web searching ebooks




By Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest
2nd Edition December 2004
Series: Hacks
ISBN: 0-596-00857-0

Google Hacks is a collection of industrial-strength, real-world, tested solutions to practical problems. This concise book offers a variety of interesting ways for power users to mine the enormous amount of information that Google has access to, and helps you have fun while doing it. You'll learn clever and powerful methods for using the advanced search interface and the new Google API, including how to build and modify scripts that can become custom business applications based on Google. Google Hacks contains 100 tips, tricks and scripts that you can use to become instantly more effective in your research. Each hack can be read in just a few minutes, but can save hours of searching for the right answers



Web Search Garage
by Tara Calishain
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (August 12, 2004)
ISBN: 0131471481

it's easy to be suspicious of a book about how to use search engines. After all, search engines are designed to be simple to use: You just type in your keywords and go. Web Search Garage takes over at the far end of what is obvious, where author Tara Calishain explains how to use little-known search engines (particularly specialized ones) and unadvertised features of more famous search tools (mainly Google and Yahoo). She also describes some clever hacks that are engine independent, such as the fact that U.S. states have official URLs ending with their postal abbreviation and .us, as in .wa.us for the state of Washington. You can narrow searches usefully with that bit of knowledge.



The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher (2004)
Author Randolph Hock
Publication Date 2004
Publisher Cyberage Books
A guide for anyone who makes use of the Internet for research, including librarians, teachers, students, business researchers, and writers, this book details what serious users have to know to fully take advantage of Internet search tools and resources. Newsgroups, image resources, and reference resources are covered, as are the major tools-search engines, directories, and portals-and strategies needed to access these resources. For those with little to moderate searching experience, friendly, easy-to-follow guidelines to the world of Internet research are provided. For experienced searchers, new perspectives on content and techniques are discussed.


Web Search Savvy: Strategies and Shortcuts for Online Research
by Barbara G. Friedman
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
August, 2004
This resource outlines research strategies and technologies for journalists performing electronic searches for the development of their news stories. The text covers retrieving and analysing information from the Internet and the Web in the development of news stories. The project also includes guidance for making sense of the information gathered and the use of such resources as spreadsheets and database managers to configure and analyze data. Providing the best techniques to make search engines work for the user, this book's purpose is to make time online efficient and productive by showing the quickest, most effective ways to find and retrieve information. It should guide the user to online databases and other directories of information, with an emphasis on free sites rather than fee-based ones. The book is organized in a logical way to help the reader find information online, but it is not limited to search strategies - it is intended to maximize proficiency to minimize time online. Full of practical tips, the techniques described in this book are intended to restore a measure of control to computer users who share the belief that the Internet should be a marketplace of ideas for all people and not just a marketplace.



Author: Michael Busby
ISBN: 1556220383
Publish Date: 12/1/2003
Publisher: Wordware Publishing

Learn Google covers how to use the basic, intermediate, and advanced search modifiers that Google makes available to users. Detailed information on how these search modifiers work helps not only the user find information amid the vast amount of material on the web, but also helps the web page designer who wants to position a web page in the top 10 percent of search results.



501 Web Site Secrets: Unleash the Power of Google, Amazon, eBay and More
Michael Miller
ISBN: 0-7645-5901-X
February 2004

Shows Internet users how to get the most out of Internet searches, portals, and commerce sites.
Covers using Google to solve mathematical equations, making search engines safe for kids, harnessing the full power of Yahoo!, and getting the best bargains on shopping sites
Explains how to search for street addresses and phone numbers, stock quotes and other financial information, MP3s and other digital music, computer programs and utilities, medical information, legal information, genealogical information, job listings, and more
Reveals the secrets behind directory sites, indexing, and search result rankings.



Keywords: Perl, spidering, screen-scraping, Java, Python, PHP
Title: Spidering Hacks
Editors: Kevin Hemenway and Tara Calishain
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN: 0596005776
Media: Book
Level: Intermediate Perl
Verdict: Excellent for Perl hackers interested in spidering

Spidering Hacks takes you to the next level in Internet data retrieval--beyond search engines--by showing you how to create spiders and bots to retrieve information from your favorite sites and data sources. You'll no longer feel constrained by the way host sites think you want to see their data presented--you'll learn how to scrape and repurpose raw data so you can view in a way that's meaningful to you.

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Mining Google Web Services: Building Applications with the Google API
By John Paul Mueller

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Firefox hack.
By Nigel McFarlane
1st Edition March 2005
Series: Hacks
ISBN: 0-596-00928-3
Firefox Hacks is ideal for power users who want to maximize the effectiveness of Firefox, the next-generation web browser that is quickly gaining in popularity. This highly-focused book offers all the valuable tips and tools you need to enjoy a superior and safer browsing experience. Learn how to customize its deployment, appearance, features, and functionality.