

PhotoPost 5.2.1 Pro - (WST)

[sCripT iNfO]
■ Script name : PhotoPost 5.2.1 Pro
■ Supplied by : Firenze
■ Nullified by : iNSANEgOD [WST]
■ Tested by : iNSANEgOD [WST]
■ Protection : Hotlinks, Copyright
■ Release date : 10-24-2005
■ Release type : PHP
■ Homepage :
■ Price : $129

Everyone loves showing off their photos! Add PhotoPost to your site, or let us
install it for you, and your users will be able to upload photos to galleries
on your site and interact in photo discussions. Join the 4,000+ sites that are
already using PhotoPost and add a fun new dimension to your website.
Have a forum? Our complete forum integration option even displays your
PhotoPost albums and photos inside an existing forum.

Скачать: -



//  ##########################################################################  \\
//  #      __  ______    _______ ___   _____ __________  _ ____  ___________ #  \\
//  #     /  |/  /   |  / ____(_)   | / ___// ____/ __ \(_) __ \/_  __/ ___/ #  \\
//  #    / /|_/ / /| | / /_  / / /| | \__ \/ /   / /_/ / / /_/ / / /  \__ \  #  \\
//  #   / /  / / ___ |/ __/ / / ___ |___/ / /___/ _, _/ / ____/ / /  ___/ /  #  \\
//  # ©/_/  /_/_/  |_/_/   /_/_/  |_/____/\____/_/ |_/_/_/     /_/  /____/   #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #                              MAFiASCRiPTS                              #  \\
//  #                            OFFICIAL RELEASE                            #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                  Copyright © 2007 ALL ENTHUSIAST, INC.                 #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # NAME        : PhotoPost Pro                                            #  \\
//  # VERSION     : 6.01                                                     #  \\
//  # TYPE        : Gallery System                                           #  \\
//  # SUPPLIED    : MS Supplier                                              #  \\
//  # NULLED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # TESTED BY   : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # PACKAGED    : MAFiASCRiPTS                                             #  \\
//  # LANGUAGE    : PHP/MYSQL                                                #  \\
//  # PROTECTION  : REMOVED                                                  #  \\
//  # WEBSITE     :                                        #  \\
//  # MST PRICE   : 100% FREE                                                #  \\
//  # DISTRO      : VIA MS                                                   #  \\
//  # DEMO        :                                 #  \\
//  # ADDONS      : n/a                                                      #  \\
//  # XTRA NOTE   : props goes to the contributors of this project           #  \\
//  # DOCS        : check 'Docs' for installation info                       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #------------------------------ DESCRiPTiON -----------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #  PhotoPost is PHP based software for your site that lets your users    #  \\
//  #  share and upload photos to galleries and to interact in photo         #  \\
//  #  discussions. Install it yourself, or let us get your gallery up and   #  \\ 
//  #  running in one day.                                                   #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # We (MST) are a professional group, always strive to pursue the         #  \\
//  # quality standard in script releasing.                  #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  # Talents Needed:                                                        #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   * Experienced nuller/coder/programmer                                #  \\
//  #   * Retail scripts supplier                                            #  \\
//  #   * Quality Assurance Testers                                          #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # Knowledge & skills in the following are helpful:                       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   * ionCube, Zend/SafeGaurd                                            #  \\
//  #   * SourceGaurdian                                                     #  \\
//  #   * Codelock, SourceCop                                                #  \\
//  #   * PHP LockIt!                                                        #  \\
//  #   * PHPShield, PHPCIPHER                                               #  \\
//  #   * PHTML Encoder, CNCrypto                                            #  \\
//  #   * Base64, gzinflate, str_rot13                                       #  \\
//  #   * TrueBug PHP Encoder                                                #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # If you fit any of the above categories, and you want to be part        #  \\
//  # of an elite team. Please feel free to contact us today if you're       #  \\
//  # looking to help support our community.                                 #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  #------------------------------------------------------------------------#  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  # Please keep in mind that we do this for fun only and what we are not,  #  \\
//  # is a technical services company. Therefore, we DO NOT accept any email #  \\
//  # or PM with regards to the following issues/problems :                  #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  #    * installation                          #  \\
//  #    * upgrading                          #  \\
//  #    * bug fixes                          #  \\
//  #    * missing files or manuals                    #  \\
//  #    * requesting updates or new version of software                     #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  # Your messages will be ignored and discarded without notices!        #  \\
//  #                                #  \\
//  ################################# NOTICE #################################  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #   We (MST) hold no responsibility for ANY releases. Use at your own    #  \\
//  #       discretion. If you like this software, then please buy it.       #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #  We DO NOT provide technical support for any type of issues which may  #  \\
//  #  be related to:                                                        #  \\
//  #      (e.g. installation, buggy script, upgrade, poor coding & etc).    #  \\
//  #                                 #  \\
//  #  Additionally, we DON'T condone the redistribution or the uses of our  #  \\
//  #               release for any type of commercial gain.                 #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  #                                                                        #  \\
//  ##########################################################################  \\