0-DAYS EbookZ and more. Part 2

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ex-Team DUMPz
OpenGL Shading Language 2nd Edition Jan 2006

¦ TITLE : OpenGL(R) Shading Language (2nd Edition) ¦
¦ AUTHOR : Randi J. Rost ¦
¦ PUBLISHER : Addison-Wesley Professional ¦
¦ ISBN : 0321334892 ¦ MAKER : BBL ¦
¦ PUB DATE : January 25, 2006 ¦ PACKAGER : BBL ¦
¦ LANGUAGE : English ¦ FORMAT : CHM ¦
¦ RLS DATE : 02/01/06 ¦ SIZE : 2,83 MB ¦


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ex-Team DUMPz
Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0 Programming Smart Client Data Applications with dot NET Jan 2006

¦ TITLE : Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0 : Programming Smart ¦
¦ Client Data Applications with .NET (Microsoft Net Development ¦
¦ Series) ¦
¦ AUTHOR : Brian Noyes ¦
¦ PUBLISHER : Addison-Wesley Professional ¦
¦ ISBN : 032126892X ¦ MAKER : BBL ¦
¦ PUB DATE : January 12, 2006 ¦ PACKAGER : BBL ¦
¦ LANGUAGE : English ¦ FORMAT : CHM ¦
¦ RLS DATE : 02/02/06 ¦ SIZE : 5,67 MB ¦


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ex-Team DUMPz
Остальную информацию добавлю когда скачаю (из *.nfo). Если что-то уже было в теме, то скорее всего на Rapidshare, так что будут алтернативные ссылки...


ex-Team DUMPz
echo, please don't dublicate. There is special 0-day thread:

Для 0-day есть специальная тема. и эту книги уже были. Пости туда. завтра объединю!!!


Ну а почему же не повторяться?

Ну а почему же не повторяться? Почти все появляющиеся книги на английском из "0-дея". Почти все я выложил. Несмотря на это, есть темы "Книги по программированию", "Книги по ДБ" и т.п. Может быть, стоили поместить эти книги как раз в "Книги по ДБ", но я считаю это не обязательным.

Например, т.н. "WAREZ", тоже на 95% 0-дей. Лежит рядом с книгами бок о бок. Нет же одной единственной темы "Warez", в которую все бы постили все появляющее.

Вот у меня как раз убедительная просьба, не постить в "special 0-day thread".
Тогда надо весь день выкачивать и постить в подробном формате. Да и зачем это надо ? Мне от этого работы не убавиться. Тогда надо делать подраздел и постить по дням, разбивать тему.


pariman написал(а):
echo, please don't dublicate. There is special 0-day thread:

Для 0-day есть специальная тема. и эту книги уже были. Пости туда. завтра объединю!!!
Вообще-то, это не повтор -- я постнул чуть раньше, но не в этом дело: это несколько другой PDF -- я там сделал закладки (bookmarks) согласно оглавлению.


Request 2005-0604


Effective C++ : 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition)
by Scott Meyers


Product Description
This exceptionally useful text offers Scott Myers's expertise in C++ class design and programming tips. The second edition incorporates recent advances to
C++ included in the ISO standard, including namespaces and built-in template classes, and is required reading for any working C++ developer.

The book opens with some hints for porting code from C to C++ and then moves on to the proper use of the new and delete operators in C++ for more robust
memory management. The text then proceeds to class design, including the proper use of constructors, destructors, and overloaded operator functions for
assignment within classes. (These guidelines ensure that you will create custom C++ classes that are fully functional data types, which can be copied and
assigned just like built-in C++ classes.)

The author also provides a handful of suggestions for general class design, including strategies for using different types of inheritance and encapsulation.
Never doctrinaire and always intelligent, these guidelines can make your C++ classes more robust and easier to maintain.

Product Details
# Paperback: 320 pages
# Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 3 edition (May 12, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0321334876

eBook: Addison.Wesley.Effective.C.Plus.Plus.55.Specific.Ways.to.Improve.Your.Programs.and.Designs.3rd.Edition.May.2005.eBook-DDU hash [8OQeR5PskLNd4Jegj8CQ7fZc8eU]
file: 2005_0604_wrz_a-w.e.p.p.5.s.w.t.i.y.p.a.d.3.e.m.2.e.izp [651] KB


Ладно, что то на фихдауне все ничего нового не выкладывают. Решил я не ждать и все-таки самому выложить. Хотя стоило бы просто подождать.

