher: Tauris Parke Paperbacks
Year: 2004
Pages: 288

Product Description
The first edition of Reading the Vampire Slayer was highly praised in both the fan magazine SFX and the
Times Literary Supplement. This second edition is hugely revised and expanded to cover the sixth and
seventh seasons of Buffy and the third and fourth seasons of Angel. It contains chapters on the relationship
between Buffy and the lovelorn vampire Spike and on the thematic structure of Angel, as well as interviews
on the writing of Buffy with scriptwriters Jane Espenson and Steven DeKnight. Individual chapters have
been updated and the useful episode guide is expanded to cover all seven seasons of Buffy and the four seasons
of Angel, as is Roz Kaveney's general introduction to the scenes and structures of each season.

eBook:Reading.the.Vampire.Slayer.The.New.Updated.Unofficial.Guide.to.Buffy.and.Angel.eBook-EEn hash [jGJEZySnvHCCx51+lflDYqiCZyc]

file:2006_0819_wrz_r-t.v.s.t.n.u.u.g.t.b.a.a.e.izp [15721] KB



Uncommon Sense: Out of the Box Thinking for An In the Box World

Product Details
Author(s): Peter Cochrane
ISBN: 184112477X
Publisher: Capstone
Year: 2004
Pages: 254

Product Description
In Uncommon Sense, Peter Cochrane's follow up to the radical 108 Tips for Time Traveller, Peter explains
how very simple analysis allows the prediction of such debacles as the 3G auction and the subsequent collapse
of an industry, whilst simple-minded thinking is dangerous in the context of a world that is predominantly
chaotic and out of control. People balked when Peter suggested a wholesale move to eWorking, the rise
of email and text messaging, and the dotcom regime mirroring the boom and bust cycle of the industrial
revolution. His predictions of the use and growth of mobile devices and communication, or use of chip
implants for humans to replace ID cards, passports, and medical records, or iris scanners and fingerprint
readers - were all seen as unlikely. Today they are a reality. How then will the world react to his predictions
as set out in Uncommon Sense of a networked world of distributed ignorance and sharing overcoming an old
world of concentrated skill and control? To everything becoming 'Napsterised' in every dimension,
where storage and processing power cost nothing, and become connected without the help of the old network
companies? A world where individuals create their own networks, where laws of copyright and resale,
and old business models have to be changed as giant industries are dragged kicking and screaming out of
the 19th Century and into the 21st? Peter Cochrane poses and answers questions, suggests solutions,
and raises red flags on issues that need to be addressed. Tables, diagrams, pictures and illustrations
generously support all of the text, with the most difficult aspects illustrated by simulations and other
material on a CD and links to a web site with an ongoing expansion of the themes addressed. "

eBook:Uncommon.Sense.Out.of.the.Box.Thinking.for.an.in.the.Box.World.eBook-EEn hash [uv8rGP3sgzY2nRC9cXYVa+7mECI]

file:2006_0819_wrz_u-s.o.o.t.b.t.f.a.i.t.b.w.e.izp [5180] KB



1. For.Dummies.AutoCAD.and.AutoCAD.LT.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL
2. For.Dummies.Linux.Smart.Homes.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL
3. For.Dummies.Quake.4.Mods.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Peachpit.Press.Apple.Boot.Camp.Public.Beta.First.Look.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL
5. Peachpit.Press.Designers.Guide.to.Mac.OS.X.Tiger.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL
6. Sams.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Integration.Services.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL
7. Wiley.Lessons.in.Grid.Computing.The.System.Is.a.Mirror.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU


AutoCAD & AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Product Details
Author(s): David Byrnes,Lee Ambrosius
ISBN: 0471752606
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 816

