Cms Master v1.0 nullified


Cms-Master v1.0 nullified

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Nullified by: GTT
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What is a CMS?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a website building and editing tool that allows a group of developers to remotely create and update web content. With a CMS you can effectively decentralize the authoring process. Your content providers, writers, managers, editors, technical staff, as well as clients will have a flexible environment to work with site content. All they need is a user account with CMS Master (for access control based on groups of users with varied privileges) and a PC with Internet connection!
Combination of usability and simplicity

CMS Master is a perfect solution for both non-technical employees engaged in content management and professional content developers. In CMS Master we successfully combined the simplicity of use and comprehensive functionality of this kind of software. Learn more about how you can benefit from the use of our product!

CMS Master is fully browser-based software, which means you will not require any additional plug-ins or third-party tools to work with it. It offers an intuitive and familiar user interface that does not demand previous end-user training or programming / HTML knowledge. Moreover, our flexible licensing policy makes CMS Master extremely affordable!

What makes our CMS different?

Our Content Management System allows you to build a site from scratch! It provides the ability to manage the structure of the site, especially if your site has a heavily linked structure. You will have full control over site navigation, page order, page headers and titles. The authoring environment is designed to work like MS Word application that adds even more latitude to the creativity of the Visual Editor. Also CMS Master offers a unique option for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) create description and keywords for the whole website and all pages within it. CMS Master features are much broader than the above-mentioned. Look through the complete list of features!

CMS Master - простая и удобная система для создания сайтов и управления контентом (изменения содержимого страниц, добавления новостей). Она имеет мощный встроенный WYSIWIG редактор, что позволяет работать с системой не только профессионалам, но и новичкам, не знакомым с языком html. C помощью CMS Master можно создавать и редактировать структуру сайта, отдельные страницы, менять их содержимое, систему меню, добавлять изображения и другие файлы. Данная CMS использует темплейты, что позволяет быстро изменить дизайн всего сайта. Есть возможность подключения дополнительных модулей: статистики посещений, форума и.т. д. Для работы с CMS Master необходим только браузер и поддержка PHP и MySQL на вашем хостинге.

Downloadable Help Files:

Overview of CMS Master, summary of the key features.

Reference tool that explains the basics of content management and includes examples and detailed instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for installation of CMS Master.

Learn how to customize template files.



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