1. Apress.Beginning.ASP.NET.2.0.in.C.Sharp.2005.From.Novice.to.Professional.Jan.2006.eBook-BBL
2. Apress.Beginning.SQL.Server.2005.for.Developers.From.Novice.to.Professional.Jan.2006.eBook-BBL
3. Springer.Design.and.Performance.of.3G.Wireless.Networks.and.Wireless.LANs.Sep.2005.eBook-DDU


Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)

Product Details
Author(s): Matthew MacDonald,Julian Templeman
ISBN: 1590595726
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 1184

Product Description
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional steers you through the maze of ASP.NET web
programming concepts. You will learn language and theory simultaneously, mastering the core techniques
necessary to develop good coding practices and enhance your skill set.
This book provides thorough
coverage of ASP.NET, guiding you from beginning to advanced techniques, such as querying databases
from within a web page and performance-tuning your site. You'll find tips for best practices and comprehensive
discussions of key database and XML principles.
The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques
of object orientation and code-behind, which will enable you to build real-world websites instead of
just scraping by with simplified coding practices. By the time you finish this book, you will have mastered
the core techniques essential to professional ASP.NET developers.

eBook: Apress.Beginning.ASP.NET.2.0.in.C.Sharp.2005.From.Novice.to.Professional.Jan.2006.eBook-BBL hash [5UMl+5MzPM6gAeDp6M9ByzXOfPI]

file: 2006_0206_wrz_a-b.a.n.i.s.2.f.n.t.p.j.2.e.izp [22728] KB



Beginning SQL Server 2005 for Developers: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)

Product Details
Author(s): Robin Dewson
ISBN: 1590595882
Publisher: Apress
Year: 2006
Pages: 600

Product Description
SQL Server 2005 will increase your programming options, productivity, analysis, and database management.
If you have some basic knowledge of relational databases and want to start a career as a developer using
SQL Server, then this book is your ideal first step. It explains the core jobs and roles for developing
a database in both SQL Server 2000 and 2005.
This book features practical steps to help you overcome issues
you're likely to encounter. You'll learn to use SQL for querying, inserting, updating, and deleting
data. You'll also learn how to back up and restore databases for basic administration in SQL Server. Further,
you'll cover how to build a complete database, from the fundamentals of relational database design to
table and index creation.
Additionally, you'll start to program in T-SQL, SQL Server's implementation
(and extension) of the SQL programming language, and you'll come away with effective programming techniques
using stored procedures and triggers. The book also includes a CD that contains an evaluation edition
of SQL Server 2005 so you can start building database applications right away.

eBook: Apress.Beginning.SQL.Server.2005.for.Developers.From.Novice.to.Professional.Jan.2006.eBook-BBL hash [ZvEeXsGaCl38MzodMwNk+/Id/mg]

file: 2006_0206_wrz_a-b.s.s.2.f.d.f.n.t.p.j.2.e.izp [13456] KB



Design and Performance of 3G Wireless Networks and Wireless LANs

Product Details
Author(s): Mooi Choo Chuah,Qinqing Zhang
ISBN: 0387241523
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2005
Pages: 349

Product Description
Design and Performance of 3G Wireless Networks and Wireless LANs is for wireless communication system
engineers, network engineers, professionals, and researchers. Network architectures of UMTS, CDMA2000
systems, and how major network elements within the 3G networks can be designed, are described. In addition,
the authors describe how end-to-end performance for voice and data services can be determined. They
also provide guidelines on how radio access networks and core networks can be engineered. Of equal importance,
is inclusion of explanations of various wireless LAN standards (IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11e)
and how voice and data services can be offered in the wireless LAN systems. Additional highlights include:
- Overview of core principles of wireless communications (e.g., FDMA, TDMA, CDMA), airlink capacity
analysis, and evaluation. - Traffic model descriptions and illustrations for circuit-switched and
packet-switched services. - In-depth coverage of how base station and radio network controller can
be designed to meet capacity requirements. - Discussion of unique design issues in 3G networks, innovative
solutions, and possible new 3G features. This material also provides capacity engineering guidelines
for 3G networks and wireless LANs. Review exercises are provided at the end of each chapter to facilitate
teaching and self study.

eBook: Springer.Design.and.Performance.of.3G.Wireless.Networks.and.Wireless.LANs.Sep.2005.eBook-DDU hash [a+zYiqyaCfWCfCPe8LroiIGAhLg]

file: 2006_0206_wrz_s-d.a.p.o.3.w.n.a.w.l.s.2.e.izp [16282] KB



1. AMACOM.The.AMA.Handbook.of.Project.Management.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU
2. Que.Special.Edition.Using.Microsoft.Office.2003.Student.Teacher.Edition.Feb.2006.eBook-BBL


The AMA Handbook of Project Management

Product Details
ISBN: 0814472710
Publisher: AMACOM
Year: 2005
Pages: 496

Product Description

eBook: AMACOM.The.AMA.Handbook.of.Project.Management.Dec.2005.eBook-DDU hash [KAxEosmyu8xd56NQuPxMhCXOaFM]

file: 2006_0207_wrz_a-t.a.h.o.p.m.d.2.e.izp [13506] KB



Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003, Student-Teacher Edition (Special Edition Using)

Product Details
Author(s): Ed Bott,Woody Leonhard
ISBN: 0789734664
Publisher: Que
Year: 2006
Pages: 936