Product Description
AutoCAD is the leading software tool for creating technical and architectural drawings, but it definitely
doesn't lead in the "easy to master" category. That's why there's AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk
Reference For Dummies—the perfect way to break a complex topic into bite-size, easy-to-understand
pieces. Once you get the hang of using AutoCAD and its slightly less feature-rich cousin, AutoCAD LT,
you discover that it offers wonderful advantages. AutoCAD allows you to
Create precision to 14 significant
Re-use portions of your drawings by copying and pasting
Draw things full size and print your
drawings in any scale
Produce drawings that are easier to read when reduced
Electronically share and
distribute drawings
Design in 2D or 3D So obviously, the trick is to speed up that "getting the hang of
it" process. That's where AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies comes in especially
handy. Ten easy-to-follow minibooks cover every aspect of AutoCAD, including the latest features of
AutoCAD 2007, so you can find just what you need to know quickly and easily. You'll get the scoop on
basics, such as setting up drawings, finding your way around the interface, and using all the tools
and modifying objects in 2D and annotating your drawings
3D modeling and viewing, working with solids
and surfaces, and rendering
Understanding how AutoCAD LT differs from AutoCAD and deciding which program
you need
Advanced drafting skills, including organizing drawings, working with blocks, and using
AutoCAD utilities
Setting up your drawings for plotting to paper and publishing
Sharing your drawings
online for collaboration
Customizing and programming AutoCAD to make it work the way you want it to In
the familiar, friendly For Dummies fashion, AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
gives you plain-English explanations and step-by-step directions. Written by a pair of AutoDesk Authorized
Authors, this handy guide will help make your relationship with AutoCAD a happy and productive one.

eBook:For.Dummies.AutoCAD.and.AutoCAD.LT.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL hash [C+A3lLjT2yFAIljYfNK9WfSLMXU]

file:2006_0820_wrz_f-d.a.a.a.l.a.i.o.d.r.f.d.a.2.e.izp [11019] KB



Linux Smart Homes For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Product Details
Author(s): Neil Cherry
ISBN: 0764598236
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 384

Product Description
A Linux smart home is about controlling and monitoring devices and information around your home using
a standard personal computer, Linux, and its vast array of open source tools. You don’t have to
be a master programmer to create one. If you like to tinker with Linux, Linux Smart Homes For Dummies will
guide you through cool home automation projects that are as much fun to work on as they are to use. Home automation
used to be limited to turning on lights and appliances, and maybe controlling your thermostat and lawn
sprinkler, from your computer. While you still might not be able to create all the Jetsons’ toys,
today you can also
Build a wireless network
Create and set up a weather station
Automate your TV and
sound system
Spy on your pets when you’re not home
Set up an answering system that knows what to
do with calls
Increase your home’s security If you know how to use Linux and a few basic development
tools — Perl, the BASH shell, development libraries, and the GNU C compiler—Linux Smart
Homes For Dummies will help you do all these tricks and more. For example, you can
Discover the best sources
for Linux-based home automation devices
Set up a wireless network, create a wireless access point,
build a bridge between wired and wireless networks, and route your own network traffic
Build a personal
video recorder with MythTV that will record to DVD, or set up a wireless streaming music system
a smart phone system that takes messages and forwards them to your fax, modem, or answering machine
a weather station that notifies you of severe weather alerts
Control and secure your home automation
network, and even check on your house when you’re away The bonus CD-ROM includes all kinds of cool
open source software for your home automation projects. Linux Smart Homes For Dummies even includes
lists of cool gadgets to check out and great ways to automate those boring household chores. A smart home’s
a happy home!

eBook:For.Dummies.Linux.Smart.Homes.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL hash [0w0x3VVbe04bq5uExXUZ1OD05F0]

file:2006_0820_wrz_f-d.l.s.h.f.d.a.2.e.izp [6230] KB



Quake 4 Mods For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

Product Details
Author(s): Erik Guilfoyle
ISBN: 0470037466
Publisher: For Dummies
Year: 2006
Pages: 408

Product Description

eBook:For.Dummies.Quake.4.Mods.For.Dummies.Aug.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BSkUAVbMjQvB06zsMKR8CT7JVKo]

file:2006_0820_wrz_f-d.q.4.m.f.d.a.2.e.izp [8522] KB


Product Description

eBook:Peachpit.Press.Apple.Boot.Camp.Public.Beta.First.Look.Apr.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BuPOr1fgGI4DxoKjybrLvAz/4Y4]

file:2006_0820_wrz_p-p.a.b.c.p.b.f.l.a.2.e.izp [3226] KB



Designer's Guide to Mac OS X Tiger

Product Details
Author(s): Jeff Gamet
ISBN: 032141246X
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 288

