Всё о компьютерном "железе"


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Начинаю. Вот свежая книга (только со сканера, так сказать):

The Book of Overclocking: Tweak Your PC to Unleash Its Power by Robert Richmond, Scott Wainner

Product Details:
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: No Starch; 1 edition (January, 2003)
ISBN: 188641176X
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 0.8 inches
Размер электронной версии книги: 5,7 Мб

Product Description:
The Book of Overclocking is the definitive guide to the art of running a PC's processor faster than the manufacturer intended. This book explains the entire overclocking process, for PC enthusiasts who don't mind voiding the manufacturer's warranty. Readers learn how not to fry their systems while pushing the speed on everything from the Pentium 2 to the latest Athlon XP and Pentium 4 processors. Entire sections on cooling, troubleshooting, and benchmarking make sure readers get the most out of their machines.

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