Product Description
The Student-Teacher Edition of Microsoft Office 2003 is the best-selling version of the software suite,
and Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003, Student-Teacher Edition is the first book
to tackle it from the perspective of this unique user. The SE Using format will help you explore advanced
techniques that can save you time and help automate repetitive tasks. You will be able to increase your
productivity in all areas of any one of the Microsoft Office 2003 applications. You'll also learn ways
to make them work better together, further increasing your productivity. Take a look at Microsoft Office
2003 through the eyes of an expert with Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003, Student-Teacher

eBook: Que.Special.Edition.Using.Microsoft.Office.2003.Student.Teacher.Edition.Feb.2006.eBook-BBL hash [vX+4zSYy2/pdTZSQJLeQ6ALmztw]

file: 2006_0207_wrz_q-s.e.u.m.o.2.s.t.e.f.2.e.izp [25107] KB



Aspen написал(а):
McGraw Hill TAB Electronics Digital Animation Bible

Эта книга

вышла 20.10.2004 .
Зачем ее выкладывать в этой теме ??


ex-Team DUMPz
MySQL Cookbook


Category: Database
Language: English
FileType: CHM
File size: 661 KB

AUTHOR : Anthony Molinaro
PUBLISHER : O'Reilly Media, Inc.
ISBN : 0596009763
PUB DATE : December 01, 2005
SIZE : 0,66 MB
RLS DATE : 01/24/06

While MySQL has turned up among high profile users such as Yahoo!, NASA and the U.S. Census Bureau, the rising popularity of this open source database is especially keen among users with little database experience. These days, even a small organization or web site has uses for a database, and MySQL is an obvious choice. Affordable and easy to use, MySQL packs the power, speed and efficiency that enable it to rival expensive, proprietary database solutions. Yet, even if you know the basics, anyone without practical MySQL experience--novices and skilled DBAs alike--might stumble over common database-related tasks. Fortunately, there's a sensible shortcut.

MySQL Cookbook provides a unique problem-and-solution format that offers practical examples for everyday programming dilemmas. For every problem addressed in the book, there's a worked-out solution or "recipe"--short, focused pieces of code that you can insert directly into your applications. But MySQL Cookbook is more than a collection of cut-and-paste code. You also get explanations of how and why the code works, so you can learn to adapt the techniques to similar situations.

The book covers a lot of ground. Solutions for typical MySQL dilemmas range from simple ways to find all records that contain a given string, to more difficult problems, such as finding matching/non-matching records in two tables. Whether you use MySQL on Unix, Linux, Windows or the Mac OS X platform, the book will show you how to:

-Import data from external sources
-Export data for use by external programs
-Access MySQL from your web server
-Use scripts with MySQL to read queries from a file
-Access MySQL from within client programs that use Perl, PHP, Java, Python and other languages
-Construct queries that solve commonly-occurring questions
-Interact with the server

This learn-as-you-go resource will help users of all levels exploit MySQL more fully. MySQL Cookbook supplies you with an armory of ready-made techniques for specific problems so that, even if you're an experienced MySQL user, you don't have to write everything from scratch.

Download the code examples from this book. The complete set of examples is available at: http://www.kitebird.com/mysql-cookbook/


Последнее редактирование модератором:


ex-Team DUMPz
Analyzing Business Data with Excel


Category: Office
Language: English
FileType: CHM
File size: 6636 KB

TITLE : Analyzing Business Data with Excel
AUTHOR : Gerald Knight
PUBLISHER : O'Reilly Media, Inc.
ISBN : 0596100736
PUB DATE : January 01, 2006
SIZE : 6,45 MB
RLS DATE : 01/07/06

As one of the most widely used desktop applications ever created, Excel is familiar to just about everyone with a computer and a keyboard. Yet most of us don't know the full extent of what Excel can do, mostly because of its recent growth in power, versatility, and complexity. The truth is that there are many ways Excel can help make your job easier-beyond calculating sums and averages in a standard spreadsheet.

Analyzing Business Data with Excel shows you how to solve real-world business problems by taking Excel's data analysis features to the max. Rather than focusing on individual Excel functions and features, the book keys directly on the needs of business users. Most of the chapters start with a business problem or question, and then show you how to create pointed spreadsheets that address common data analysis issues.

Aimed primarily at experienced Excel users, the book doesn't spend much time on the basics. After introducing some necessary general tools, it quickly moves into more specific problem areas, such as the following:

-Pivot tables
-Workload forecasting
-Measuring quality
-Monitoring complex systems
-Importing data

If you feel as though you're getting shortchanged by your overall application of Excel, Analyzing Business Data with Excel is just the antidote. It addresses the growing Excel data analysis market head on. Accountants, managers, analysts, engineers, and supervisors-one and all-will learn how to turn Excel functionality into actual solutions for the business problems that confront them.

Download the code examples from this book. The complete set of examples is available at: http://examples.oreilly.com/analyzingbdwe/


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