RapidGet.Pro.RevOluTion v.5.1 100% work


100% рабочий
Работает даже с локала (сам проверял)

Pramod & Checkmate Proudly Presents º
²³ Pramod & Checkmate present RapidGet.Pro.v.5.1 ³±
²³ ³±
²³ ReLeaSe RapidGet 5.1 Pro RevOluTion ³±
²³ CoMPaNy RapidShare.de ³±
²³ TyPe Link Leecher ³±
²³ LaNGuaGe English ³±
²³ CoNtenTs: - rapidpro5.php ³±
²³ - redir.php ³±
²³ ReLeaSe DaTe 6th Feb. 2006 ³±
²³ STReeT DaTe 8th Feb 2006 ³±
²³ MoDiFieR Pramod & Checkmate ³±
²³ Original Author Vyrus ³±
²³ Description ³±
²³ ³±
²³ RapidGet is a PHP based application, primarily used to get the files on ³±
²³ Rapidshare.de. But it can also work with Megaupload.com and many other upload ³±
²³ services on the scene. ³±
²³ ³±
²³ New Features: ³±
²³ - FTP Upload: Now you can upload the files to your FTP account from the rapidget. ³±

²³ Installation ³±
²³ Upload 2 (two) files to your PHP-enabled host (MySQL is not required) ³±
²³ CHMOD the directory to 777 ³±
²³ Copy and Paste the link of Rapidshare/MegaUpload. The script will fetch it ³±
²³ directly to your host. ³±
Bugs report to rapidget.bug[at]gmail.com


pass: http://softa.net.tf