Kyodai MahJongg



Разработчик: Rene-Gilles Deberdt.
Интерфейс: Английский
OC: Win98/ME/4.x/XP/2000
Версия программы: 18.42

Kyodai MahJongg - Сборник очень красивых китайских 3D головоломок, включающий в себя Kyodai, Solitaire, Rivers, Memory, Clicks, Slider, Hashira и Mah-Jongg. Если у вас есть свободное время, то можете смело садиться за эту игру. Очень увлекательное занятие.

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Kyodai Mahjongg 2006 1.0
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Kyodai Mahjongg 2006 v1.2

Changes in Kyodai Mahjongg 2006 1.2:
- [Tileset] Replaced original Ancient tileset with a sharpened, crisper version which works quite well.
- [New] Finally!! Added Realistic Stones support for all mini-games.
- [New] Rewrote the window system to get rid of the "Play in a window" mode. Now you can switch naturally between windowed and maximized modes by double-clicking on the caption or clicking on the Maximize icon, and you can hide the taskbar in maximized mode by unchecking "Show Taskbar" in the View menu.
- [New] By popular demand, removed limitations to tile-removals in the layout editor, allowing for the creation of "floater layouts", where some tiles have no other tile behind them.
- [New] Replaced the Menus.rtf help file with a very helpful tooltip system that triggers when staying still on a menu item for one second. Every single menu entry is documented.
- [New] Added support for mip-mapping on tilesets. Just enable this feature in the 3D > Special effects menu and the textures will be smoother when the board is zoomed out.
- [New] Capped framerate to 200 FPS in CPU Idle timer mode, which is more than ever needed, and avoids overheating your video card and CPU.
- [New] Updated the expanded layout selector's preview window to use the multicolor tiles.
- [New] Added a few more function key shortcuts. Check out the Miscellaneous help file for the complete list.
- [Fix] Changed (again) the "Free pairs" term to "Free moves", since it didn't apply to all mini-games...
- [Fix] Forced animation type to Ghost in Rivers game to avoid issues with other animation types and when animations are disabled.
- [Fix] Fixed several bugs in the Backgrounds/Tilesets/Stonesets selector. e.g, access violation in the stoneset selector, and it was impossible to select the first tileset from inside the tileset selector.
- [Fix] Fixed "Reset Scores" option which was broken in v2006 1.0.
- [Fix] Fixed a bug that would use 100% of your CPU's resources when showing a dialog box.
- [Fix] Fixed a potential access violation when quitting the program with a dialog box still showing.
- [Fix] Fixed a potential freeze when resizing windows on machines with an NVidia video card.
- [Fix] Fixed broken cube-mapped environment mapping option.
- [Fix] Fixed glitchy soft shadows in 2D mode with Realistic Tiles enabled.
- [Fix] Fixed another glitch in soft shadows in 2D and 3D modes when resizing the window.
- [Fix] Fixed non-working colored layers in 2D mode when switching from Realistic Tiles to Simple Cubes.
- [Fix] Re-implemented status text scrolling, after complaints that the "No more moves" mention was no longer easily noticeable.
- [Fix] Fixed graphic glitches when using 2D mode with Textured interface disabled.
- [Fix] In v2006 1.0, when the Hallfame.ini wasn't found, the program would use the one from an earlier version, without copying it to its own directory. Now it does.
- [Fix] Finished optimizing the Hallfame.ini file. Empty entries are now completely discarded, even inside a layout which has valid entries.
- [Fix] Fixed invisible fireworks on some configurations.
- [Fix] As with every release, many quick fixes and improvements I was too lazy to report here.

Full Download (14.1 Мб)
(includes 25 min. of CD music)
_ 14.1

Small Download (5.8 Мб)
(includes 2 min. of CD music)

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