The Berzerker


The Berzerker - The Berzerker (2000)
The Berzerker - World Of Lies (2005)

EAC, APE, CUE, Covers | ~330 & 450 Mb | 40:56 & 57:59
Death Metal / Industrial Death / Grind Metal

The Berzerker Official Site: _

Отряд мельбурнских пулеметчиков тайком высадился на берегах Туманного Альбиона и приготовился к массированной сверхзвуковой атаке на...меломанов-металистов всего мира. И знаете, некоторым подобная атака придется очень даже по вкусу. "Больные люди", – скажете вы, и будете в чем-то правы. "А разве могут быть здоровыми любители индустриального ультраскоростного дэт-грайнда?" – тут же возражу я. Ха-ха, а ответить-то на это возражение, получается, и нечего. (Взято на _www.metallibrary.ru_)

The Band:
Luke Kenny: vocals, programming
Jason V: guitar/bass on (The Berzerker, World of Lies, Animosity)
Sam Bean: guitar/bass (Self Titled, Dissimulate, World of Lies)
Ed Lacey: guitar/bass (The Berzerker, World of Lies)
Adrian: guitar/bass (World of Lies)
Matt Wilcock: guitar (Dissimulate)
Gary Thomas: drums (Dissimulate)

Ivan - Dragon Design (Self Titled, Dissimulate, World of Lies)

Touring Line up members:

Luke Kenny: vocals
Sam Bean: bass
Dave Gray: drums
Matt Wilcock: guitar

Tracklist (The Berzerker):
01. Reality 01:18
02. Forever 02:41
03. Burnt 02:53
04. Pain 02:14
05. Cannibal Rights 02:08
06. Massacre 03:26
07. Chronological Order Of Putrefaction 02:48
08. Deform 02:44
09. Slit Down 01:38
10. February 04:07
11. Mono Grind 01:01
12. Ignorance 02:01
13. Humanity 01:43
14. 95 03:52
15. Ode To Nash 05:43

Tracklist (World Of Lies):
01. Committed to Nothing 02:39
02. Black Heart 02:16
03. All About You 02:41
04. Burn the Evil 02:30
05. World of Tomorrow 02:24
06. Follow Me 02:42
07. Y 02:57
08. As The World Waits 03:16
09. Afterlife 03:20
10. Never Hated More 03:18
11. Free Yourself 03:03
12. Constant Pain 02:25
13. Silence 05:01
14. Farewell 20:07

APE, CUE, Covers:
File Contents:
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Back.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - CD.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Front & Inside.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inlay.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inside 1.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inside 2.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inside 3.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inside 4.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker - Inside 5.jpg
The Berzerker - The Berzerker (2000).ape
The Berzerker - The Berzerker (2000).cue


Only Covers:
Total: ~19Mb

File Contents:
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Back.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - CD.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Front & Inside.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inlay.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inside 1.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inside 2.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inside 3.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inside 4.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies - Inside 5.jpg
The Berzerker - World Of Lies (2005).ape
The Berzerker - World Of Lies (2005).cue


Only Covers:
Total: ~37Mb
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