Product Description
You held off on moving to Mac OS X until your bread-and-butter applications made the jump, and now you're
thinking of moving up to Tiger. This book is especially geared toward designers who've become comfortable
working under Mac OS X and are ready now to make the Tiger transition. Designer and prepress pro Jeff Gamet
focuses on the Mac OS X Tiger features that matter most to illustrators, designers, and other graphic
professionals. He explains not only how things work in Mac OS X Tiger, but how Tiger enables users to work
efficiently and effectively. In chapters devoted to fonts, printing, PDF, color management, networking,
the Mac's built-in design tools, and much more, readers will learn how to: * Solve the nitty-gritty issues
designers confront daily * Improve production workflow and avoid common problems * Optimize, maintain,
and secure your network, whether you work in a complex office environment or a small graphics studio orkflows.

eBook:Peachpit.Press.Designers.Guide.to.Mac.OS.X.Tiger.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL hash [dSAWrEzuhe+kGeHI5Xy+oXEaZV8]

file:2006_0820_wrz_p-p.d.g.t.m.o.x.t.j.2.e.izp [15605] KB



Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services

Product Details
Author(s): Kirk Haselden
ISBN: 0672327813
Publisher: Sams
Year: 2006
Pages: 744

Product Description
All medium to large companies have to deal with data being stored in a number of databases, spreadsheets
and proprietary applications. Bringing all this data together into one system can be useful to analyzing
the business; but can also be quite difficult to do. Integration Services is the next big bet in Microsoft's
business intelligence lineup, providing you with true enterprise extract transform and load features
(ETL). Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services concentrates on providing you with
real world solutions to real world problems, giving you a head start on various projects. If you are only evaluating
Integration Services, you'll be able to focus on the early chapters with the option of drilling down into
details in the later chapters where some of the more complex concepts will be discussed in detail. The interesting
sidebars peppered throughout the book provide insight into the processes, people and decisions that
yielded the final IS product.

eBook:Sams.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Integration.Services.Jul.2006.eBook-BBL hash [CmiNyV3P37Dgolacr/Q9RELGvfU]

file:2006_0820_wrz_s-m.s.s.2.i.s.j.2.e.izp [26948] KB



Lessons in Grid Computing: The System Is a Mirror

Product Details
Author(s): Stuart Robbins
ISBN: 0471790109
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2006
Pages: 384

Product Description
Praise for Lessons in Grid Computing: The System Is a Mirror "You should not overlook the potential genius
in this concept." —Geoffrey Moore, consultant and author, Dealing with Darwin "Since he first
identified 'information systems as mirrors of the people who build them' for me, I have seen it operate
in many ways. It is a fascinating idea, and a completely new way of thinking about technology." —Sean
Moriarty, Chief Operating Officer, Ticketmaster "This book makes for compelling reading—it's
easy to become immersed in the stories, and the insights gradually grow in the reader's mind as they take
root in the character's minds. This is quite a useful work. The ideas presented here could be quickly put
to practical use in any organization." —Mohamed Muhsin, VP and CIO, The World Bank A breakthrough
exploration of information systems as mirrors of the people who build them. Packed with truer-than-life
stories, stimulating characters, and unique IT analysis, Lessons in Grid Computing: The System Is a
Mirror finally declares:
Our systems will not "talk to each other" if our people are not talking to each
We must transform ourselves to the same degree that we want to transform our systems
To correct
problems in our information systems, we must first address the problems between the people that build
and support them Discover how to adjust your management style to enable the next generation of technologies
with the help of Lessons in Grid Computing: The System Is a Mirror.

eBook:Wiley.Lessons.in.Grid.Computing.The.System.Is.a.Mirror.Jul.2006.eBook-DDU hash [sl9gbmHDSQERTk5r5npahDB8r+U]

file:2006_0820_wrz_w-l.i.g.c.t.s.i.a.m.j.2.e.izp [6680] KB



1. Idea.Group.Publishing.Handbook.of.Research.on.Mobile.Multimedia.May.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Microsoft.Press.MCTS.Self.Paced.Training.Kit.Exam.70-536.Microsoft.dot.NET.Framework.2.0.Application.Development.Foundation.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL
3. Microsoft.Press.Software.Estimation.Demystifying.the.Black.Art.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL
4. Wrox.Professional.Windows.Desktop.and.Server.Hardening.May.2006.eBook-BBL


Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia (N/A)

Product Details
ISBN: 1591408660
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing
Year: 2006
Pages: 626

Product Description
The Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia provides a descriptive, analytical, and comprehensive
assessment of factors, trends, and issues in the ever-changing field of mobile multimedia. This authoritative,
research-based publication also offers in-depth explanations of mobile solutions and their specific
applications areas, as well as an overview of the future outlook for mobile multimedia. This timely reference
source provides direction for future researchers to pursue when examining issues in the field, and is
also the perfect tool for practitioners interested in applying pioneering concepts in practical situations.

eBook:Idea.Group.Publishing.Handbook.of.Research.on.Mobile.Multimedia.May.2006.eBook-BBL hash [ek/LD1WUYvBgXjZc7Kr7B0w9j+U]

file:2006_0806_wrz_i-g.p.h.o.r.o.m.m.m.2.e.izp [8928] KB



MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-536): Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Application Development Foundation (Pro-Developer (Hardcover))

Product Details
Author(s): Tony Northrup,Shawn Wildermuth,Bill Ryan
ISBN: 0735622779
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 1088

Product Description
Get in-depth exam prep for Exam 70-536, a core MCTS exam for the new Microsoft Technology Specialist and
Professional Developer certifications and build real-world job skills. Includes test questions,
reviews, case studies, code samples, and more.

eBook:Microsoft.Press.MCTS.Self.Paced.Training.Kit.Exam.70-536.Microsoft.dot.NET.Framework.2.0.Application.Development.Foundation.Jun.2006.eBook-BBL hash [BDrEUcaaj+mE4OxFU/xBwb9C9tQ]

file:2006_0806_wrz_m-p.m.s.p.t.k.e.7.m.d.n.f.2.0.a.d.f.j.2.e.izp [4504] KB



Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (Best Practices (Microsoft))

Product Details
Author(s): Steve McConnell
ISBN: 0735605351
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Year: 2006
Pages: 308

Product Description
Often referred to as the "black art" because of its complexity and uncertainty, software estimation
is not as hard or mysterious as people think. However, the art of how to create effective cost and schedule
estimates has not been very well publicized. While the average software organization can struggle with
project costs that run double their original estimates, some of the more sophisticated organizations
achieve results with estimation errors as low as 5-10%. These best-in-class organizations use scientific
techniques that are not cost-effective, however, making them of limited use to most software development
organizations. To address these issues, Software Estimation focuses on the art of software estimation
and provides a proven set of procedures and heuristics that software developers, technical leads, and
project managers can apply to their projects. Instead of arcane treatises and rigid modeling techniques,
award-winning author Steve McConnell gives practical guidance to help organizations achieve basic
estimation proficiency and lay the groundwork to continue improving project cost estimates. This book
is organized from simple tips to more advanced ideas; it does not avoid the more hairy mathematical estimation
approaches, but the non-mathematical reader will find plenty of useful guidelines without getting
bogged down in complex formulas.

eBook:Microsoft.Press.Software.Estimation.Demystifying.the.Black.Art.Mar.2006.eBook-BBL hash [lWq1kA//94hPd+XzRiIhpZu9gTc]

file:2006_0806_wrz_m-p.s.e.d.t.b.a.m.2.e.izp [5087] KB



Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening (Programmer to Programmer)

Product Details
Author(s): Roger A. Grimes
ISBN: 0764599909
Publisher: Wrox
Year: 2006
Pages: 572

Product Description

eBook:Wrox.Professional.Windows.Desktop.and.Server.Hardening.May.2006.eBook-BBL hash [kj4BudmSv8gGw/jDIW8LpqVu0XE]

file:2006_0806_wrz_w-p.w.d.a.s.h.m.2.e.izp [14241] KB

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